Nations Forum

- No Subject - 10 replies

Viper10488 said on: 2008-04-10 04:43 pm
6177 Days, 19 Hrs, 5 Min, 57 Sec ago
1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): danny fo will give 5
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): viper has 292
[1. main] DaisukeNiwa (Vip): Really?
[1. main] DaisukeNiwa (Vip): Nice.
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): yes sir
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): o% popularity also
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): thruster at 288, also 47mil
[1. main] DaisukeNiwa (Vip): Wow...
[1. main] DaisukeNiwa (Vip): 47 MIL FundS!?
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): see for yourself
[1. main] DaisukeNiwa (Vip): I won't attack yet..
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): dang cant penetrate military
[1. main] DaisukeNiwa (Vip): He's probably LOADED.
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): its ok I will take his guerilla and planes when time comes
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): I told him doom would not win
[1. main] WARBEAST (Vip): no matter what - [Reply]

tsk tsk Warbeast, lies do not work well for u~ xD
WARBEAST said on: 2008-04-10 04:51 pm
6177 Days, 18 Hrs, 57 Min, 35 Sec ago
i suggest they SEE for themselves...MUHAHAHAHA!

I will be
Beowulf24 said on: 2008-04-10 06:54 pm
6177 Days, 16 Hrs, 55 Min, 26 Sec ago
Battle Report
You attacked: Regenta of Misanthropes
Weather Conditions: Sunny

Attack Outcome: Victory!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 39 and lost 13 battle(s)

Your Casualties:
You lost 3092 Guerrilla

Regenta Casualties:
Regenta lost 166 Guerrilla

Battle Information:
You took 3 unit(s) of land from Regenta
You looted $6774 in cash
Collateral damage resulted in 2787 civilians deaths
Viper10488 said on: 2008-04-10 07:45 pm
6177 Days, 16 Hrs, 4 Min, 17 Sec ago
LOL what does that have to do with any of this beowulf...
Korgrath (Mod) said on: 2008-04-10 08:54 pm
6177 Days, 14 Hrs, 54 Min, 44 Sec ago
Battle Report
You attacked: Viper10488 of Warzone
Weather Conditions: Sunny

Attack Outcome: Victory!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 1337 and lost 0 battle(s)

Your Casualties:
You lost 0 Guerrilla

Regenta Casualties:
Regenta lost 03432 Guerrilla

Battle Information:
You took 18 unit(s) of land from Viper10488
You looted $1337327 in cash
Collateral damage resulted in 2 civilians deaths
AK47 said on: 2008-04-10 09:29 pm
6177 Days, 14 Hrs, 20 Min, 19 Sec ago

18 land a hit! =O

*masses viper*

Stormbringer said on: 2008-04-10 11:41 pm
6177 Days, 12 Hrs, 8 Min, 25 Sec ago
Korgy's place is where it's happening!

Battle Report
You attacked: Korgrath of Dark Malice
Weather Conditions: Radiation Storm

Attack Outcome: TOAST!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 1337 and lost 0 battle(s)

Your Casualties:
You lost 0 Guerrilla
You lost 1 IQ point for another round here

Beouwulf Casualties:
Beouwulf lost 7.75 Guerillas
WARBEAST lost caps lock
Nataku lost forum posting abilities
Loki lost his spear gun

Battle Information:
You took 22 unit(s) of land from Korgrath
You looted $13371337 in cash
Collateral damage resulted in 13 vehicular deaths and Prince Charles' abnormal ear growth
Regenta said on: 2008-04-11 08:42 am
6177 Days, 3 Hrs, 6 Min, 35 Sec ago
Well, massed more than a dozen times a day,am i that worth your turns and all, Beowulf and all? xD When Dj started the first attack and him dropping like 5, 6 land? While i drop 3-4 and not that much cash i thought? xD

sorry Viper, kinda not in-topic with your thread though XD
Space-Monkey said on: 2008-04-11 10:25 am
6177 Days, 1 Hr, 23 Min, 39 Sec ago
Korgrath (Mod) said on: 04/10/08 8:54 pm
(13 Hrs, 28 Min, 12 Sec ago)
Battle Report
You attacked: Viper10488 of Warzone
Weather Conditions: Sunny

Attack Outcome: Victory!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 1337 and lost 0 battle(s)

Your Casualties:
You lost 0 Guerrilla

Regenta Casualties:
Regenta lost 03432 Guerrilla

Battle Information:
You took 18 unit(s) of land from Viper10488
You looted $1337327 in cash
Collateral damage resulted in 2 civilians deaths

Nataku said on: 2008-04-11 11:22 am
6177 Days, 26 Minutes, 44 Seconds ago
*rises off Regenta*
Tooks said on: 2008-04-11 01:03 pm
6176 Days, 22 Hrs, 45 Min, 46 Sec ago
Ray lost his spear gun?

Uh oh...