WaR2: New Horizons Forum

Missing something?` 6 replies

DrakenRahl said on: 2009-03-05 11:53 am
5852 Days, 14 Hrs, 35 Min, 9 Sec ago
Am I?

Character(lvl) Race Profession Experience
1. Shados(35) Human Druid 2147483647
2. bmX(140) Golem Thief 13690861
TheQuickness said on: 2009-03-05 01:12 pm
5852 Days, 13 Hrs, 16 Min, 10 Sec ago
That's TS

and if your curious that is the highest amount of experience possible. So I'm absolutly positive its for the testing of something or another.
DrakenRahl said on: 2009-03-05 01:22 pm
5852 Days, 13 Hrs, 5 Min, 40 Sec ago
Hmmm, I guess that would make sense.
Hellraiser said on: 2009-03-05 04:11 pm
5852 Days, 10 Hrs, 16 Min, 42 Sec ago
It's kinda funny how I don't see the usual suspects running and crying that something's not fair right now, even though there's someone 105 levels lower, but higher on the ranks.

ILLiCiT said on: 2009-03-05 04:57 pm
5852 Days, 9 Hrs, 30 Min, 27 Sec ago



TheSource (Admin) said on: 2009-03-05 08:33 pm
5852 Days, 5 Hrs, 55 Min, 15 Sec ago
oops. Keep forgetting to change that back... lol.
Jing said on: 2010-09-12 10:55 pm
5296 Days, 3 Hrs, 33 Min, 16 Sec ago
That's nothing, I once saw someone with 3x that... i think.