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ok plz stop doing this............... 12 replies

Red (Tester) said on: 2007-12-30 07:59 pm
6279 Days, 19 Hrs, 51 Min, 4 Sec ago
.......ko stop making characters on blake's realm.

noone wants to play with red on her realm. so STOP MAKING THEM ON BLAKES REALM

<Red> noone wants to play WoW with me.

<Red> will you paly on my realm?

<Red> b/c everyone went to Blake's realm

<Red> because they're all gay


if u lurv red, you play with red. so play with red. plZ?
Nataku said on: 2007-12-30 08:30 pm
6279 Days, 19 Hrs, 19 Min, 57 Sec ago
if it makes you happy, i'd marry you.
Viper10488 said on: 2007-12-31 09:22 am
6279 Days, 6 Hrs, 27 Min, 57 Sec ago

if u pay for me on WoW, i'll play for a month~
ChaoticLaw said on: 2007-12-31 11:16 am
6279 Days, 4 Hrs, 33 Min, 55 Sec ago
You can play for a month for free.
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-12-31 11:52 am
6279 Days, 3 Hrs, 58 Min, 19 Sec ago
First, get a 10 day free trial. Then when you sign up and pick a payment option, you get a month for free before your payed month. But during that free month, you can cancel so you dont pay. you just get a free month.

[Added at 12/31/2007 12:52:41 by Red]

I forgot red :(
Arch-Devil said on: 2007-12-31 01:59 pm
6279 Days, 1 Hr, 50 Min, 53 Sec ago
be careful though, the game is like heroin, you'll NEED more
Flindy said on: 2007-12-31 02:59 pm
6279 Days, 50 Minutes, 50 Seconds ago
Red what mod are you using in the screenshot? I've looking for that one. If you need more specifics, it's the one for all your spells. Thanks!
Dondon said on: 2007-12-31 09:49 pm
6278 Days, 18 Hrs, 54 Sec ago
It's not really a free month since you have to buy the game. Only $40 for WoW and BC, though.
Hermit said on: 2008-01-01 07:40 am
6278 Days, 8 Hrs, 10 Min, 19 Sec ago
I like Blake's realm :)
Red (Tester) said on: 2008-01-01 05:15 pm
6277 Days, 22 Hrs, 35 Min, 40 Sec ago
Flindy.. There are no mods. It's interface options action bars.

Hermit, come play on Tortheldrin kthx
Awoir said on: 2008-01-01 05:40 pm
6277 Days, 22 Hrs, 10 Min, 7 Sec ago
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2008-01-02 07:11 am
6277 Days, 8 Hrs, 39 Min, 40 Sec ago
I play on Ceriorn Circle....Pure Domination there

Horde FTW
SilverSurfer said on: 2008-01-02 02:26 pm
6277 Days, 1 Hr, 23 Min, 56 Sec ago
A few months ago, I got around to playing a bit of it(About 7 hours worth), got to level 10 or so with my Rogue Dwarf(Steff) and I must say, it was quite addicting in a way... that's why I'll probably never buy it...

Those games are fun, especially when you meet some fun people on it and the comradeship sense to it all, but it is almost a tease of what the future will bring, and when I think of the prospect of countless hours being thrown down the drain and it all beginning again, it scares me.

It also reminds me of how ignorant we can be of ourselves and our abilities to do many great things in this world, and improve our own selves instead of the characters we make in games...