Nations Forum

WB come back 35 replies

Deep6 said on: 2007-03-30 12:42 am
6555 Days, 2 Hrs, 52 Min, 48 Sec ago
WB I know your out there come back to nations its whats best for all. Dont you all think?
Jing said on: 2007-03-30 12:45 am
6555 Days, 2 Hrs, 50 Min, 13 Sec ago
if this is a petition. Add my sig on it.
Pic said on: 2007-03-30 12:50 am
6555 Days, 2 Hrs, 44 Min, 41 Sec ago
Yes, we all need someone to kick around.

This game is much more entertaining when 2/3 of this game is after one person.
Hi-Liter said on: 2007-03-30 03:29 am
6555 Days, 5 Minutes, 49 Seconds ago
who is WB?
Kapa said on: 2007-03-30 03:32 am
6555 Days, 2 Minutes, 55 Seconds ago
Where exactly did he go? I thought he was unbanned?
JEBStuart said on: 2007-03-30 05:39 am
6554 Days, 21 Hrs, 56 Min, 35 Sec ago
pretty sure he was.. along with his 10 multies..that's why the population of Nations had dwindled. LOL
Pic said on: 2007-03-30 05:46 am
6554 Days, 21 Hrs, 49 Min, 30 Sec ago
I think he was unbanned, then banned again, (and then I think he was unbanned again then banned again - but don’t quote me on that). Frankly, we are past due for another unbanning.

Who knows he would be amongst us right now.

I say we look for a new name doing well & when we see that we should mass him just in the off chance it could be WB. That’s what we were doing for the longest time, It made us into a very welcoming place, lol.
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-03-30 10:01 am
6554 Days, 17 Hrs, 34 Min, 18 Sec ago

or are you WB, Deep6? o.O
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-03-30 10:35 am
6554 Days, 17 Hrs, 27 Sec ago
Last time I had my scope on WB, he was jetfire7(A good few rounds back when he, jilly, ahso, and crystal came back to SR), and then the name disappeared. Though I do bet that he is still out there.
Jing said on: 2007-03-30 11:30 am
6554 Days, 16 Hrs, 5 Min, 20 Sec ago
"I say we look for a new name doing well & when we see that we should mass him just in the off chance it could be WB."

WARBEAST said on: 2007-03-30 02:06 pm
6554 Days, 13 Hrs, 28 Min, 46 Sec ago
just to let U all KNOW...WB, Jillybeanz, and 2 others ARE here with ME....its WHAT U all DON'T know.......hey sal, give up in cg?....MUHAHAHAHA

WE need NEUTRAL territory to IRON some things OUT!

any suggestions?
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-03-30 07:46 pm
6554 Days, 7 Hrs, 48 Min, 56 Sec ago
Joined room 'Nations'

<SilverSurfer> Hey guys!

<SilverSurfer> And girl.

<SilverSurfer> Matty, who were you previously, again?

<Mattyd91> lol mattyd91

<Mattyd91> ive only been here 4 3 rounds

<SilverSurfer> Oh, I thought you were someone else.

<Mattyd91> lol

<Mattyd91> i am

Mattyd91 left the room

Dndn_dontbanme said on: 2007-03-30 10:33 pm
6554 Days, 5 Hrs, 1 Min, 38 Sec ago
I doubt WB would want to come back, since probably 70% of Nations thought he was a multi, and I am sure getting emails and messages from people who take tech way too seriously day and night gets very boring. Of course he did multi, or at least did so under the guise of his entire family playing.
Jing said on: 2007-03-30 10:35 pm
6554 Days, 5 Hrs, 15 Sec ago
*Starts making multi*
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-03-30 11:56 pm
6554 Days, 3 Hrs, 38 Min, 36 Sec ago
No, dondon, he's been back a few times under different accounts since he was banned and labeled a cheater.
Deano-Wales said on: 2007-03-31 02:27 am
6554 Days, 1 Hr, 8 Min, 19 Sec ago
He wasn't just a multi cheat, he used underhand tactics, lied, back-stabbed and much more.

I still have the emails and private messages saved somewhere on my old PC.

The guy wasn't a particularly nice person behind our backs but was all sunshine and light when he wanted something.

Keep him banned I say.
Jing said on: 2007-03-31 08:55 am
6553 Days, 18 Hrs, 40 Min, 31 Sec ago
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everywhere, Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're....

