Terran Legacy Forum

WHO STILL PLAYEs 3 replies

-LastSurvior- said on: 2013-11-19 01:14 pm
4049 Days, 22 Hrs, 19 Min, 31 Sec ago
we shhould all post our stats if u still do
hears where im at.. wish it was better >.<
Commander -LastSurvivor-
Credits $236359.00
Bank $4432450.00
Health (29977/34550)
Weapon Flak Cannon
Armor Goliath Mech Suit V2
Item Poor Rejuvenator [?] [drop]
Exp. 727995668/265698345
Kills 5821-1

[Added at 11/19/2013 16:23:45 by -LastSurvior-]
Commander -LastSurvivor-
Credits $320922.00
Bank $5290239.00
Health (32196/34550)
Weapon Flak Cannon
Armor Goliath Mech Suit V2
Item Shield Generator [?] [drop]
Exp. 770614532/265698345
Kills 6060-1
hell yes SG :P now i need the 2k heals per second
DannyFo (Mod) said on: 2013-11-21 03:45 am
4048 Days, 7 Hrs, 48 Min, 34 Sec ago
Supreme Cosmic Force DannyFo<×FX×>
Credits $8946761.00
Bank $4778802651.00
Health (7444041/9785674)
Weapon Hyperion Blast Cannon
Armor Hyperion Adamantite Suit
Item Enhanced Ion Shield [?] [drop]
Exp. 1384324940130/98789435287654
Kills 506694-60
XSquad said on: 2013-12-04 03:23 pm
4034 Days, 20 Hrs, 10 Min, 20 Sec ago
nothing off the chart so far.. lol

Commander XSquad
Credits $4194.00
Bank $1190622.00
Health (34549/34550)
Weapon Vulcan Cannon S-F2
Armor Level 3 Energy Shield
Item Lottory Ticket [?] [use] [drop]
Exp. 194431860/265698345
Kills 2471-1

[Added at 12/04/2013 15:23:47 by XSquad]
I<d need a bind if possible would help a tad :P

[Added at 12/11/2013 22:21:03 by XSquad]
I'd use some $$ .. I keep grinding but damn it takes forever :P

[Added at 12/16/2013 11:02:48 by XSquad]
Captain XSquad
Credits $148269.00
Bank $6033559.00
Health (42218/64382)
Weapon Rail Gun
Armor Goliath Mech Suit V2
Item Enhanced Ion Shield [?] [drop]
Exp. 1189591520/565357823
Kills 7645-1
Itzbabble said on: 2013-12-05 12:23 pm
4033 Days, 23 Hrs, 10 Min, 25 Sec ago
Haven't played in months, thought this game died completely!

Credits $289040.00
Bank $857500000.00
Health (5070028/5264325)
Weapon Rail Gun
Armor Goliath Mech Suit V2
Item Shield Generator [?] [drop]
Exp. 124428585642/789435287654
Kills 107078-46