Nations Forum

Feedback please! 38 replies

Oracle said on: 2007-08-16 12:06 am
6416 Days, 19 Hrs, 11 Min, 44 Sec ago
I was gonna hold a poll on great tech allies, but it doesn't seem to do justice to people, give me some feedback on:

Poll: Techies

Ever wondered who the top rated Tech allies in Nations were? Ever felt ridiculously proud that you had a famous Tech ally like thebest or Goliath?

Here's your chance to voice your opinion and to find out the current highest rated Tech allies!

Please choose 10 of last rounds top 50, which you feel are good Tech allies! (No order of preference as this is phase 1/2 of the Contest.)

Please add reasons for the benefit of all :o)

Phase 1 ends by this time next week.

#More of a popularity contest, but hey.. :P

ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-08-16 02:00 am
6416 Days, 17 Hrs, 17 Min, 13 Sec ago
I'm not gonna follow format. i'm just gonna say that I rule as a tech ally, and so do mine. Mine are Battlecruiser, _LoKi_ and Gi_joe. I'm actually baffled as to how such good players allied with me, as I have yet to have an UBER good round
Jing said on: 2007-08-16 02:18 am
6416 Days, 16 Hrs, 59 Min, 22 Sec ago
the first 3 are undecided. I can't judge pic because i got him during a war.

9. n/a

I don't feel like giving a reason why they're good techies because it would be repetitive.
I only recall 8 techies due to my bad memories.
Alex said on: 2007-08-16 05:34 am
6416 Days, 13 Hrs, 43 Min, 8 Sec ago
Top player aren't always the best techies.

However I have to say that Shady is quite a good techie as long as entity_neo, _loki_, fbg and tina are doing great job.

But I'm godlike as a techie XD lol
Moonshine said on: 2007-08-16 05:35 am
6416 Days, 13 Hrs, 42 Min, 44 Sec ago


[Added at 08/16/2007 10:30:39 by Moonshine]
Ohh yea i forgot neo..hes a good techie.

[Added at 08/16/2007 18:14:55 by Moonshine]
Weaponx was good too.
GuildaMage said on: 2007-08-16 07:18 am
6416 Days, 11 Hrs, 59 Min, 28 Sec ago
1. Jing
2. Pic
3. Ak47
4. DoAlca
5. Troa1

Those are ones i have, these are ones id try:

6. Entity-Neo
7. Loki
8. Oracle
9. Sandyx
10. Sal
Rick.T said on: 2007-08-16 08:22 am
6416 Days, 10 Hrs, 55 Min, 43 Sec ago
My top 3 techies would be sal,goliath and Pic

ive had all 3 before
AK47 said on: 2007-08-16 08:53 am
6416 Days, 10 Hrs, 24 Min, 1 Sec ago

in no particular order

1) hellshound
2) pic
3) guildamage
4) jing
5) silversurfer
6) thebest
7) hhhmaster
8) jeany
9) entity-neo
10) manyourdead

...these are all people i have had tech alliances with. my best techy without question was jeany during round 48 when he had one the of highest base techs the game has ever known and ranked 1st with 306.43 tech.

right now i think the top techies are jing, guildamage, and pic. they all research the same way i do and end up giving me the best base tech i can possibly have with the new Nations changes.
TinaMiaz said on: 2007-08-16 09:52 am
6416 Days, 9 Hrs, 25 Min, 46 Sec ago
Meh, dunno...

If I techie with you, then I know you're reliable.
WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2007-08-16 01:12 pm
6416 Days, 6 Hrs, 5 Min, 11 Sec ago
WeaponX is my favorite techy, that guy is sexy.

[Added at 08/16/2007 15:13:04 by WeaponX]
OOPS wrong account!
Pic said on: 2007-08-16 02:22 pm
6416 Days, 4 Hrs, 55 Min, 7 Sec ago
wow - talk about a hard list to make - I know I'm leaving ppl off of it.

1 - Stormbringer – solid, constant, never stops giving tec.

2- AK47 – good solid player – plays the same way I do and gives me the flexibility to try something new.

3 - Guildamage – plays the same way I do

4 - Doaica – great one – snag him if you can.

5 - Bubble_dees – part of my old trio that helped give me my first set of wins.

6 - SaNdYx – solid tec partner.

7 - Entity-Neo

8 - Thruster – I would partner with thruster as
he’s a very solid player

9- Jing – good player, knows the base tec side of the game – a bit erratic – prone to giving poor tec on the last 5 days of the game also doesn’t play how I play the game – but I’d still recommend him.

