Nations Forum
Just so you know 14 replies
I'm still here every day or two. You guys are just so boring that I have found no reason to post.
Yeah, so boring!
so very boring
Boring corey! Now you have the job to close this thread. Still boring?
Haha Mr.Liquid hasnt been here in forever, and HE says boring. Lame Corey, lame.
If I could delete threads, you fools would have some bad karma.
Awe Corey, you know you love our spamming.
Cory spams just about the same amount as everyone else, when someone passes his spam count... Thats when he starts passing out the bad karma....
[Added at 09/23/2010 14:48:29 by DivineDragon]
Also, I forgot... I agree with cory, there ain't much going on right now, so I've been here but not posting...:/
I just don't have any reason to say anything. You guys are boring, and you keep in line, so my job is pretty much just to check in. And I can't use forums from my phone, so I don't post very often. I'm thinking of coming back to play a couple of rounds tho.
If posting nude pictures, spamming the crud out of the forums, and making fun of Blake's hat is keeping in line...