That song has been on my head ever since it appeared in simpsons...heh heh

SilverSurfer said on: 2007-03-31 11:02 am
6553 Days, 16 Hrs, 32 Min, 59 Sec ago
Hey, deano! Haven't seen you around for awhile. What's crackin'?
JEBStuart said on: 2007-03-31 11:49 am
6553 Days, 15 Hrs, 45 Min, 40 Sec ago
Deano's right on the money..WB was out for himself!

JING---you're doing a lesley gore song, or did someone re-make it recently? If ARE OLD!
Jing said on: 2007-03-31 12:35 pm
6553 Days, 15 Hrs, 8 Sec ago
i'm 17 and i said it before...i heard it in an ep. of the simpsons....
however; you even know the singer....i'm guessing you're older then me
Drognan said on: 2007-03-31 01:53 pm
6553 Days, 13 Hrs, 42 Min, 35 Sec ago
I left because my wife jilly quit as well

Ill only come back if she does.
T3rran said on: 2007-03-31 02:03 pm
6553 Days, 13 Hrs, 31 Min, 54 Sec ago
The funny part is WB is here. He's almost 90 % of Nations. I bet some of you are WB posting in the "Where is WB" thread to not arouse suspicion. Hell, maybe i'm WB? Maybe you're WB! I bet at least two mods are WB posing as real users to an admin upgraded them to Mod. Or maybe the admins are WB making the game more interesting? MAYBE WE'RE ALL WB.

Time Paradox.
Jing said on: 2007-03-31 04:39 pm
6553 Days, 10 Hrs, 56 Min, 7 Sec ago
this game in run by one sole entity!
The one entity named...WB!
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-04-01 12:22 am
6553 Days, 3 Hrs, 13 Min, 0 Sec ago
This thread is coming dangerously close to becoming like the dreaded HicRic theory...

*points at siggy*
Kapa said on: 2007-04-01 07:39 pm
6552 Days, 7 Hrs, 55 Min, 48 Sec ago
Wtf happened to JuliANUS?
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-04-01 10:51 pm
6552 Days, 4 Hrs, 43 Min, 43 Sec ago
SeanM doesn't even know what happened to it...
JEBStuart said on: 2007-04-02 06:39 am
6551 Days, 20 Hrs, 55 Min, 51 Sec ago
Jilly (was) is WB's wife, so there you have it.

He's here.

Moonshine said on: 2007-04-02 08:58 pm
6551 Days, 6 Hrs, 36 Min, 59 Sec ago
i could talk to wb if i wanted to. i know where hes at on the web. (games he plays)
Space-Monkey said on: 2007-04-03 05:51 pm
6550 Days, 9 Hrs, 43 Min, 39 Sec ago
Wether he cheated or not, he was always a friend to me, and for that im a loyal supporter of WB.
WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2007-04-03 07:04 pm
6550 Days, 8 Hrs, 31 Min, 32 Sec ago
Lol, I wouldn't ban wb if I found out his account. That guy was funny.
Dndn_dontbanme said on: 2007-04-03 11:02 pm
6550 Days, 4 Hrs, 33 Min, 30 Sec ago
I remember a sig:
You are WB.
I am WB.
They are WB.
He is WB.
We are WB.

Best. Sig. Ever.
Sal said on: 2007-04-04 07:56 am
6549 Days, 19 Hrs, 39 Min, 2 Sec ago
Warbeast, war games arent for me so i stopped playing CG because its always about attacking others which absolutelu no strategical rather play games where i need to use my head like tactics.
Viper10488 said on: 2007-04-07 07:03 am
6546 Days, 20 Hrs, 32 Min, 21 Sec ago
WB is married? o.O
Stoutn said on: 2007-04-07 09:08 am
6546 Days, 18 Hrs, 27 Min, 12 Sec ago
Yes, to Jillybeanz
WARBEAST said on: 2007-04-07 01:05 pm
6546 Days, 14 Hrs, 29 Min, 49 Sec ago
ahhh....URN again...MUHAHAHAHA.....AND U KNOW whom was the WAR LEADER?....right!
WARBEAST said on: 2007-04-07 01:07 pm
6546 Days, 14 Hrs, 28 Min, 19 Sec ago
ask GEMZ....ONE of the TIMES HE was made the SACRIFICIAL Lamb!