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are you active? -
I'll play of I get active techies.
hey Tina, moony, and stormy:) I've been well! How bout ya'all? Well since I didn't get techies, I... -
I'll play of I get active techies.
title says it all, if I get active techies I'll play again, post or message me. -
40 people playing...
lolz, just stopped by to see whats up, doesnt seem like much. i have been playing sc2 a bit if in... -
In need of:
i got two land if ya want them:P -
ive been gone for quite some time now, and i remeber there were going to be new things to come, apar... -
How much would you pay for changes?
I wouldn't pay another damned cent, not even if there was a fire. I've paid for memberships for l... -
Done with nations.
nations no longer holds a place in my heart. I don't feel appreciated for all my rounds of paying f... -
congrats, bro -
I never got my winner tag. :(