Nations Forum

Ranking 8 replies

Alex said on: 2008-03-12 01:42 pm
6206 Days, 20 Hrs, 57 Min, 7 Sec ago
mmm how come I can't see the ranking lol XD

BTW, I think Sandman and me ranked this round lol
2 ACE members made it to the ranking :P
Anguish said on: 2008-03-12 01:43 pm
6206 Days, 20 Hrs, 56 Min, 0 Sec ago
I cant either, but using my backbutton this is what i have:

Nations Top 50 Name Nation Tech Level
1. Battlecruiser of Silver Wing 264.06
2. DrUnKeNmOnKeY of WTF 260.97
3. AK47 of TEH GUN 256.72
4. Wolfblack of Ifritits 246.50
5. Archer of Hollow Wonderland 245.89
6. Moonshine of night stars 244.73
7. Loki of Spear Fishin 4 Me 244.11
8. Pic of Wallachia 233.88
9. Hehe of hihi 231.59
10. Breakyourself of Team RamRod 226.64
11. Viper10488 of Warzone 225.22
12. Cllander of Lander 223.89
13. Anguish of Eternity 223.14
14. DannyFO of SoulSlayers 222.00
15. SaNdYx of OwNeD 221.61
16. DoAlCa of DoAlCa's nation 218.52
17. Nookie_06 of soulfly 217.02
18. Agentcooper of Kingdom of Zed 215.84
19. Kazoany of Antliersky 214.29
20. Toyo of beatifulgirls 213.39
21. Oracle of Oraw� 212.33
22. THRUSTER of X 210.51
23. Kill-u-Dead of murders row 210.16
24. Arch-Devil of Planet Hollywood 210.05
25. Entity-Neo of Noobs Below 209.21
26. Snowbird44 of flyhigh 207.68
27. Tommy_V of Vice City 206.84
28. Dari of I Have Returned ;) 206.73
29. Crim of Crim 206.60
30. SweetYlang of Kum4ort Kingdom 205.51
31. Stormbringer of Outback 204.89
32. Korgrath of Dark Malice 204.63
33. SilverSurfer of Zenn-La 204.60
34. Regenta of Misanthropes 203.80
35. Sniper1 of Dead lands 203.64
36. Bubble_dees of Perfect Circle 202.85
37. Dugwix1 of Boomtown 202.83
38. ChaoticLaw of Red Moon Nation 202.48
39. JEBStuart of Bandido Charlie 201.37
40. Hi-Liter of Ex'Plosion 201.17
41. Winner of unlimited 201.16
42. Tigerseye of eye of the tiger 197.30
43. Killer_MJ of rebirth of the demon 195.27
44. SPARKSMOKE24 of SMOKE 192.36
45. TinaMiaz of newbie tactics 190.41
46. Slayer121 of slayer121 188.47
47. ArXael of A-Nation 181.90
48. Sandmand99 of sand city 181.18
49. SoulBlighter of United Federation of Nations 179.00
50. Alex of Retired Banned 178.60
AK47 said on: 2008-03-12 01:44 pm
6206 Days, 20 Hrs, 54 Min, 42 Sec ago

yeah...i cant see the rankings either!
Hi-Liter said on: 2008-03-12 01:45 pm
6206 Days, 20 Hrs, 53 Min, 58 Sec ago
alex-i think you paid anguish to put you and sandmand on the top 50. just kidding. nice job you two!
Viper10488 said on: 2008-03-12 01:54 pm
6206 Days, 20 Hrs, 44 Min, 49 Sec ago
Good job Alex!

you did get 2 ACE members on. Congrats.
LOL as long as Casey remained in the 80's
Tommy_V said on: 2008-03-12 01:54 pm
6206 Days, 20 Hrs, 44 Min, 24 Sec ago
I can see the rankings, but they're top 100, and people's names are there twice. :O
DaisukeNiwa said on: 2008-03-12 02:05 pm
6206 Days, 20 Hrs, 33 Min, 48 Sec ago
65. BossTycoon of Thizzlam 166.64
66. Ultraman6 of No Techies>?~! 165.79
67. _LilBishop_ of I'm Back 165.24
68. Space-Monkey of Space 162.11
69. Nataku of quest to sandland 161.10
70. Reaper121 of reaper121 of the reaper 160.20
72. Wanted of _X_ 157.19
73. Hit_Man_12 of HitMan's Rage 152.96
74. Murdock86 of marcus stars 150.88
75. DaisukeNiwa of Unworthy 149.67
76. Rick.T of Greenland 147.47
77. PinWizard of Arcadium 147.33
78. SM-sHiNrYo of YehMan!!! 145.31
79. Rock25 of Thug_Lordz 142.66
80. Gi_joe of outta this world 138.35
81. Sal of Retired God 135.76
82. WeaponX of X-raTed 132.90
83. TheWhiteDemon of Salutee 131.17
84. Lordomega1 of black plague 126.20
85. Secretweapon of pound you up village 125.19
TinaMiaz said on: 2008-03-12 02:32 pm
6206 Days, 20 Hrs, 6 Min, 42 Sec ago
I didn't get to rise :(
Sandmand99 said on: 2008-03-14 05:17 pm
6204 Days, 17 Hrs, 21 Min, 53 Sec ago
Thank you to Rick and alex for letting me join and run the round with yous it was fun! My ass is still recovering though from the massings lol But i think ill try some other clans and see if i find 1 that i click with.