Nations Forum

Devils Knights is joining the 7th/Dom war 18 replies

WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2007-01-28 07:45 pm
6615 Days, 14 Hrs, 40 Min, 49 Sec ago
Devils Knights will be aiding the 7th Cavalry with an exception. We will only be selecting 3-5 volenteers from the Devils Knights clan for this battle. This is merely to even the odds. They will be moved into their own temporary squad as well as have their own hitlist. The joining users will be posted in this thread when I figure them out.

That is all.

[Added at 01/28/2007 20:53:46 by WeaponX]
I might add that I will NOT, for any reason, bring the rest of my clan into this war unless anyone in Devils Knights other than the soon-to-be 7th Cav. aids are attacked by Domination, or Domination calls for aid from The Inner Circle or any other allies.
ChaoticLaw said on: 2007-01-29 05:58 am
6615 Days, 4 Hrs, 28 Min, 6 Sec ago
The Inner Circle's war-time alliance with Nirvana was terminated with the disbanding of the clan. We will currently not be aiding either side of the hostilities unless called upon to do so from one of our current allies. A request has been made by Domination for an alliance, and that matter will be discussed and determined by the leadership of The Inner Circle. Any questions or concerns can be directed to either the SAs of The Inner Circle, or can be posted here.
GuildaMage said on: 2007-01-29 10:51 am
6614 Days, 23 Hrs, 35 Min, 8 Sec ago
Why Inner Circle...Why couldnt it have been Inner Square?
Ilidan said on: 2007-01-29 11:00 am
6614 Days, 23 Hrs, 25 Min, 56 Sec ago
Not sure about that there.

As for the topic, I will be personally be aiding 7th in their campaign.
TinaMiaz said on: 2007-01-29 11:09 am
6614 Days, 23 Hrs, 16 Min, 58 Sec ago
Cause Inner Cirlce is better than "Inner Square"...And that's final :o Also, Circle starts with a "C" and so does cookies....
WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2007-01-29 12:47 pm
6614 Days, 21 Hrs, 38 Min, 58 Sec ago
The Devils Knights 7th Cavalry Squad will contain 4 members from our clan, they are as follows:


As I said before, if I see that any of my other members are being massed by Domination or allies I will bring more members in.
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-01-29 12:52 pm
6614 Days, 21 Hrs, 34 Min, 1 Sec ago
UNFAIR! You get alliances, we don't!


lol jk.
AK47 said on: 2007-01-29 12:56 pm
6614 Days, 21 Hrs, 29 Min, 44 Sec ago

red we would love to have you in DK. join us! =D
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-01-29 01:04 pm
6614 Days, 21 Hrs, 21 Min, 38 Sec ago
Or else what?
WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2007-01-29 01:16 pm
6614 Days, 21 Hrs, 9 Min, 33 Sec ago
Or else.. we bombard you with used diapers!
Gemz said on: 2007-01-29 01:48 pm
6614 Days, 20 Hrs, 37 Min, 21 Sec ago

i give up!
Hi-Liter said on: 2007-01-29 02:00 pm
6614 Days, 20 Hrs, 25 Min, 53 Sec ago
the 7th Cav would like to thank our very good ally, DK for making the total number on our side equal to the domination clan.

i asked ak47 to send us warriors and boy did he! lol

let the fun begin!!
Ayanami said on: 2007-01-29 02:07 pm
6614 Days, 20 Hrs, 19 Min, 10 Sec ago
now all we need is for the other 50% to join dom and we'll have a total nation war!

*cool development! ;)

*two thumbs up* :D
Gemz said on: 2007-01-29 02:32 pm
6614 Days, 19 Hrs, 53 Min, 34 Sec ago
I know what side we will pick...
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-01-29 06:34 pm
6614 Days, 15 Hrs, 51 Min, 47 Sec ago
If your so call "Fair war" is so friggen FAIR then why is Chattan SAs buying my milltary? You guys need help against the big bad TWD?

Kacllcll.vv.w bought 13000/171863 Guerrilla for $650,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (12 Minutes, 36 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:19:31 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 13000/171963 Guerrilla for $650,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (12 Minutes, 53 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:58 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 13000/146263 Guerrilla for $650,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (13 Minutes, 26 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:58 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 3500/24383 Tanks for $700,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (13 Minutes, 26 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:38 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 13000/135841 Guerrilla for $650,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (13 Minutes, 46 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:38 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 3500/24383 Tanks for $700,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (13 Minutes, 46 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:25 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Communist of Communist
Weather Conditions:
Thunder Storm
Attack Outcome: You lost the battle
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 19 and lost 117 battle(s)

Communist Casualties:
Communist lost 2429 Guerrilla
Communist lost 1016 Tanks
Communist lost 92 Ships
Communist lost 460 Planes
Communist lost 50 Submarines

Your Casualties:
You lost 2123 Guerrilla
You lost 881 Tanks
You lost 80 Ships
You lost 226 Planes
You lost 43 Submarines

Battle Information:
Communist took 1 unit(s) of your land
Communist looted $329846 of your money
Communist troops razed 651 units of your food
Communist tanks destroyed 4 barracks killing 255 guerrilla
Communist Navy destroyed 3 of your oil tankers spewing 11028 units of oil into the sea
Communist planes destroyed 486 of your tanks.
Collateral damage resulted in 206 civilians deaths

