Nations Forum

Meh.. 1 reply

PhoenixMirror said on: 2006-03-20 05:24 pm
6929 Days, 21 Hrs, 38 Min, 22 Sec ago
Well i recently just found a new site called "treasuretroopers." Unlike most GPT sites, this one isnt a scam. Sign up for a paypal account and link it to your treasure trooper account and you can make money by filling out surveys

Link :

Yes there is a referal link on it (Duh, why else would i post it?) which gives me 20% of whatever you earn. You still recieve 100% of whatever the offer gives you, but i just get an additional 20% (so if you do an offer for 1 dollar, you recieve that one dollar but i get 20 cents on my account.) Feel free to take the referal link off (though i prefer you dont because it helps me too :P) Its a pretty good site that helps me pay for games like runescape, maple story and world of warcraft. I believe you can also use this for NN membership..but not completley sure.
TotalKaosE said on: 2006-12-04 09:48 pm
6670 Days, 17 Hrs, 14 Min, 27 Sec ago