General Forum

ZOMG finally 10 replies

Desideo said on: 2009-01-07 03:30 am
5906 Days, 5 Hrs, 52 Min, 21 Sec ago
... Do you know how hard it is to remember a password this old?
Jing said on: 2009-01-07 03:47 am
5906 Days, 5 Hrs, 34 Min, 58 Sec ago
Tommy_V said on: 2009-01-07 11:53 am
5905 Days, 21 Hrs, 29 Min, 22 Sec ago
Sideo was banned, was what he said.
Desideo said on: 2009-01-07 01:57 pm
5905 Days, 19 Hrs, 25 Min, 7 Sec ago
Yes, and now I get to show off my four digit ID. :P

Now if only my very first account(Cujo) were still alive. This would probably be my second account ever created.
TC5 said on: 2009-01-07 02:05 pm
5905 Days, 19 Hrs, 17 Min, 12 Sec ago
Nobody cares about your digits.

[Added at 01/07/2009 14:06:36 by TC5]
Also join True X we need more members.
Desideo said on: 2009-01-07 02:08 pm
5905 Days, 19 Hrs, 13 Min, 56 Sec ago

ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2009-01-07 05:52 pm
5905 Days, 15 Hrs, 30 Min, 7 Sec ago
Amazing... your account is older than mine!
Rhunyc said on: 2009-01-07 05:53 pm
5905 Days, 15 Hrs, 28 Min, 56 Sec ago
Nobodies account is older than mine though.

ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2009-01-07 10:13 pm
5905 Days, 11 Hrs, 9 Min, 1 Sec ago
Actually, your number is higher than both of ours. Learn to count, n00b.


POST # 1100

[Added at 01/08/2009 02:56:35 by ShadyKnight]
I REALLY don't want to post right now, so I'll add this here. All 88/7 of my complaints.

You have 88/7 complaint(s) from other users

1. "don't revive old posts again plz -salutee"

2. "for being so darn shady"

3. "Thinking of Retirement"

4. "<ShadyKnight> I am the biggest multi ever <redwall_hares> nah <WhiteDemon> no! <ShadyKnight> I know that <ShadyKnight> I am one of the few people that has a warning and NO banning about multying PicnicJohn joined the room <ShadyKnight> I got unbanned for it... yay me "

5. "Gimme The Quarter First. Then You will get your complaint...."

6. "For being a Devils Knights SA... Oh.. Wait... Er.... I guess I have to complain on myself too :P ~Weap"

7. "you are a sunshine and youasked me doyou know the muffin man"

8. "U can send more then a quarter:P more TL cash will do fine SPAZZA lol"

9. "You asked for it =D"

10. "I want j00 to get a razor"

11. "Wanted a complaint so he gets ONE!!!! Shady GETS what he WANTS! from Isaurian :)"

12. "i want my quarter now!"

13. "There we go, 1 more for your collection."

14. "Coz u told me to"

15. "U dont talk on teh MSN coz u r workin on ur site:P"

16. "for not shoutin JJJJJJ-Unit and not goin on a shootin spree as J-Unit and G-Unit would 75_Cent Old_Buck Big_Banks JJJ-Unit"

17. "<ShadyKnight> Xero <ShadyKnight> give me a complain here you go "

18. "I pwn, You pwn, And Weapon pwnz."

19. "giving out free cookies when mastercookie is the only one allowed..."

20. "Get a god damn razor u noob. Cut your hair and get a real job. o.O"

21. "21"

22. "Shady FINALLY got his own complaint. Shady, you PWN! Get a razor."

23. "Coz u told me 2;)"

24. "this warning is to commemorate your being Head Admin of WoM, you are doing a great job, keep it up"

25. "*sharpens razor*"

26. "We Won a Gold Medal :D!"

27. "Have you been using your razor lately?"

28. "n00b "

29. "Thinking complaints are a joke."

30. "Your complaint was filed on: Shadykngiht"

31. "For your wishes.. *Complain* ~ Ka1ba"

32. "Welcome to IC! =D"

33. *truncated for length*

34. "errr..... here u go:P i am running outta reasons:P ~SPAZZA"

35. "*Stamp* Have fun winning the round with 13910390109310391093.02 tech =D"

36. "<title><title> You wanted a complaint... heres a buggy one."

37. "For having 35 complaints"

38. "apple"

39. "pineapple juice is good but shady is even better! ~TK"

40. "eat my choda"

41. *truncated for length*

42. "Spandex"

43. "Your balls taste pleasant."

44. "Complaint for you. Please stop collecting complaints! PS: dondon > you :P"

45. "radioactive apple"

46. "10"

47. "For sucking too much ass"

48. ""

49. "go for teh 50!"

50. "Granted."

51. "STFU YOU MOTHER vanilla ice ice baby GOD noobism PUSSY lovable person fairy N00B noobism ER! princess i owe my allegience to you TO noobism princess LAND princess !"

52. "for having a small penis :P Sincerely, SOnny"

53. "complaint"

54. "no reason"

55. "Your club sucks! "

56. "...."

57. "Get an electric razor:)"

58. "~Jamie"

59. "..................."

60. ":) another freakin complaint"

61. "Commemorative of the day Shady became VIP: 1/4/05"

62. "For getting your posts deleted... have another complaint to add to the collection. How many of these have I given to myself?"

63. "."

64. "."

65. ":O 59 complaints:P SPAZZA"

66. "For cussing in forums."

67. "someone said u were collecting complaints"

68. "Taking over as the supreme ShadyKnight"

69. "being a stingy ass:P"

70. "Next one will be a binary complaint. "

71. "hey darlin :P"

72. "Hello! Wep here, just saying I lobe you!"

73. "Move twinkle , get out the way, get out the way princess get out the way!"

74. "Haha! Loser .. =D"

75. "Mudslides suck:("

76. "Free complaint."

77. "now your at 77=P"

78. "So Chelly bought me a Vip today, not too shabby. ~Weap"

79. "Did I mention Chelly bought me a Vip? ~Weap"

80. "So this one time I rode the bus to school -- That was so long ago though.. Like, last friday or something. It was great. ~Weap"

81. *truncated for length*

82. "I need a clan on Promisance ~Weap"

83. "Complaining about me not giving you more complaints... Wait a minute.. Am I giving in? 0.o ~Weap"

84. "February 28, 2005 ~ ShadyKnight became VIP"

85. "For getting written consent from Warmor."

86. "d"

87. "Complaining about your number of complaints.. again... ~Weap"

88. "Threatening to complain against the X of Weapon! ~Weap"
Tyshaunm9 said on: 2009-01-08 07:09 am
5905 Days, 2 Hrs, 13 Min, 2 Sec ago
Original post void account test.

[Added at 01/08/2009 07:10:12 by Tyshaunm9]
pfft older than my main, i guess it wasn't my original.
Hellraiser said on: 2009-01-08 12:01 pm
5904 Days, 21 Hrs, 20 Min, 28 Sec ago
i r original-e.