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Yo Momma jokes 28 replies
Let's here your best?
Yo momma's so stupid she sits on the TV and watches the couch.
Yo momma's so fat, when she swims in the ocean, whales get near and start singing "We Are Family".
Yo momma's so fat, her driver license's picture had to be put on the back of her card.
Yo momma smells so bad, she was ranked 3rd in the list of chemical agents causing global warming.
Yo momma's so fat, when she swims in the ocean, whales get near and start singing "We Are Family".
Yo momma's so fat, her driver license's picture had to be put on the back of her card.
Yo momma smells so bad, she was ranked 3rd in the list of chemical agents causing global warming.
Yo momma's shoes are so old they squeak when she walks!
Yo momma owns so many pairs of shoes she can't tell them apart!
Yo momma has so many cooking utensils she doesn't have to clean them every day!
Yo momma owns so many pairs of shoes she can't tell them apart!
Yo momma has so many cooking utensils she doesn't have to clean them every day!
Yo momma so fat that she nearly put Safeway out of business.
Yo momma so poor that the only time she smelled hot foods was when a rich bloke farted.
You momma so smelly that when she spread her legs, I got seasick.
Yo momma so poor that the only time she smelled hot foods was when a rich bloke farted.
You momma so smelly that when she spread her legs, I got seasick.
Your mom.


Lol ^
No contribution huh.
yo momma is so fat i had to take a train and 2 busses just to get around her
LOL @ the picture. *Saves*
Yo mama makes me a sandwich when I tell her to.
Yo mama's so fat and stinky, Chuck Norris runs away from her.
Yo mama makes me a sandwich when I tell her to.
Yo mama's so fat and stinky, Chuck Norris runs away from her.
DF! Man this isnt the first time I randomly see old people come by for a post, wtf?!
yo momma so poor i saw her walkin down the street kickin a can i asked her what she doin she said moving
Yo momma so dumb, she put M&Ms in alphabetical order
Yo momma so fat, the last time she saw 90210 was on the scale
Yo momma so fat, the last time she saw 90210 was on the scale
oh snap!
Yo momma so fat she's once, twice, three times a lady.
Yo mamma so filthy when she goes to ocean she leaves an oil slick.
Yo momma so dirty they can grease truck axles with her hair.
Yo momma so loose men have to strap a board on their ass to keep from falling in.
Yo momma so loose they use a shovel for her pap smear.
Yo momma so loose the gynecologist straps a miner's lamp on his head and takes a rope in for the exam.
Yo momma so dirty they can grease truck axles with her hair.
Yo momma so loose men have to strap a board on their ass to keep from falling in.
Yo momma so loose they use a shovel for her pap smear.
Yo momma so loose the gynecologist straps a miner's lamp on his head and takes a rope in for the exam.
You're mom is so ugly we're gonna push her face in dough and make gorilla busicuts.
LOL nath
Yo momma's so fat her flab has 3 timezones
Yo momma's so fat she could open a carwash by strapping a beachtowel on her butt
Yo momma's so far she needed an extra notch in the asteroid belt
Yo momma's so fat her flab has 3 timezones
Yo momma's so fat she could open a carwash by strapping a beachtowel on her butt
Yo momma's so far she needed an extra notch in the asteroid belt
yo momma so fat her blood type is Ragu
you mom... had to give birth to you...
worst thing in the world.
worst thing in the world.
Actually I think coming out of my mom was the worst for me...
Cant blame me for coming out early!
Cant blame me for coming out early!
Yo mama so easy, the million man march is a line to her bedroom
Yo momma is so fat she ate the punchline.
Yo mama so fat that when whe was born, she gave the hospital stretch marks!
wow jing lol how'd u find this old school what did I just step in last post was (312 Days, 7 Hrs, 28 Min, 34 Sec ago)
She get Stuck!
[Added at 07/26/2009 00:23:08 by Bosnian035]
Yo Momma so Fat.. When she Jump for joy...She get Stuck!
Yo mama so stupid that when I told her to take out the trash, she tried to move the house!
Yo mama so fat when I told her to move, she rolled!
I'm not good at these yo mama jokes, lol.
Nice find JING ;) Did you google it or have it saved? :P
Yo mama so fat when I told her to move, she rolled!
I'm not good at these yo mama jokes, lol.
Nice find JING ;) Did you google it or have it saved? :P
Yo momma so fat she's like 900 pounds
[Added at 07/27/2009 14:51:13 by Nataku]
Yo momma is such a slut she has aids
yo momma so stupid she looked for Dr. pepper in the phonebook.