Nations Forum

Proof...the ONES are multies... 11 replies

AK47 said on: 2009-08-24 07:09 am
5677 Days, 6 Hrs, 22 Min, 13 Sec ago


[1. main] AK47 (Vip): hes the asian version

[1. main] XSquad (Vip): O.o

[1. main] Jing (Vip): You are very smart to have discovered my identity.

[1. main] Jing (Vip): But our games ends at the end of the round.



[1. main] Jing (Vip): You are forever doomed!

[1. main] Jing (Vip): ALL OF YOU!


...OH NOES!!! RUN!!!!
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2009-08-24 07:12 am
5677 Days, 6 Hrs, 19 Min, 16 Sec ago
Uh.....Everyone join Domination and we might stand a chance :P
Jing said on: 2009-08-24 08:27 am
5677 Days, 5 Hrs, 4 Min, 13 Sec ago

A warning is already too late and can do little to stop me, but such a valiant attempt deserve some... applaud, at the very least.
So congratulations, AK47.

To the rest of you...
Yes, I am the puppet-master of the ONEs.

To confirm your suspicions...
Yes, each ONE is a multi, I admit it.
And they are all mine, but they will not be banned, warned, or deleted...
Why, you wondered...
Because the ONEs are a mere pebble compared to the true extent of our powers.
Because at long last, we have successfully corrupted the very heart of this site.
The leaders of this community.
The so-called guardians and protectors and creators.
Our presence have corrupted ranks of all levels and the return of the ONEs signifies the complete take over of the site we humbly call Netnexus.

We have absolute power, but this is not my true goal... or shall I say...
Our true goal.

Had you known this earlier, you might have stood some chance of stopping us, but that small window of opptunity has long passed and I can confidently say that WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED.

The name of our organization is sacred so you may simply call us The ONEs.
Is it not the name you know us by?

Moving on.
I believe this all started many... Many years ago...
I was just a simple player then, but I had a dream...
Oh yes, it was a glorious dream, but none of you have any need to know what it was.
Many people did shared this dream, but it was I who spearheaded this vision.
They would join me to shape the future you know now.
The future we are.

Long hours of planning, years of plotting, centuries of scheming have all lead to this one point.

We directly created X.
Yes, it has served its purposes and have gone away when we willed it. It had grown too powerful for our comforts and much too wild.
AK, I know you are a special member of that very clan so you should be honored to know that it could have potentially put a wedge in our little plan... And we could not have that, now can we?
If you have not guessed already... Cory was a member of our inner circle.
As a matter of fact, he was one of the first member of the ONEs.
He was very useful indeed.

Speaking of inner circles, IC was also within our plannings, a very important part that continues to serve us to this day.
Cookies, trout suit, even the merging with Chattan... We molded each event or changes that the clan undergo, no more, no less.
Of course, while we did not create it in general, careful meddling led Highwind to its creation and more meddling also to his... Unfortunate retirement.
It is so our own could rule in his place...
Have you figure out who our little bird is, my friends? Do you require more?
It is none other than my second in command and loving wife... Korgrath.
Not only has Korgrath controlled IC at my command, but he has also risen to the position of mod as well. A position he no longer needed in light of our new... Allies.

Avengers clan is a patch of earth that we've never expected to flourish, but many benefits were reaped from this clan and has since evolved into one of our most important... Farms, I suppose.
Originally led by GI_Joe, it has recently came to our attention that she was having second thoughts on this whole matter and so... We had to... Force an early retirement.
It was unfortunate, but necessary.
I imagine DoAlCa would do nicely as a replacement.

Starland Raider was also part of our schemes... Wb led that clan I believe, but unfortunately, he went mad with power and took it several steps too far...
In the end, we lost control of Starland Raiders for a time...
Until Sideo, then nicknamed as SilverSurfer, daringly recovered the leadership from the inexperienced leader, Bagel...
And the rest is history.
Sideo have a much honored place among us and he is a legend in every sense of the word.
Starland Raider was vital for the next stage of our plan. It was also needed to introduce Jing, then known as 17_Seconds.

