Nations Forum

War... 27 replies

TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-01-26 02:31 pm
6448 Days, 12 Hrs, 46 Min, 13 Sec ago
Unlike Ilidan's war with Jing, this war wont hit a snag. It is between me and Warbeast. There is also Rick.T and Khitan.

The war will end when Warbeast once and for all says that he got pwnt.

Warbeast Vs TWD
Rick.T Vs Khitan

Who do you think will win?
Rick.T said on: 2007-01-26 02:32 pm
6448 Days, 12 Hrs, 44 Min, 55 Sec ago
Brg it on khitan

me v u

mono e mono

TinaMiaz said on: 2007-01-26 02:34 pm
6448 Days, 12 Hrs, 42 Min, 42 Sec ago
Heh, I wonder how this will turn out...Definetly not how it was planned I'm sure...
Khitan said on: 2007-01-26 02:44 pm
6448 Days, 12 Hrs, 32 Min, 51 Sec ago
good thing that boy finally acted like a man. b4 that it was 3 vs. 1 ahahaha
Rick.T said on: 2007-01-26 02:46 pm
6448 Days, 12 Hrs, 30 Min, 46 Sec ago
I was receiving alot of attacks as well

[Added at 01/26/2007 15:46:57 by Rick.T]
but its 1 v 1 now
Khitan said on: 2007-01-26 02:49 pm
6448 Days, 12 Hrs, 27 Min, 26 Sec ago
good thing you're actually a man nowwww

[Added at 01/26/2007 15:51:33 by Khitan]
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Rick.T of Greenland
Weather Conditions:
Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you\'ve won 15 and lost 11 battle(s)

Rick.T Casualties:
Rick.T lost 0 Guerrilla
Rick.T lost 0 Tanks
Rick.T lost 0 Ships
Rick.T lost 370 Planes
Rick.T lost 0 Submarines

Your Casualties:
You lost 0 Guerrilla
You lost 0 Tanks
You lost 0 Ships
You lost 132 Planes
You lost 0 Submarines

Your army mopped up Rick.T, with no further battle information to report.

ROFLS! boy can\'t fight
Rick.T said on: 2007-01-26 03:11 pm
6448 Days, 12 Hrs, 6 Min, 17 Sec ago
Big deal...

I lost 320 planes

But yeah whos the boy now 9mm is already attacking me
Khitan said on: 2007-01-26 03:17 pm
6448 Days, 11 Hrs, 59 Min, 36 Sec ago
who was the guy that had 4 pussies on me from the start? lets see there was Kane, guildamage, the whitedemon and u. looks like nirvana is a bunch of boys.
WARBEAST said on: 2007-01-26 03:22 pm
6448 Days, 11 Hrs, 55 Min, 16 Sec ago
but they will turn INTO girls when WE are DONE

TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-01-26 03:40 pm
6448 Days, 11 Hrs, 36 Min, 33 Sec ago
We are a bunch of boys, at least till Red joined. Then we became a bunch of boys and then we had 1 girl.
Gemz said on: 2007-01-26 03:50 pm
6448 Days, 11 Hrs, 26 Min, 41 Sec ago
i place my bets on warbeast.

On the simple fact that he will NEVER say that.
WARBEAST said on: 2007-01-26 03:51 pm
6448 Days, 11 Hrs, 26 Min, 2 Sec ago
WHOOSH "over his head" it WENT....MUHAHAHAHA
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-01-26 03:55 pm
6448 Days, 11 Hrs, 21 Min, 50 Sec ago
I guess we need to be on your level to understand your caps.
Rick.T said on: 2007-01-26 04:15 pm
6448 Days, 11 Hrs, 1 Min, 33 Sec ago
and yet after khitan accepts the 1 on 1 he has members attack me

[Added at 01/26/2007 17:16:33 by Rick.T]
Khitan said on: 2007-01-26 15:34:39
Sent: 1 Hours, 41 Minutes, 16 Seconds ago


hey act like a man. lets go 1 on 1 wicked witch of the south - [Reply]