(13 Minutes, 59 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:04 - Communist bought 445/3293 Planes for $222,500 from your deal(s) in the market. (14 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:04 - Communist bought 91/1908 Ships for $91,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (14 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:04 - Communist bought 54/1503 Submarines for $108,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (14 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:04 - Communist bought 940/25323 Tanks for $188,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (14 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:18:02 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 3500/28823 Tanks for $700,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (14 Minutes, 22 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:17:13 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Communist of Communist
Weather Conditions:
Thunder Storm
Attack Outcome: You lost the battle
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 19 and lost 116 battle(s)

Communist Casualties:
Communist lost 3910 Guerrilla
Communist lost 940 Tanks
Communist lost 91 Ships
Communist lost 445 Planes
Communist lost 54 Submarines

Your Casualties:
You lost 4125 Guerrilla
You lost 1002 Tanks
You lost 96 Ships
You lost 262 Planes
You lost 56 Submarines

Battle Information:
Communist took 1 unit(s) of your land
Communist looted $727798 of your money
Communist troops razed 715 units of your food
Communist tanks destroyed 6 barracks killing 365 guerrilla
Communist Navy destroyed 2 of your oil tankers spewing 8549 units of oil into the sea
Communist planes destroyed 390 of your tanks.
Collateral damage resulted in 221 civilians deaths

(15 Minutes, 11 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:17:12 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 880/3293 Planes for $440,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (15 Minutes, 12 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:17:12 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 13000/45541 Guerrilla for $650,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (15 Minutes, 12 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:17:12 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 350/2258 Ships for $350,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (15 Minutes, 12 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:17:12 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 170/1503 Submarines for $340,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (15 Minutes, 12 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:17:12 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 3500/28823 Tanks for $700,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (15 Minutes, 12 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:16:38 - Communist bought 5916/25657 Guerrilla for $295,800 from your deal(s) in the market. (15 Minutes, 46 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:16:22 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 350/2608 Ships for $350,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 2 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:16:22 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 170/1503 Submarines for $340,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 2 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:16:22 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 880/3293 Planes for $440,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 2 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:16:03 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 13000/25657 Guerrilla for $650,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 21 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:16:03 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 3500/32323 Tanks for $700,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 21 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:15:49 - Communist bought 80/1503 Submarines for $160,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 35 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:15:49 - Communist bought 181/2608 Ships for $181,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 35 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:15:49 - Communist bought 1877/34200 Tanks for $375,400 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 35 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:15:49 - Communist bought 517/3293 Planes for $258,500 from your deal(s) in the market. (16 Minutes, 35 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:15:10 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 12000/37657 Guerrilla for $600,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (17 Minutes, 14 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:14:01 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 170/1503 Submarines for $340,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (18 Minutes, 23 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:14:01 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 3500/34200 Tanks for $700,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (18 Minutes, 23 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:14:01 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 880/3293 Planes for $440,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (18 Minutes, 23 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:14:01 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 13000/37657 Guerrilla for $650,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (18 Minutes, 23 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:14:01 - .Kacllcll.vv.w bought 350/2958 Ships for $350,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (18 Minutes, 23 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:09:33 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Communist of Communist
Weather Conditions:
Thunder Storm
Attack Outcome: You lost the battle
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 18 and lost 115 battle(s)

Communist Casualties:
Communist lost 2311 Guerrilla
Communist lost 694 Tanks
Communist lost 97 Ships
Communist lost 358 Planes
Communist lost 33 Submarines

Your Casualties:
You lost 1089 Guerrilla
You lost 191 Tanks
You lost 33 Ships
You lost 80 Planes
You lost 17 Submarines

Battle Information:
Communist took 1 unit(s) of your land
Communist looted $332044 of your money
Communist tanks destroyed 1 barracks killing 7 guerrilla
Communist planes destroyed 64 of your tanks.
Collateral damage resulted in 223 civilians deaths

(22 Minutes, 51 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:09:04 - Communist bought 737/34200 Tanks for $147,400 from your deal(s) in the market. (23 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:09:04 - Communist bought 377/3293 Planes for $188,500 from your deal(s) in the market. (23 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:09:04 - Communist bought 94/2958 Ships for $94,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (23 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:09:04 - Communist bought 42/1503 Submarines for $84,000 from your deal(s) in the market. (23 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

01-29-07 07:09:04 - Communist bought 2898/40555 Guerrilla for $144,900 from your deal(s) in the market. (23 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago)

Ilidan said on: 2007-01-29 06:38 pm
6614 Days, 15 Hrs, 47 Min, 56 Sec ago
Casey, until you can **prove** that he was acting ON BEHALF OF HIS CLAN, and not solely with Communist, then you cannot claim we (the Leadership of DK) authorized this.

I personally was unaware of the action, and WeaponX and AK47 are in similar situations. It will be investigated.
TinaMiaz said on: 2007-01-29 06:39 pm
6614 Days, 15 Hrs, 47 Min, 1 Sec ago
Wow...That's pretty bad :o
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-01-29 06:46 pm
6614 Days, 15 Hrs, 40 Min, 3 Sec ago
Tina it proves that there are other clan in the war dosen't it?
Communist said on: 2007-01-29 07:12 pm
6614 Days, 15 Hrs, 13 Min, 55 Sec ago
It's all gooood