Nations Forum

Alt Rankings 7 replies

GuildaMage said on: 2007-08-14 11:04 pm
6417 Days, 11 Hrs, 15 Min, 0 Sec ago
End of round rankings with clan names. Some are assumed, some i was unable to determine at the present time.

1. AK47 X
2. Kazoany IC
3. GreenArrow AC
4. Guildamage AC
5. DoAlCa AC
6. _LoKi_ X
7. Cllander AC
9. Ayanami of Rei X
10. Gi_joe AC
11. WeaponX X
12. Arch-Devil X
13. Entity-Neo X
14. Hehe of hihi HOIERI
15. _lilbishop_ X
16. Dugwix1 VIKINGS
17. Fbg IC
18. Viper10488 X
19. Hi-Liter AC
20. Cronus IC
21. JEBStuart 7TH
22. DannyFO X
23. Stormbringer VIKINGS
24. Wolfblack X
25. Wanted X
26. Flindy AC
27. Jaffdf VIKINGS
28. SM-sHiNrYo SM
29. Tommy_V DOM
30. Sniper1 x
31. Walt_Disney SM
32. Agentcooper SM
33. SeniorUnloco NEXUS
34. ShadyKnight X
35. Crim X
36. Tymoney321 X
37. LagunaCid IC
38. TrueX2 VIKINGS
39. 9MM X
40. Bubble_dees UNKNOWN
41. Moonshine SM
42. Time DOM
43. SM-Lord_Cyric SM
45. Battlecruiser X
47. Blackroze WOLFPAC
48. ChaoticLaw IC
49. Killer_MJ IC
50. Hvhswarrior53 DOM

Here are the rankings, congrats TrueX on taking the alt rankings.

TrueX: 535
AC: 283
IC: 133
Vikings: 100
SM: 80
Hoieri: 37
Dom: 39
7th: 35
Nexus: 18
Wolfpac: 4

unknown?: 11

If anything is incorrect be sure to let me know..

[Added at 08/15/2007 09:24:22 by Guildamage]
TrueX: 499
Dom: 75

*Since lilbishop was in dom*
Oracle said on: 2007-08-14 11:06 pm
6417 Days, 11 Hrs, 13 Min, 16 Sec ago
Grats all
MethodMan said on: 2007-08-14 11:06 pm
6417 Days, 11 Hrs, 12 Min, 35 Sec ago
You forgot me :(
AK47 said on: 2007-08-14 11:09 pm
6417 Days, 11 Hrs, 9 Min, 53 Sec ago

congrats to X! we pwn! =]

[Added at 08/15/2007 01:10:12 by AK47]

thanks guilda for doing the alt rankings! *me nods*
LagunaCid said on: 2007-08-14 11:14 pm
6417 Days, 11 Hrs, 5 Min, 5 Sec ago
Grand Victory of the Coalition! =p
Tymoney321 said on: 2007-08-14 11:26 pm
6417 Days, 10 Hrs, 53 Min, 18 Sec ago
Aaah i missed the rise lol
_LilBishop_ said on: 2007-08-15 07:17 am
6417 Days, 3 Hrs, 1 Min, 31 Sec ago
I was not in X i was in Dom.
9MM said on: 2007-08-15 09:49 am
6417 Days, 29 Minutes, 30 Seconds ago
geesh i cant believe x got alt/i woulda thougt warbeast woulda kept us down/


congratz truex