Khitan said on: 2007-01-26 04:24 pm
6448 Days, 10 Hrs, 53 Min, 10 Sec ago
Rick.T said on: 2007-01-26 08:56:34
Sent: 8 Hours, 23 Minutes, 45 Seconds ago
You a traitor

Trust me we have only began our attacks on you our littlt traitor freind

And if you thnk those attacks hurt they didnt because im already re built

Your a noob for attacking that much now your readyness is low

so now for my clanmates to missile you down
- [Reply]

Rick.T said on: 2007-01-26 04:36 pm
6448 Days, 10 Hrs, 40 Min, 32 Sec ago
Im not whining im stating me and you are suppose to be 1 on 1
GuildaMage said on: 2007-01-26 04:57 pm
6448 Days, 10 Hrs, 19 Min, 31 Sec ago
For the record, i only attacks khitan once or twice. ;]

Looks like Nirvana is about to go belly up so..dont expect any more attacks from me. ;]

[Added at 01/26/2007 17:59:55 by Guildamage]
My attacks were only done because my clan asked me to. No hard feelings i hope. =)
TinaMiaz said on: 2007-01-26 05:40 pm
6448 Days, 9 Hrs, 36 Min, 56 Sec ago
Wow guildmage...that's pretty sad. You just shouldn't have posted that here...
Gemz said on: 2007-01-26 07:00 pm
6448 Days, 8 Hrs, 17 Min, 15 Sec ago

If my clan told me to mass someone i wouldnt waste a single moment in doing it.

And its not his fault casey cant run a clan.
WARBEAST said on: 2007-01-27 06:15 am
6447 Days, 21 Hrs, 1 Min, 33 Sec ago
yes but your ALLIES are the ONES to WORRY, remember the SILENT ones are the TARGETS...makes the WAR last but a SHORT TIME,,
GuildaMage said on: 2007-01-27 07:01 am
6447 Days, 20 Hrs, 16 Min, 17 Sec ago

I wanted them to know it was nothing personal, just doing what i was asked of me by my clan.

Granted i come from a different game where clan's have more importance, but when my clan asks me to do something, unless i made some kind of personal truce with the intended target, i will do it to my utmost abilities, Regardless of the costs. Thats what being a good clan member is..doing what your told by your SAs. ;]
TinaMiaz said on: 2007-01-27 07:16 am
6447 Days, 20 Hrs, 38 Sec ago
I'm saying that you dipped on your clan pretty fast as soon as you saw problems coming...tsk tsk at you.
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-01-27 07:59 am
6447 Days, 19 Hrs, 17 Min, 42 Sec ago
Gemz you have no idea why i left. Nirvana was split up because i left. I was the leader, you can go stfu. If you were in Nirvana maybe then you could speak but you werent, so i say again STFU
Gemz said on: 2007-01-27 08:30 am
6447 Days, 18 Hrs, 46 Min, 39 Sec ago

TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-01-27 09:23 am
6447 Days, 17 Hrs, 54 Min, 18 Sec ago
Gemz have you ever lead a clan?
GuildaMage said on: 2007-01-27 09:43 am
6447 Days, 17 Hrs, 34 Min, 3 Sec ago
Ahh, you have it a bit wrong Tina. I left after all the SAs left. Its kind of hard to have a clan if you have no leaders for it. ;]

[Added at 01/27/2007 10:44:30 by Guildamage]
And for the record, Im one of the newest players to the game, probably the newest player for nirvana, yet i spent a good deal of time in chat trying to hold the clan together and keep rick and twd from leaving.
Space-Monkey said on: 2007-01-27 01:41 pm
6447 Days, 13 Hrs, 35 Min, 33 Sec ago
Casey, i pwn you
Silent_Killer said on: 2007-01-27 10:13 pm
6447 Days, 5 Hrs, 4 Min, 7 Sec ago
WARBEAST, you still haven't replied to my message about whether you wanted to be thrashed from last round...