General Forum

Call the police 2 replies

00 said on: 2009-02-11 04:59 pm
5792 Days, 19 Hrs, 37 Min, 20 Sec ago
[1. main] Busty: yeah
[1. main] Busty: it's a lot of fun
[1. main] Busty: let's do something
[1. main] Busty: ffs I'm bored.
[1. main] Busty: OH $#!@
[1. main] Busty: TANKS HOME
[1. main] Busty: busty will be away
[1. main] Busty: sorry he is mine now
[1. main] Busty has left channel main (Quit)
Nataku said on: 2009-02-11 05:16 pm
5792 Days, 19 Hrs, 19 Min, 31 Sec ago
oh noes
Jing said on: 2009-02-11 06:07 pm
5792 Days, 18 Hrs, 29 Min, 17 Sec ago
Call the FBI you mean.