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Friends 5 replies

ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-05-17 02:11 am
6141 Days, 4 Hrs, 12 Min, 30 Sec ago
Friends and Society

Who are you friends, and why are they your friend? Can you trust them with you life? Are you friends with criminal’s can you be friends with them? Should you be friends with them? Who should you be friends with? These questions plague society because honest people cannot associate themselves with criminals and remain honest. True friends will die for eachother, help eachother along their career paths, cry with them when someone close to them die’s, and in return when that friend is at the pinnacle in his life he will share it with his friend who have been there for him. I shall discuss who you should become friends with, how to maintain a healthy friendship, and if the need occurs how to end a friendship and why you should do so.

Friendship is only possible between good men.” (pg#185 Cicero on The Good Life) So if friendship is only possible between good men, then how do drug dealers have friends are the true friends? I would argue they are not. How can you be friends with someone who would sell you drugs that could kill or cause significant damage to your mental and physical well being? I t does not make sense or does it? As a honest citizen it is your duty to report these abominations to the local authority and have them dealt with instead of selling drugs to that cities populace. After you proceeded to do that would that person be your friend? I doubt it. So too be a friend of a criminal will create a extreme hardship for your relationship you will be forced to either terminate your friendship or lower your moral standard making you no better than the criminal element in our society.
So how do we define honest people? Well they would have to be a legitimate part of society, they would have to be kind and caring, willing to help out in public works such as rallies or behind the curtains helping press the envelope for much needed political reforms, but people may not be able to attend such things so how can you judge the others. I say by the way the act are they condescending to people below the social status? Do they help out citizens in need without expecting payment? Do they put themselves first or a higher cause? Such as betterment of their country in which they reside? Or even a religion. How do they treat their kin? Do they beat their wives or children? Are they mentally sound? Not saying you can’t be friend’s whit mentally handicapped but I’m saying this is a much harder feat, do they respect themselves? Who do they idolize and why? Someone can idolize Hitler if his reason is sound, such as creating an independent Germany, but he also has to allow for the man’s shortcomings. That rule goes for all idols for if you do not know were your idol failed how can you be a better man? “Loyalty, honesty, fairness and generosity … unflinching integrity whose character does not contain a trace of covetousness or violence or unscrupulousness … generally described as good” (pg#186 Cicero on The Good Life) keep these characteristics in mind when deciding whether to consider someone your friend or to let someone call you their friend. Another thing to keep in mind to keep in mind is whether this person is your countryman because your ties will be stronger between countrymen then foreigners and even more so with relatives over strangers.

“Real friendship is more potent than kinship; for the latter can exist without goodwill, whereas friendship can do no such thing… friendship is so something so choice and so selective that it can only exist between two people at most extremely few.” (pg#187 Cicero on The Good Life) so how can you cultivate and maintain something so elusive something so rare? Well between two good men of similar interests it is easier, well lets first identify it “Friendship can never be untimely never be in the way, we need friendship all the time not ordinary common place friendship but the authentic kind always gives hope and never allows the spirit to falter and fail” (pg# 188 Cicero on The Good Life) Such as between Frodo and Sam together they did what neither of them alone could do, their friendship was never untimely, never in the way, and they needed it all the time. I your friendship is like that than I congratulate you for you have found what few of us ever will. Now will your friend put himself in harms way just to save your from it? Is your friend companionable? Congenial? Does he enjoy criticizing you? Because a true friend does not. Does he listen to the rumours on the street about you? Because once again a friend does not. Now for the maintenance of friendship does he eternally try to raise you to his level of living? Whether it be in intellect or material wealth, a true friend always is raising his kinsmen and his family to his level and vice versa. If he is superior does he place himself on level with you or does he stay on his high horse when you are in private with him? A friend who endlessly flatters you should warn you of ulterior motives, also friends who argue with you and gives in time after time is flattering you in a subtle way so be wary. When he is wronged does he ask you to help him seek out ways to take his revenge? Does he invite you to engage in illegal activities? Does he endlessly try to improve himself? Now what should you do for your friend? You should help him when he is down and out, you should celebrate with him when he receives that much deserved promotion, you should help him in his career whether it is being a business partner helping him with education or political advancement, you should end any rumours about him when you find them and set the gossip mongers right, and the hardest part you have to criticize him when he does wrong but do not revel just tell him plainly and shortly and decide what he should do to make amends.

