Terran Legacy Forum

Birthday 4 replies

Assassination4 said on: 2007-01-20 10:29 pm
6454 Days, 9 Hrs, 52 Sec ago
It's my birthday, the big one six.

Presents anyone? :)
Flindy said on: 2007-01-20 11:16 pm
6454 Days, 8 Hrs, 13 Min, 23 Sec ago
Happy Birthday!!!

/geez me u and tony all in the same week:)
TinaMiaz said on: 2007-01-21 06:59 am
6454 Days, 30 Minutes, 39 Seconds ago
Happy birthday d00d. 16 years, *sigh* good times xP
Assassination4 said on: 2007-01-21 08:21 am
6453 Days, 23 Hrs, 8 Min, 6 Sec ago
^_^ Thanks guys.
Unorthadoxx said on: 2007-01-21 09:42 am
6453 Days, 21 Hrs, 47 Min, 17 Sec ago
Happy B-day man. I'll call you tonight :p