Terran Legacy Forum

Game Updates Suggestion 0 replies

Jinno (Vip) said on: 2013-04-06 09:32 pm
4355 Days, 12 Hrs, 9 Min, 4 Sec ago
Hi all, I've been playing for awhile since 2003 i believe.. according to my forum join date.

On..and off several times.. but still came back
Every time i come back im pleased to see some updates, which is great!

However, 1 suggestion i would like to make today is:

Attacking of Active Marines in the MP Arena
(What I mean by Active is.. if u look at Top Marines right now, you can see there are 200 active marines.)

So regardless of them being online or not, we are able to attack them. Of cos, the 2 rank rule apply (unable to attack 2 ranks lower than your own)

This is a pretty common aspect in terms of multiplayer games nowadays. The ability to attack players who are offline is a GREAT PLUS!

This would serve 2 benefits:
1.) Higher MP kills for players (encourages activity)

2.) Revenge intention (Sometimes when you log in and you get attacked by so many people.. you just want to MP all day instead of wasteland..=)

just my 2 cents. and hopefully its read by game developers