Nations Forum

Alternative Clan Ranks (Congrats Avengers!) 13 replies

Korgrath (Mod) said on: 2007-06-16 02:53 pm
6307 Days, 11 Hrs, 41 Min, 3 Sec ago
Clan ranks with some help from Guildamage!

1. Avengers - 50, 45, 37, 35, 34, 32, 23, 22, 20, 19
= 317

2. Chattan - 49, 48, 42, 27, 26, 24, 8

3. SM - 41, 36, 21, 18, 16, 12, 9, 6

4. IC - 40, 30, 29, 17, 15, 11

5. Starland Raiders - 46, 39, 33, 13, 4

6. 7th Georgia Calvary - 47, 38, 31, 14

7. Doom - 43, 28, 26, 2, 1

8. Horei - 44, 10

9. TrueX - 7, 5

10. DK - 3
GuildaMage said on: 2007-06-16 03:28 pm
6307 Days, 11 Hrs, 5 Min, 19 Sec ago
Yay, congrats to everyone. =D
AgentX said on: 2007-06-16 03:44 pm
6307 Days, 10 Hrs, 50 Min, 1 Sec ago
wow congrat to avengers
Tommy_V said on: 2007-06-16 04:40 pm
6307 Days, 9 Hrs, 53 Min, 44 Sec ago
Whoo! AC!
_SANDMAN_ said on: 2007-06-16 04:56 pm
6307 Days, 9 Hrs, 37 Min, 48 Sec ago
seems like clan rankings should have a percentage based score....dealing with amount of members in ratio to top 50.We have only 5 members and all ranked,seems like a point reward should be out there for this.
Stormbringer said on: 2007-06-16 07:06 pm
6307 Days, 7 Hrs, 27 Min, 28 Sec ago
Thanks for the alt rankings! Congrats to everyone!
LagunaCid said on: 2007-06-16 07:20 pm
6307 Days, 7 Hrs, 13 Min, 52 Sec ago
SANDMAN, it would give out the same rank # of the normal clan ranking.
GuildaMage said on: 2007-06-16 07:47 pm
6307 Days, 6 Hrs, 46 Min, 24 Sec ago
Regular clan rankings do it by average sandman.
AK47 said on: 2007-06-16 08:49 pm
6307 Days, 5 Hrs, 44 Min, 30 Sec ago

congrats to AC for back to back clan rank wins as well as round winners! =D
Moonshine said on: 2007-06-16 10:34 pm
6307 Days, 3 Hrs, 59 Min, 38 Sec ago
Good job AC. Very proud of sM. good job boys
Cruzader said on: 2007-06-17 12:28 am
6307 Days, 2 Hrs, 5 Min, 21 Sec ago
This round sucked, I forgot to do my rise. :(
Jing said on: 2007-06-17 02:52 am
6306 Days, 23 Hrs, 41 Min, 17 Sec ago
a late one but good job korgy.
Gi_joe (Vip) said on: 2007-06-17 09:32 am
6306 Days, 17 Hrs, 1 Min, 21 Sec ago
awesome job to all the members of ac, way to go. guild, what can i say. FANTASTIC JOB. you havn't played very long and you are already dominating. love to see the "winner" by your name.
GuildaMage said on: 2007-06-17 11:17 am
6306 Days, 15 Hrs, 16 Min, 22 Sec ago
=D Thanks Gi_Joe ME too for that matter, lol.