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Will this computer run... 5 replies

T3rran said on: 2007-03-07 04:25 pm
6577 Days, 17 Hrs, 48 Min, 55 Sec ago
I'll be using this mainly for Battlefield 2 and 2142. Nothing more graphic then that.

PROCESSOR AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3800+ @ 2.4GHz, 2000 MHz HT, 512KB L2 Cache

SLI VIDEO XFX NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT OC 590MHz 256MB GDDR3 1.6 GHz PCI-E, DVI & TV Out

OS Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition with SP2

Kapa said on: 2007-03-07 05:15 pm
6577 Days, 16 Hrs, 58 Min, 53 Sec ago
If my AMD 3200+ with an onboard graphics(256MB SHARED) can run it then yours should run it fine. =P
Bahamut said on: 2007-03-07 08:40 pm
6577 Days, 13 Hrs, 33 Min, 56 Sec ago
Depends on how much RAM you have, I'm pretty sure you only need 512 mb to run those, but to run it smoothly I think you'd need a gb of RAM. But your CPU and graphics card are definitly up to it.
Dndn_dontbanme said on: 2007-03-07 11:10 pm
6577 Days, 11 Hrs, 4 Min, 30 Sec ago
Need 2 GB for Betafield (though you should avoid those failures and wait for QW in May/June). I'd also get an X2. Anyway, what is your BF2 username? I'll pwn you sometime.:)
Cronus said on: 2007-03-08 12:19 pm
6576 Days, 21 Hrs, 55 Min, 3 Sec ago
I play Battlefield 2 just fine on an AMD Athlon 64 3000+, GeForce 6600, 1 gig of ram, and windows xp and it runs just fine. Your setup would be over kill.
T3rran said on: 2007-03-08 01:54 pm
6576 Days, 20 Hrs, 19 Min, 53 Sec ago
I've only played it at cafes. When I get my computer probobly in June i'm buying it.

[Added at 03/09/2007 17:09:25 by T3rran]
Also it'll have 2 gigs. I'm also waiting for QW :)