Yes, only the clan we allowed to exist, do. Those that fought our system are immediately...
Taken care of.
A pity.
I'm sure many people took delight in crushing 'noob' clans, no?

Our power do not extent to simply clans.
Pic's 1 landing strategy; Sal's war on SM; Jing's 50 land teching; the revolutionary 2 land teching gives VIP absolute power...
We schemed and it becomes.

I wonder...
Did it seem strange when FBG, an adolescent girl had somehow became mod? Or Pic leaving without a word of farewell? Or Sal gone at the peak of his glory? Why had great clans like Gate Keepers or Devil Knights collapse while other clans continues to thrive?
I smile at your ignorance.
What we schemed, it becomes.

But why must we manipulate events so? What is the final endgame that we seek? What is our vision? The 'dream' I spoke of?

You nosy pest have no need or right to know the answer.

Just know that the ONEs merely one of many parts to our plan which is now impossible to stop.
Just know that CHANGE is coming.
You could either bent to our wills and be swept up or perish to the rolling waves.

In other words...
Surrender to The ONEs or be destroy.
It is as simple as that.

Remember my words.
Choose your destiny.
AK47 said on: 2009-08-24 10:25 am
5677 Days, 3 Hrs, 5 Min, 59 Sec ago

wow...that was good! =O
Nataku said on: 2009-08-24 02:01 pm
5676 Days, 23 Hrs, 30 Min, 7 Sec ago
the ones are being dominated
XSquad said on: 2009-08-24 04:47 pm
5676 Days, 20 Hrs, 43 Min, 39 Sec ago
Holy crap!! :O

[Added at 08/24/2009 17:48:18 by XSquad]
I helped on the making of this story!!
Vallon said on: 2009-08-24 11:33 pm
5676 Days, 13 Hrs, 57 Min, 59 Sec ago
"Bows before the mighty power of the unseen enemy."

The new world order has come to Nations?! It cannot be. I knew they had infiltrated most every facet of our society but this site too. I officially surrender to their might power. I now believe Jing to be none other than David Rockefeller Sr.. I never knew your powers extended this far you evil man !
Faceless_one said on: 2009-08-25 08:30 am
5676 Days, 5 Hrs, 1 Min, 26 Sec ago

Jing is the master.
XSquad said on: 2009-08-25 08:47 am
5676 Days, 4 Hrs, 43 Min, 45 Sec ago
I think their Id pretty much answers the Multie question. they arent.
Grimmjow said on: 2009-08-25 05:25 pm
5675 Days, 20 Hrs, 5 Min, 29 Sec ago
Ahso said on: 2009-08-27 10:11 pm
5673 Days, 15 Hrs, 19 Min, 30 Sec ago
Jing... you think you are the thing?


I directly recruited Wb and Aalandan for Starland Raiders...

While Wb was leading I was ploting and building...

thus my cover of a non-vip of low tech most rounds...

I carefully built all 4 facet clans of the Starland empire...

They were only a distraction from truth and to undermine your efforts...

Deano built vikings for his own reasons, and to help with the distractions...

My only mistake was to leave Bagel in command... He was a good player and a good friend, but lacked a few judgement qualities...

still someone had to take over in my abscence... poor health forced me to take leave...

then I come back to find this game of yours still being played out...

I knew it was time for Fearun to emerge once more...

thus, it starts over, it shall grow to new heights... larger than before until it becomes too big for you to fend off...

I have new recruits waiting for my word... when they come you shall hear the very ground Netnexus stands on shake... and it will happen in the blink of an eye...

see, I have in my abscence, formed a band of game mercenaries... this is what we do for fun... we come in, bust up monopolies, stay for a whle to make sure it is stable... then slip away quietly into the night only to move on to the next game challenge...

the clock is ticking... it's just a matter of time... when we finish with the one we are on, Nations is next....

ticking, ticking, ticking...

hide under your keyboard and tremble...

we are coming...

end of line...(not bad for a beginner eh? my hats off to you jing, you spin a pretty good BS story..he he he)
Gray_Ghost said on: 2009-08-28 05:24 am
5673 Days, 8 Hrs, 7 Min, 4 Sec ago
WB and Aalandan--WOW--now there's a blast from the past!!