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Sandbox 5 replies

DrakenRahl said on: 2010-02-20 12:17 pm
5497 Days, 6 Hrs, 50 Min, 25 Sec ago
Wasn't sure if this should go here or Nations.. Whatever.. General it is, I have posted something like this before but it is happening again and I am trying to figure this out, I don't remember anyone helping me much. =p

Also, something interesting happened last time I posted this, lets see if it'll happen again. :)

Tier 1
Population (158372/158400)
Your population is extremely low! I suggest you do something about it soon before your Nation crumbles.
Tier 2
Population (158372/158400)
Your population is extremely low! I suggest you do something about it soon before your Nation crumbles.
Your total progress is: 2 / 7

Wtf, Achievements?! I'm 28 people short of completely maxed out and still considered extremely low? Is there an actually tier three?

[Added at 02/20/2010 22:07:42 by DrakenRahl]
I think I got it! lol Screw all you guys who wouldn't help me! I figured it out and now you're all SOL!
Stoutn said on: 2010-02-20 10:15 pm
5496 Days, 20 Hrs, 53 Min, 4 Sec ago
Nataku said on: 2010-04-14 02:31 pm
5444 Days, 4 Hrs, 36 Min, 34 Sec ago
Mini695 said on: 2010-04-16 08:40 am
5442 Days, 10 Hrs, 27 Min, 40 Sec ago
Skully said on: 2010-04-16 03:13 pm
5442 Days, 3 Hrs, 54 Min, 25 Sec ago
C-C-C-Combo Breaker
Nataku said on: 2010-04-30 08:15 pm
5427 Days, 22 Hrs, 52 Min, 32 Sec ago
That's how i do it yo!