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Ineresting. 1 reply

.PHREAKZILLA. said on: 2007-10-21 12:08 am
6350 Days, 13 Hrs, 10 Min, 31 Sec ago
I have got this e-mail which I thought was a bit interesting. Can't you tell?

Some 45% of wives say their husbands snore. How many husbands will admit it: (a) 5%; (b) 15%; or (c) 25%?
A: Only 5% (USA Today).

Q: During the first hour after using cocaine, does the user's risk of heart attack increase: (a) two times; (b) 12 times; or (c) 24 times?
A: 24 times (American Heart Association).

Fun Fact: If you bury a gas bill, it will decompose in about four months.

Q: In North America, children hang their stockings at Christmas. In Holland, do children receive gifts in their: (a) stockings; (b) shoes; or (c) hats?
A: Their shoes. And gifts may appear anytime between mid-November and St. Nicholas Day, December 6th.

Q: Who tap, tap, taps on your window pane to tell you they're in town: (a) Alvin, Simon, & Theodore; (b) Suzy Snowflake; or (c) six geese a-laying?
A: Suzy Snowflake.

Wisdom: We feel closer to everybody at Christmas time — especially in the checkout lines.

Q: For every dollar you spend for produce at the supermarket, how much goes to the farmer who grew the produce: (a) 5 cents; (b) 10 cents; or (c) 15 cents?
A: About 5 cents (National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture).

Q: Your blood-pressure skyrockets when you can't remove the price stickers from glass items. Should you: (a) insist that the store remove all stickers; (b) found an anti-sticker consumer group; or (c) dab the sticker with mineral oil, peel it off, then wipe the glass clean with cotton soaked in rubbing alcohol?
A: Tightwad Living magazine says #c works.

Wisdom: Education will never be as expensive as ignorance.

Q: Your co-workers are harrassing you about your severely stained coffee cup. Should you: (a) plant a flower in it; (b) file a lawsuit for cup abuse; or (c) sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge, wipe away the stains, and burn the sponge?
A: #c sounds prudent.

Q: What country started the Christmas tradition of exchanging gifts: (a) Italy; (b) Greece; or (c) Norway?
A: Italy (the Romans).

Q: According to USA Today, is the favorite luxury car of more U.S. corporate financial officers: (a) Mercedes-Benz; (b) Lexus; or (c) BMW?
A: Lexus. Mercedes is #2, BMW #3.

Wisdom: A great many children face the difficult task of learning good behavior without ever seeing any.

Q: How many American women over age 35 now play basketball in leagues: (a) 17; (b) 170-thousand; or (c) 1.7-million?
A: 1.7-million are participating at Y's, parks, and recreation centers (Vitality magazine).

Q: Is the average bra size: (a) 34-B; (b) 36-C; or (c) 38-D?
A: 36-C. Ten years ago it was 34-B.

Q: You suffer from misopedia. Do you have an abnormal aversion to: (a) very large books; (b) children; or (c) people who won't spend money?
A: You can't stand children.

Fun Fact: Theodore Roosevelt had more pets at the White House than any other president, including cats, dogs, ponies, guinea pigs, lizards, and kangaroos.

Q: Who said, "There are some nights you and your image just aren't in the same bed." Was it: (a) Markie Post; (b) Matthew McConaughey; or (c) Ralph Macchio?
A: Actor Matthew McConaughey.

Q: According to British research, which daily personal grooming activity soon may no longer be necessary: (a) tooth brushing; (b) hair combing; or (c) showering or bathing?
A: Tooth brushing. A new generation of mouthwashes, used twice a week, will prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth (Popular Science).

Q: When Bill Gates formed his first company to sell a computerized traffic counting system to cities, was he: (a) 14; (b) 16; or (c) 18?
A: He was 14. His company made $20,000 the first year, but business dropped off when customers found out how young he was.

Wisdom: We can never have an honest political race until we develop an honest human race.

Q: People who exercise regularly sleep more soundly, with one exception. Is the one exception: (a) children with asthma; (b) women who work out in the evening; or (c) men who work out in the morning?
A: Women have more sleep problems when they work out in the evening (Research at the University of Arizona, Tucson).

Q: How many American men have not had a vacation in the past year: (a) 62%; (b) 72%; or (c) 82%?
A: 72% (Vitality magazine).

Wisdom: It's best to let God have our life because He can do more with it than we can.

Q: Hockey right winger Kelly Chase was born on this day in 1967. Was Kelly born in: (a) Beaver Bend, Manitoba; (b) Porcupine Plain, Saskatchewan; or (c) Marmot Mountain, Alberta?
A: Porcupine Plain, Saskatchewan.

Fat Fact: People who can see themselves in a mirror while eating consume 32% less fatty foods than those who can't (Research at Iowa State Unversity, Ames).

Q: According to research at Columbia University, which teenagers are more likely to smoke, drink, and use drugs: (a) the ones raised by single mothers; or (b) the ones who have bad relationships with their fathers in two-parent families?
A: The ones with bad teen-father relationships in two-parent familes (National Center on Addiction).

Q: It has half the fat of chicken, one-eighth the fat of beef, and is high in protein. Is it: (a) swan; (b) pea mocking bird ; or (c) ostrich?
A: Ostrich (Men's Health magazine).

Q: This year your corn shucks are thicker than usual. Does this mean: (a) your jokes are cornier than usual; (b) it'll be a rough winter; or (c) your chickens will lay heavier eggs?
A: Weather folklore says thicker, tougher shucks mean a rough winter.

Wisdom: What the world needs is fewer rules and more good examples.

Q: Did the directors at Mount Vernon spend $3-million last year to give George Washingon’s reputation more: (a) "dignity;" (b) "sizzle;" or (c) "charisma?"
A: Mount Vernon wanted George to have more "sizzle."
DrakenRahl said on: 2007-10-21 08:42 am
6350 Days, 4 Hrs, 36 Min, 13 Sec ago
Some interesting stuff in there... Some kinda gay things also tho lol, but mostly interesting.