10 - Cruzader

(many ppl I’m leaving off the list – I look for two things 1) VIP and 2) top 10/15 finishes.)
(most rounds my 3 teckies are in the top 10 with me sometimes we make the top 5)


Ppl I don’t suggest getting a tec with:

Sal – I had him for a round, and it was nothing but complaining – every day – “why are you doing this” – “why are you doing that” – “stop that, do this.” I kept on sending him messages saying “I think I know how to play this game sal” eventually he dropped me because he was crazy.

If you want a pain in the behind get sal.

Also, I tend not to check my tec parners – I almost never look at the news – only if I get off/def early – or weak tec at any time do I see who it came from. – Sal used to count my turns…

[Added at 08/16/2007 16:24:24 by Pic]
"Please choose 10 of last rounds top 50"

oops - I guess ppl shouldn't vote for me & my list may be a bit off as well.

[Added at 08/16/2007 16:25:46 by Pic]
see I forgot moonshine. :-P
JEBStuart said on: 2007-08-16 02:45 pm
6416 Days, 4 Hrs, 32 Min, 54 Sec ago
GuildaMage said on: 2007-08-16 02:45 pm
6416 Days, 4 Hrs, 32 Min, 33 Sec ago
I forgot crim. :(
Red (Tester) said on: 2007-08-16 03:01 pm
6416 Days, 4 Hrs, 16 Min, 5 Sec ago
1. Red
2. Red
3. Red
4. Red
5. Red
6. Red
7. Red
8. Red
9. Red
10. Jing


Oracle said on: 2007-08-16 05:14 pm
6416 Days, 2 Hrs, 3 Min, 45 Sec ago
none of Red's self techies count, unless she can show proof she can techie herself (Weap did it once, so who knows)
Roman said on: 2007-08-16 06:07 pm
6416 Days, 1 Hr, 10 Min, 43 Sec ago
yeah sal is great. but from the old days, goliath, icefox, godai, swann_88, deltaflyer13 all from LE, they were legendary techies
Stormbringer said on: 2007-08-16 06:19 pm
6416 Days, 58 Minutes, 29 Seconds ago
Ok, this is a tough list to compile. Undertanding that this is based on last round, all players I have listed are players I have teched with presently and in the past.

1. Pic - Simply the best tech player I have seen in my time here! Always willing to help with questions and try something new.

2. THRUSTER - Solid beyond solid, never stops giving and works hard to help his tech allies.

3. AK47 - Consistent and like clockwork. Plays much as I do.

4. Dugwix1 - Dependable, reliable. The most under-rated player and tech around.

5. Kazoany - Always on the money as a tech.

6. Hehe - Another solid and dependable tech.

7. Entity-Neo - Always on his mark.

8. JEBStuart - In war and peace he keeps on ticking.

9. SaNdYx - Love him, hate him - he's solid and works to help his tech allies.

10. Viper10488 - Solid yet under - rated as well.

....perhaps we should compile a top 10 list of our best tech allies in the time we have played Nations.
Jing said on: 2007-08-16 07:29 pm
6415 Days, 23 Hrs, 48 Min, 18 Sec ago
sorry pic.
But i give poor tech at the end of the round because i would be busy exploring up from 50 lands.
and i usuually get mass at the last 5 days.
AK47 said on: 2007-08-22 08:12 pm
6409 Days, 23 Hrs, 5 Min, 32 Sec ago

stormy we've been techies before? =O
...*AK tries to recall*
LagunaCid said on: 2007-08-22 11:29 pm
6409 Days, 19 Hrs, 48 Min, 17 Sec ago
I never allied with top players :)
Yet I rank rather favourably...
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-22 11:47 pm
6409 Days, 19 Hrs, 30 Min, 17 Sec ago
All my techies that I can remember since I started in a date-ordered list:

1. WeaponX
2. JEBstuart
4. Kane
5. Cruzader
6. Entity-Neo
7. Jing
8. AK47
9. Kill-u-dead(Current)
10. Hi-Liter(Current)
11. GreenArrow(Current)

I've had many, but I can't really say which ones are better... All I can remember is back as far as cruzader... I'd say they're all pretty much apples and oranges except that maybe greenarrow sticks out a little more... Jing, AK, and the rest were all pretty good... Then there were WARBEAST who wasn't the greatest because he does what he does, and Kane because kane was just a little rusty playing skills wize...

Only reason I could think that I'm not the greatest techie is that even though I am pretty solid, my consistency pales in comparison with someone such as Stormbringer or THRUSTER. When you get one of either, you're most likely set for sometime to come... Me, I might take off every 4 rounds or so.

Who knows.

