Nations Forum

I need 2 tec partners. 11 replies

Pic said on: 2007-01-16 09:26 pm
6458 Days, 59 Minutes, 45 Seconds ago
Pls msg me in game – I’ll be playing seriously next round for the first time in a while.
Rick.T said on: 2007-01-16 10:02 pm
6458 Days, 23 Minutes, 56 Seconds ago
Ill need one
_Highroller_ said on: 2007-01-16 10:04 pm
6458 Days, 22 Minutes, 3 Seconds ago
i need one too.
XSquad said on: 2007-01-16 10:09 pm
6458 Days, 16 Minutes, 51 Seconds ago
PIC i love you !!! you know i need one!
Entity-Neo said on: 2007-01-16 10:14 pm
6458 Days, 12 Minutes, 3 Seconds ago
gave u a msg
Rick.T said on: 2007-01-16 10:15 pm
6458 Days, 11 Minutes, 3 Seconds ago

You said you were about to delete one ours to get one with Mooney

you dont need one you just want to upgrade techies

but i need one
Communist said on: 2007-01-16 10:33 pm
6457 Days, 23 Hrs, 53 Min, 0 Sec ago
i need 1 techie
_SANDMAN_ said on: 2007-01-17 06:42 am
6457 Days, 15 Hrs, 44 Min, 40 Sec ago
going to play this round and need 2 techies
Shinji said on: 2007-01-17 07:31 am
6457 Days, 14 Hrs, 55 Min, 31 Sec ago
sent u 1 pic
Cap4 said on: 2007-01-17 09:09 am
6457 Days, 13 Hrs, 17 Min, 29 Sec ago
I need 3 tech all.
SM-Lord_Cyric said on: 2007-01-17 09:21 am
6457 Days, 13 Hrs, 4 Min, 46 Sec ago
Need two
Green-Knight said on: 2007-01-18 06:54 pm
6456 Days, 3 Hrs, 31 Min, 51 Sec ago
If anyone who posted before or anyone else for that matter still needs a tech alliance I need one too, so if you would consider me as a tech partner msg me in nationd. thanks