WaR2: New Horizons Forum

Changes 6 replies

TheSource (Admin) said on: 2008-04-03 01:47 pm
6184 Days, 13 Hrs, 53 Min, 37 Sec ago
Just a list of changes I've made over the last few days

World Enviroment

- Got the 'In Room' Function working right, You will now be able to see a list of users occupying the same room as you.

- Fixed a bug causing the Holy altar to function incorrectly, Users will now be able to spend their level points at this altar

- Opened the holy Forest, while at the moment it is quite barren. It needs to be updated, and will be soon.


-Adjusted the starting values for the druid class, it should be more balanced now.

All caster classes

-You should notice significant Manna consumption reduction, as well as imporved damage, this was a result of fixing a nasty battle script bug.

Melee Classes

- You should notice your fatigue has been increased from 40 to 100, this was to resolve issues with the anti-bot system not functioning how I had envisioned it.

Updates to this log will come in the form of edits, so I dont have to type out dates =P

[Added at 04/04/2008 02:51:48 by TheSource]
World Enviroment

- The navigation screen now shows a map over the compass, this should make navigation easier. Everyone be sure to thank your Gnomish King Tarsonis21!

- The 'In room' feature now has different colors for different level ranges, allowing you to see which users are close to your level

Battle Changes

- There is now a Quick Spell option. You can choose which spell is set as your quick spell from the Spellbook.

- Important battle information is now displayed in orange and should be easier to read.

Server changes

- Upon reaching level 10, your achievement will be broadcast to all users currently chatting, and will continue to do so in 5 level increments.

- a 'Blessing system' has been adding, allowing WaR2 staff to bless all online users with various buffs.

[Added at 04/05/2008 22:59:45 by TheSource]
World Enviroment

- Removed Users offline for more than 8 minutes from the 'In room' feature

- Added more monsters and rooms, upon opening of the latest additions, WaR2 will have 1079 unique rooms!


Many battle changes have been made, and are currently in testing phases.

- Removed fatigue reduction from spell casting actions
- Added anti-bot to mana regen to compensate for the fatigue removal from casting
- Changed fatigue from per battle to per attack
- added the option to add level points to max fatigue to compensate
- Rewrote damage, crit, and armor calculations to hopefully be more balanced

[Added at 04/13/2008 14:19:34 by TheSource]
World Enviroment

- There is a new axis of movemnet! you are now able to move up/down in addition to the standard compass movements.

- Banks have been opened accross the land! Visit the Bank of New Oran for more information!


- Fatigue no longer affects spell casting. and due to this change, mana restoration has been given an anti-bot. this should balance the melee and magic classes more effectively

- The Monster accuracy and dodge scripts have been completely re-written and should work as expected


- Many new areas have been added, and many more are being added as this is typed! expect many updates soon!

Help Files

- We have completely rewritten the help files, and they will be updated shortly after this post

Coming Soon

- NPCs and Quests!
- Pawn Shops!
DannyFo (Mod) said on: 2008-04-04 01:50 am
6184 Days, 1 Hr, 50 Min, 49 Sec ago
Yay changes!
TheSource (Admin) said on: 2008-04-04 02:52 am
6184 Days, 49 Minutes, 28 Seconds ago
Guardian said on: 2008-04-04 07:18 pm
6183 Days, 8 Hrs, 22 Min, 41 Sec ago
Heh, after "extensive" testing today, I have to say that the quick-spell is great for not causing potential mages to have headaches from killing things in a rush and having the drop down flash so often so 3 cheers for the quick-spell function
TheSource (Admin) said on: 2008-04-05 11:07 pm
6182 Days, 4 Hrs, 34 Min, 14 Sec ago
Zedd said on: 2008-04-06 02:09 pm
6181 Days, 13 Hrs, 32 Min, 20 Sec ago
So what are the stats for the new races and class?
TinaMiaz said on: 2008-04-06 06:16 pm
6181 Days, 9 Hrs, 24 Min, 58 Sec ago
Make two more accounts and find out. Or wait until they update the page :/