Terran Legacy Forum

(§.O.A) Signup 15 replies

Red (Tester) said on: 2007-05-12 04:05 pm
6342 Days, 6 Hrs, 19 Min, 24 Sec ago
I'm taking the liberty of Ressurecting SOA.

So far, just by tag. I'll do all teh other jazz later.


Put this tag in your name and post your stats here if you wish to join.

[Added at 05/12/2007 18:06:23 by Red]

Apoc. You come back to TL and help me. ^_^

[Added at 05/12/2007 18:08:08 by Red]


I stole Shady's thingy. Hehe.
WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2007-05-12 04:08 pm
6342 Days, 6 Hrs, 16 Min, 24 Sec ago
Lieutenant WeaponX (§.O.A)
Credits $2865.00
Bank $1205996.00
Health (15295/15295)
Weapon Vulcan Cannon S-F2
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item Shield Generator [?] [drop]
Exp. 81183564/97185894
Kills 1111-6

[Added at 05/13/2007 15:54:28 by WeaponX]
Private WeaponX (§.O.A)
Credits $77.00
Bank $120.00
Health (75/75)
Weapon 20mm Laser Pistol
Armor Standard Armor
Item No item
Exp. 4842/1670
Kills 116-0

[Added at 05/20/2007 17:32:36 by WeaponX]

Captain WeaponX (§.o.A) Co-£ead
Credits $0.00
Bank $821586.00
Health (74382/74382)
Weapon Multi-Cannon
Armor Adamite Vest
Item No item
Exp. 526779340/565357823
Kills 3478-15

Commander WeaponX (§.o.A)
Credits $54575.00
Bank $4233233.00
Health (34550/34550)
Weapon Flak Cannon
Armor Goliath Mech Suit V2
Item Light Stimpak [?] [use] [drop]
Exp. 1183554754/265698345
Kills 13333-11
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-05-12 04:38 pm
6342 Days, 5 Hrs, 46 Min, 10 Sec ago
Warrant Officer WhiteDemon(§.O.A)
Credits $6525.00
Bank $422729.00
Health (7620/7620)
Weapon Bottle(VIP v4)
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item No item
Exp. 45461644/47304728
Kills 870-5
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-05-12 05:24 pm
6342 Days, 5 Hrs, 9 Sec ago
Warrant Officer Red (§.O.A) [L]
Credits $0.00
Bank $131889.00
Health (7620/7620)
Weapon Red's Laz3r(VIP v4)
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item Small Shield Generator [?] [drop]
Exp. 17138022/47304728
Kills 362-3
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-05-12 10:10 pm
6342 Days, 13 Minutes, 54 Seconds ago
That's so not fair! I wish I could join!
Nookie_06 said on: 2007-05-12 10:15 pm
6342 Days, 9 Minutes, 48 Seconds ago
merge SK and SOA
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-05-13 09:48 am
6341 Days, 12 Hrs, 36 Min, 41 Sec ago
No. Bump! Need more pplz.
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-05-13 09:51 am
6341 Days, 12 Hrs, 33 Min, 7 Sec ago
There will be no merger. As much as I love SoA, stealing my § was the last straw! They will perish!!

Naw, I'm just kidding. But seriously, no merger. SoA and SK fight better as seperate clans.
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-05-13 12:30 pm
6341 Days, 9 Hrs, 53 Min, 57 Sec ago
If nobody joins, it's impossible to fight for the S thing. :P
Scytherboom said on: 2007-05-13 01:10 pm
6341 Days, 9 Hrs, 14 Min, 6 Sec ago
Specialist Scythy (§.O.A)
Credits $6251.00
Bank $0.00
Health (155/155)
Weapon Vulcan Cannon S-F2
Armor Goliath Mech Armor
Item No item
Exp. 357024/28227
Kills 355-0
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-05-13 03:16 pm
6341 Days, 7 Hrs, 8 Min, 21 Sec ago
Yes stop being noobs and join S.o.A and Teh Commies
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-05-13 05:27 pm
6341 Days, 4 Hrs, 57 Min, 28 Sec ago
w00t Marc!
Space-Monkey said on: 2007-05-13 06:30 pm
6341 Days, 3 Hrs, 53 Min, 57 Sec ago
Commander Dirty D (§.O.A)
Credits $334.00
Bank $2338373.00
Health (18295/18295)
Weapon Enhanced Vulcan Cannon
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item No item
Exp. 154505260/265698345
Kills 2313-0

Warrant Officer Leonydis (§.O.A)
Credits $243.00
Bank $280207.00
Health (7530/7620)
Weapon Enhanced Vulcan Cannon
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item Targetting Scope [?] [drop]
Exp. 18418276/47304728
Kills 1103-1
Crimson_Lord said on: 2007-05-19 11:08 am
6335 Days, 11 Hrs, 16 Min, 13 Sec ago
Sergeant Major Sesshoumaru
Credits $3548.00
Bank $214792.00
Health (3875/3875)
Weapon Enhanced Vulcan Cannon
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item No item
Exp. 8967870/13576270
Kills 339-0
TheDragonMirro said on: 2007-05-20 02:12 pm
6334 Days, 8 Hrs, 12 Min, 8 Sec ago
Oh sup.

Major Conc3pt(§.O.A)
Credits $67301.00
Bank $6484191.00
Health (124503/124504)
Weapon Enhanced Vulcan Cannon
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item Small Shield Generator [?] [drop]
Exp. 612389242/938954378
Kills 3846-0

[Added at 05/21/2007 22:14:02 by TheDragonMirro]
About time i got the flak cannon, probably adamite or Goliath soon.

Major Conc3pt(§.O.A)
Credits $45922.00
Bank $1012818.00
Health (124504/124504)
Weapon Flak Cannon
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item Small Shield Generator [?] [drop]
Exp. 800402634/938954378
Kills 4620-5
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-05-21 06:15 pm
6333 Days, 4 Hrs, 8 Min, 51 Sec ago
Sweet. CL and Dragon. xD