Nations Forum
Skipping School 20 replies
Who eles is skipping beside me to rise? :P
I skipped school to rise in rounds 66, 67 and 69. :P
I'm taking mc for rise :)
ROFL when I skipped school it was to go smoke pot... Sometimes we skipped and went to go box eachother or some kids who we challenged or challenged us(Friend of mine who was a boxer would coordinate the matches and bring gloves to school)... Sometimes we'd go to a friends house or downtown... but skip school to do your rise... ROFL
i remember boxing at school.
i remember boxing at school.
i remember boxing at school.
i remember boxing at school.
That's sad to be honest...Quite sad :
You still have time to fix this...
You still have time to fix this...
And I thought my friends who skipped classes to go MC was bad... Wtf?!!...its not that serious!
Just play it at school.
^There's a thought.
Yeah im going to go ask my techer...
"Hey tech, can i go to the libaray so i can play my turns real quick?"
That'll be a big no
"Hey tech, can i go to the libaray so i can play my turns real quick?"
That'll be a big no
I think a lot school actually restricted us from playing game.
And we the students, constantly find ways to get pass that.
And we the students, constantly find ways to get pass that.
i dropped out of school to play nations :>
Skipping school just to rise?
That's really amazing...
That's really amazing...
Yea SS skipping school to smoke pot is so much better than skipping to do their rise rite?
hells yeha,
yo i fall asleep on my rises. if i had a rise in school i'd be happy. im in college i have cpu access every second LOL with wi-fi wireless xD
I've graduated and I dont know if I'm gonna be at work or not for the rise, but honestly, I dont care.
Laguna, the key difference is that smoking pot is cool.
probly gonna have more fun smokin pot too, anyway zombie-heath, i hate you....