[Added at 08/23/2007 01:48:58 by SilverSurfer]
I just remembered that arch had two stints with me before where he shortly there after went inactive.
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-08-26 01:01 pm
6406 Days, 6 Hrs, 16 Min, 14 Sec ago
I vote

1) TheWhiteDemon - plays like i do - simply the best

2) Jing - Plays like i told him to - simply the 2nd best

3) Guildamage - pwns all, but dosent play like i told him to

4) Sal - Always tries to boss his techies around but he is still good

5) Oracle - Never had him but i can tell he rapes kids

6) Sandyx - Same with Oracle..... you can just tell

7) TheWhiteDemon - Had to mention this amazing kid again

8) Thebest - dont ask why

9) Pic - Never had him but he wins aloy so what the heck

10) Hit_Man_12 Gets 300 weapons somtimes but is still amazing
WARBEAST said on: 2007-08-26 02:27 pm
6406 Days, 4 Hrs, 50 Min, 23 Sec ago
not to say anything!...:)

but to display your allies gives WARBEAST targets to ATTACK...may not be a good idea!

someone like me can USE that to OUR advantage!
LagunaCid said on: 2007-08-26 05:40 pm
6406 Days, 1 Hr, 37 Min, 48 Sec ago
Wow WARBEAST is stupider than I thought.
Cllander said on: 2007-08-26 05:47 pm
6406 Days, 1 Hr, 30 Min, 58 Sec ago


"more stupid" would be the gramatically correct way.
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-08-26 06:45 pm
6406 Days, 32 Minutes, 35 Seconds ago
Considering I only have 27 land, I'd say I'm an excellent tech ally.
Arch-Devil said on: 2007-08-26 10:36 pm
6405 Days, 20 Hrs, 41 Min, 26 Sec ago
My vote is (in no particular order)
Silversurfer (not for long though)
that's all i can think of right now... sorry if i missed you

[Added at 08/28/2007 00:02:25 by Arch-Devil]
CRIM!!!! that's who i forgot..^_^ *hugs*
Qc_warrior said on: 2007-08-27 12:41 am
6405 Days, 18 Hrs, 36 Min, 58 Sec ago
my top 10

1-sandyx cuz is the best
2-xsquad cuz he learn me to play
3-guild this guys is very nice
4-pic wow this man is very good
5-storm he is always in ranking
6-shady the best of x
7-alex very a good techie (té fort le gros :P)
8-viper nice techie
9-trao1 always there for me :P
10-silversulfer you rock :)
Moonshine said on: 2007-08-27 09:08 am
6405 Days, 10 Hrs, 9 Min, 5 Sec ago
Just you talk how you type?
GuildaMage said on: 2007-08-27 09:10 am
6405 Days, 10 Hrs, 7 Min, 11 Sec ago
English isnt his native language moon. French is.
Alex said on: 2007-08-27 10:23 am
6405 Days, 8 Hrs, 54 Min, 59 Sec ago
And moon, Qc_Warrior writes better than other english player even thought his native language isn't english.

Merci Qc_Warrior, mais tu as rien vu, attend prochain round, tu va voir comment je joue pour de vrai.
LagunaCid said on: 2007-08-27 11:18 am
6405 Days, 7 Hrs, 59 Min, 52 Sec ago
You aren't playing seriously this round, Shin? D:
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-27 12:11 pm
6405 Days, 7 Hrs, 6 Min, 13 Sec ago
QC is the man!
Alex said on: 2007-08-27 02:56 pm
6405 Days, 4 Hrs, 21 Min, 31 Sec ago
Nop I ain't Cid, you would see my tech research you would understand
Crim said on: 2007-08-27 04:05 pm
6405 Days, 3 Hrs, 12 Min, 27 Sec ago
yay someone had me on their list. :)

anyway mine would be


mainly cause all of them focus on base tech
DeltaFlyer13 said on: 2007-08-28 03:31 am
6404 Days, 15 Hrs, 46 Min, 41 Sec ago
Someone put me as #1 on their list please. :)

I shall get Archy to perform e-fellatio in return.

And VIP's make better techies, that's a given. They have more money to spend on military. :p

Other than that, it's not hard at all to reseach in all 4's until the last day or last few hours of the round.
Viper10488 said on: 2007-08-28 08:30 am
6404 Days, 10 Hrs, 47 Min, 20 Sec ago
im on someones list!
wait 2 ppl mentioned me!!! I FEEL LOVED!!! T_T~
Gi_joe (Vip) said on: 2007-08-28 09:11 am
6404 Days, 10 Hrs, 6 Min, 36 Sec ago
shadyknight is the bomb :)
i currently have
SaNdYx said on: 2007-08-28 08:15 pm
6403 Days, 23 Hrs, 2 Min, 12 Sec ago
no order

7-cronus but i think i had him when he wasnt really active

those i wish to techie with, no order once again

and if i forgot someone in my techies well.. sry ;)