General Forum

Line me up 15 replies

TheWhiteDemon said on: 2009-05-01 11:47 pm
5713 Days, 5 Hrs, 2 Min, 20 Sec ago
Ultraman6 said on: 2009-05-02 12:22 am
5713 Days, 4 Hrs, 27 Min, 24 Sec ago
Must be nice
ILLiCiT said on: 2009-05-02 12:36 am
5713 Days, 4 Hrs, 13 Min, 30 Sec ago
Your local newspaper can't write worth poo poo . I was going to point out how you mixed up was/were, but I think the writer is just an idiot. Also that photo sucks and football is gay and you're going to amount of nothing.

Rhunyc said on: 2009-05-02 05:40 am
5712 Days, 23 Hrs, 9 Min, 44 Sec ago
MVP said on: 2009-05-02 06:36 am
5712 Days, 22 Hrs, 13 Min, 15 Sec ago
Congratulations Casey but come back when you've mastered rugby:P
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2009-05-02 06:48 am
5712 Days, 22 Hrs, 1 Min, 42 Sec ago
To hell with rugby :P

Don i thought we were friends.
DrakenRahl said on: 2009-05-02 10:31 am
5712 Days, 18 Hrs, 17 Min, 58 Sec ago
Dondon isn't friends with anyone, see? He's a loner, see? He doesn't need friends, see?

Also, congrats man.

You're kinda small for a LB though, smart move putting you at SS, if that's what they're doing.
MVP said on: 2009-05-02 10:42 am
5712 Days, 18 Hrs, 7 Min, 16 Sec ago
Man I love college:)
ILLiCiT said on: 2009-05-02 04:03 pm
5712 Days, 12 Hrs, 46 Min, 16 Sec ago
It was a joke, it just came out way different in text than in my head. I wanted to rewrite/delete it, but NN forums are beyond ghetto.
Jing said on: 2009-05-02 04:25 pm
5712 Days, 12 Hrs, 24 Min, 5 Sec ago
I agree with Victor.
Get steroids.

Congrats again, Casey.
ShadowLord69 said on: 2009-05-21 04:09 am
5694 Days, 40 Minutes, 37 Seconds ago
0.o casey?!?!?!?

Roids for teh win

but still coolio
Jing said on: 2009-05-21 05:18 pm
5693 Days, 11 Hrs, 31 Min, 9 Sec ago
You'll be like Sal in no time.
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2009-05-21 07:28 pm
5693 Days, 9 Hrs, 21 Min, 49 Sec ago
Sal is gigantic. However, if you use steroids, you will lose your man-meat.
Jing said on: 2009-05-21 07:58 pm
5693 Days, 8 Hrs, 51 Min, 50 Sec ago
I heard your balls grows to the size of melons!
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2009-05-21 08:01 pm
5693 Days, 8 Hrs, 48 Min, 24 Sec ago
No man, your testes shrink.
Jing said on: 2009-05-21 08:15 pm
5693 Days, 8 Hrs, 34 Min, 20 Sec ago
That comment just made my favorite picture obsolete.