Now how should you end your friendship and why should you do so? “It is better to unstitch the union than to tear it apart; unless that is to say, there has been some outburst of intolerable wrongdoing in which case the only proper and honourable course, indeed the only practicable course will be immediate withdrawal and dissociation.”(pg#215 Cicero on The good Life) now ways to unstitch a union would be to slowly slow down on visiting a former friend stop attending functions with him and after a while you union will cease to exist. Now what warrants such a drastic course of action? Well maybe changes in careers, or maybe a difference in political views, or even when you and your friend start competing for a similar resource that can only be obtained by one person, such as that much needed promotion, another is when one asks the other to gratify him is vices or some other despicable act, or when either one of you stops being good the friendship will dissolve. One word of warning “The most discreditable thing in the world is to let a man who was once your friend become your enemy” (pg#215 Cicero on The Good Life) how can you be creditable person if you fall so far as to having a bitter war with a man who was once your friend? “ In some ways our enemies do us a greater service than our friends who seem so agreeable: Since enemies often tell us the truth, whereas friends never do.” (pg#221 Cicero on The Good Life) all though I do not regard this as wholly true take note of the truth in it your enemy will tell you every little thing that is wrong with you so take in this knowledge that they give you and use it to your advantage by trying to better yourself off it, but keep counsel with your friends to make sure you do not become wholly engorged in what your enemies say.

Friends should be soldiers for eachother to the death, to take any risk to save their friend from it, they should give freely unto their friend with out expecting repayment, a true friendship can only exist between good people. To maintain a friendship you should be on the lookout for people who would wrong u both for no reason and you should not be friends with people who have no moral conscience for you will become more like them then they will be of you. Terminating your friendship is a ugly task that has to be done not only for our sake but for the sake of your loved ones. Do not associate with criminals and live a good life and you will have good friends and having good friends you will have a good life
Ayanami said on: 2008-05-17 02:52 am
6141 Days, 3 Hrs, 30 Min, 52 Sec ago
->Friends should be soldiers for eachother to the death, to take any risk to save their friend from it

This relationship is an important support function in a friendship- Since a great source of your own spiritual survival and safety is linked to a friend's existance, you should treat this person as a pillar of your heart and risk yourself to any lengths.

->They should give freely unto their friend with out expecting repayment

If a friendship cannot exist on credit, there is simply no trust! And giving in abundance allows an emotional bank account to develop between people, and also giving a greater gift for something or nothing will show the value of your happiness

->a true friendship can only exist between good people.

"Good" in this case should refer to something akin to people who adopt a positive or creative path rather than a destructive path in life- in other words someone who is "bad" will be likely to destroy all around them including your friendship

->To maintain a friendship you should be on the lookout for people who would wrong u both for no reason and you should not be friends with people who have no moral conscience for you will become more like them then they will be of you.

Friendship is also a fortress against destructive people who will cause your morals to degrade and start destructive behavior

->Terminating your friendship is a ugly task that has to be done not only for our sake but for the sake of your loved ones. Do not associate with criminals and live a good life and you will have good friends and having good friends you will have a good life.

In order not to condone destrutive acts, some people should be exiled from your domain. Association causes your morals in the case of "Criminals" to slowly change as you start condoning their acts.

Severing bonds between people must start with the honesty to see the truth about somebody's deeds. A criminal who has been tested with wisdom is the person someone will sever bonds with.
SilverSurfer said on: 2008-05-17 06:10 pm
6140 Days, 12 Hrs, 13 Min, 12 Sec ago
About Shalo's post - That was SO copy + pasted from someone else.
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-05-18 12:00 am
6140 Days, 6 Hrs, 23 Min, 29 Sec ago
Actually it is a essay i used in university.
technically speaking it is copy pasted :P

now if you were to accuse me of plagiarism i would have to get pissed.
Creativename^^ said on: 2008-05-19 10:39 pm
6138 Days, 7 Hrs, 44 Min, 25 Sec ago
I seriously hope this is a draft. In your first two sentences, I stopped like five errors. Writing is not rocket science! I am by no means good at it, but that's just ridiculous for a university level essay. If I didn't care about grades, I'd submit trash like that for lulz. Also, stop raping Cicero's Guide to the Good Life or whatever it's called.

"slowly slow down"
Have you heard of a thesaurus?

"Do they beat their wives or children?"
What kind of rejects do you know?:/

"Not saying you can’t be friend’s whit mentally handicapped"
Lucky for you...

"Someone can idolize Hitler if his reason is sound"
I wonder if essays in German are this bad...

Don't post stuff on the Internet if you don't want holes poked in it.

[Added at 05/19/2008 22:41:54 by Creativename^^]
Plagiarism: I've been accused of plagiarizing stuff that I swear to <god of your choice> I wrote straight from my head. Pretty funny, because the reason cited is often "no way a <age at time> y/o could write this."

Not bragging, but it's funny.
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-05-22 11:49 pm
6135 Days, 6 Hrs, 34 Min, 7 Sec ago
Meh I am not a good writer.
If I have made errors I have made errors.