WaR2: New Horizons Forum

Some more updates 2 replies

TheSource (Admin) said on: 2008-03-29 10:09 pm
6189 Days, 6 Hrs, 35 Min, 56 Sec ago
Check out the WaR2 news page to see them!
Chargg said on: 2008-03-30 12:42 am
6189 Days, 4 Hrs, 2 Min, 43 Sec ago
Masterfully, you attack the Drifter with your Steel Longblade to inflict 84 points of damage with a critical strike! As a result, the Drifter's hit points have been reduced to 0

Congratulations, you have defeated the Drifter! As a result the gods have blessed you with 55 experience points and 39 gold pieces!

You currently need 623 more experience points in order to gain another level!
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Thanks. :)
Xaneria said on: 2008-03-30 07:04 am
6188 Days, 21 Hrs, 40 Min, 44 Sec ago
Masterfully, you attack the Vampire Underling with your Honed Steel Pike to inflict 103 points of damage with a critical strike! As a result, the Vampire Underling's hit points have been reduced to 0

Congratulations, you have defeated the Vampire Underling! As a result the gods have blessed you with 93 experience points and 64 gold pieces!

You currently need 5249 more experience points in order to gain another level!
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