Nations Forum

New possibilities 12 replies

Sal said on: 2008-08-13 05:02 pm
6052 Days, 20 Hrs, 36 Min, 34 Sec ago
Tech alliances are back but the new "1 military = 2 land" rule still applies.

This means land can now reach amounts over 900.

Also, last time the event was held, there was an enormous tech gap between me and everyone else. That was due to not having techies. This should make it easier on me next round, and make you all less worried about "not being able to reach me".

Next round, I will attempt to reach 900 land, POSSIBLY 1000, but I doubt it.

Now I know next round is the draft, so i'm pretty sure alot of you will be happy to have such huge amounts of free land to feed on.

So the same rules apply, if everyone's up for it. No attacking me and the helpers until threads are made.

I need helpers, once again! + techies. Techies will be required to go extreme on military. That means low turn cost researches + military as much as possible.

I hope you all know by now that this is not an attempt to win the round sneakily, i'm merely trying to put some fun in the game and make it easier on the people who never get to have free farms.

900 land means dropping 18 + per hit :)
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-08-13 05:07 pm
6052 Days, 20 Hrs, 32 Min, 13 Sec ago
Im on board.
XSquad said on: 2008-08-13 06:04 pm
6052 Days, 19 Hrs, 35 Min, 12 Sec ago
All aboard!!!

Im in :)
LagunaCid said on: 2008-08-13 11:03 pm
6052 Days, 14 Hrs, 35 Min, 34 Sec ago
What the? Does it take you like 40 turns to explore from 900 to 901 or something?
Sufyuf said on: 2008-08-14 02:57 am
6052 Days, 10 Hrs, 41 Min, 32 Sec ago
I'll help ya out Sal
Sal said on: 2008-08-14 06:32 am
6052 Days, 7 Hrs, 6 Min, 45 Sec ago
You can't explore beyond 500 land LC, rest has to be from attacks.
DaisukeNiwa said on: 2008-08-14 06:52 am
6052 Days, 6 Hrs, 46 Min, 59 Sec ago
SL. You can't be apart of this. You are in Silverwing next round.
TinaMiaz said on: 2008-08-14 07:13 am
6052 Days, 6 Hrs, 25 Min, 21 Sec ago
You know I'd <3 to help. But I'm gonna actually be playing active next round to help out the draft clans.
Sal said on: 2008-08-14 08:05 am
6052 Days, 5 Hrs, 33 Min, 31 Sec ago
I dont see how draft members couldnt help out.

It'll just give massive amounts of land to whoever is playing ftw
GuildaMage said on: 2008-08-14 08:08 am
6052 Days, 5 Hrs, 30 Min, 23 Sec ago
What about my clan?
Battlecruiser said on: 2008-08-14 03:06 pm
6051 Days, 22 Hrs, 32 Min, 49 Sec ago
What DN said.
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-08-14 11:01 pm
6051 Days, 14 Hrs, 37 Min, 41 Sec ago
fine... yes boss. i cant help sal...sorry.

*walks out*
Sal said on: 2008-08-16 06:48 am
6050 Days, 6 Hrs, 50 Min, 20 Sec ago
Well, it seems as thought the draft is interfering with the farming event.

I will have to push bash the event to the round after the draft considering I can't get the helpers I need.

[Added at 08/16/2008 07:37:26 by Sal]