Nations Forum

nations players 25 replies

Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-15 04:18 pm
6050 Days, 20 Hrs, 56 Min, 23 Sec ago
at tw...although we have a "tribe" of weaklings representing us , we could use some ONE's whom wish to give shadowlord69 and his goons a FUN time...since I can NOT reveal our TRIBAL this very MOMENT, "because like pearl harbor" SURPRIZE is the BEST part!...but to let all you know he is about to be (Beheaded)...MUHAHAHAHA
Sal said on: 2008-08-15 05:41 pm
6050 Days, 19 Hrs, 34 Min, 0 Sec ago
I had more points 2 months ago than all of NNers' points added up x 2.

So if the tribe you're talking about is TloT, I doubt you'll have the slightest chance.
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-08-16 01:43 am
6050 Days, 11 Hrs, 32 Min, 11 Sec ago
actually warbie get up to date, we have merged into another tribe.

and your tribe RONIN i anhilated, by myself i may add.

am i missing anything hmmm oh! this should be in general, and do please grow up child.
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-16 04:02 am
6050 Days, 9 Hrs, 12 Min, 21 Sec ago
ronin is not my tribe...I have a much more advanced One...still haven't found me...?

hahaha... I have the element of surprize, I can put anyone in your tribe at will "spy", I can amass a huge army, and we have cats...the only thing left is to attack...but that is (top secret)
when we attack it will be swift!

until then you have to watch yourself and be ready ....MUHAHAHAHA

and by the way we are 5 tribes strong...(clue)

and I am Silent there, not like here "so the forum you made actually backfired on you"

URN you will see the WARBEAST as the True WARRIOR He is!

lets see who is actually we are on the same ground...except that I have the advantage "I am still not Known to you"

Jing said on: 2008-08-16 04:24 am
6050 Days, 8 Hrs, 50 Min, 38 Sec ago
Only cowards hide.
From my guess. His clan is far too weak to go up against you guys so he pretend his clan is awesome.

Or he joined up too late and messed up his village(Or someone used him as a farm). So now, no one would even want him in his clan.

The only thing he can do is to make blank threats. Even if Warbeast was really in a good clan... Would they really drop everything and help some noob take out a few people he don't like?

Doubt it.

Now use logic.
In the many years that Warbeast was in nations, when he was really in a good position, he would brag about it... Make a thread, show some attacks, announce some friends.

Instead, he brags that he is in a good clan and hides behind the fact that he knows who we are but not vice versa.

Knowing warbeast, by now, he should have attacked you and go "MUHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAA!"

What he is doing is no different than what's he doing in nations. Blank threats and nothing more.

No attacks, no offense. Just coming here and say...

'My clan can beat your clan'.

That tells you more than you need to know.


[Added at 08/16/2008 04:26:22 by Jing]
And to a liar, his clan is always superior than yours.
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-16 07:50 am
6050 Days, 5 Hrs, 25 Min, 0 Sec ago
that is to be far off it really is sad!

I EXPECTED you guys to be diligent and at least scout me least look at each tribe in world 23..../// and if I showed my tribe(s) I would no longer have the AWESOME advantage I now possess...only someone with no experience would even try something so dumb as to attempt to lure one of the top 10 tribes out of "hiding" to take out the merged tribes now making up the queerest tribe yet...D~B....whats that mean besides the obvious "dumb boys"...hahaha!
Jing said on: 2008-08-16 08:19 am
6050 Days, 4 Hrs, 55 Min, 45 Sec ago
A very good rebuttal.
As expected from you.
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-08-16 01:46 pm
6049 Days, 23 Hrs, 28 Min, 21 Sec ago
lol thanks jing.

the top ten tribes right now are either

a. mass recruiting n00bs


b. point freaks with no army.

so either way im not worried, now even if i did know who your tribe was and who you were i wouldnt do anything differently.

i always am prepared for war, you on the other hand hide like a coward are you not prepared for a fight... hmmm...
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-16 05:00 pm
6049 Days, 20 Hrs, 14 Min, 35 Sec ago
yes!!! shadowlord69 ...prepared and ready to strike, but since nations has OUR ear...I say lets play this for all it's worth...ONE of our Tribes will emerge the Victor...and as such will HAVE the BIGGEST braggin right ever...are you ready to LAY EVERYTHING on the Line and front of ALL of Nations to SEE?

since you have most of nations with you, I say it's a Fair bet...the Victor will OWN the Loser..ok? "here in nations"...including his your case....well you know whom...MUHAHAHAHA

you have a CHOICE to ACCEPT or DENY this ONE of a LIFETIME deals to defeat me...IF U CAN!

on a FAIR you ACCEPT this offer of WINNER TAKES ALL?
XSquad said on: 2008-08-16 06:15 pm
6049 Days, 18 Hrs, 59 Min, 31 Sec ago
ok but why the hell you attacking me lol..
Jing said on: 2008-08-16 06:22 pm
6049 Days, 18 Hrs, 53 Min, 4 Sec ago
I would, Warbeast.
But you keep writing checks your ass can't cash.

If we win, you will keep insisting on never losing and never pay up. That's how you are.
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-16 06:28 pm
6049 Days, 18 Hrs, 46 Min, 48 Sec ago
jing quit acting like a WANNABE something...I see no place where you are THEIR voice!

u seem like an ugly girl who desperately wants any kind of boy to like her!

go away gNAT...u r a fruitfly!
TinaMiaz said on: 2008-08-16 06:41 pm
6049 Days, 18 Hrs, 33 Min, 54 Sec ago
I repeat, why are you still here?
Jing said on: 2008-08-16 08:11 pm
6049 Days, 17 Hrs, 3 Min, 47 Sec ago
If so, at least i'm a 'girl', not an old fart like you...

And i see you did not deny my claims.

Good rebuttal.

When you can't beat logic and truth, insult them!
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-08-16 11:03 pm
6049 Days, 14 Hrs, 11 Min, 24 Sec ago
I stand by all of Jing's points, please leave now.

this is not relevant to nations at all, run along now.
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-17 01:51 am
6049 Days, 11 Hrs, 23 Min, 21 Sec ago
are you going to ACCEPT shadowlord?...or is the PRICE to HIGH that you have to DENY the bet?

Lord_James 1 1.341 1
ShadowLord69 (~IC~ WarMonger) 2 1.163 1
ryanreeves 3 1.149 1
Umerite 4 1.016 1
kowasake X (the crazy mofo) 5 1.006 1
nivekrendrag 6 947 1
samsharp99 7 923 1
Llanowar Elves 8 818 1
Judai-Yuki 9 766 1
lenovo861 10 763 1
pinkstargazer 11 707 1
Tookssinated 12 677 1
DarkAssassin34 (Sith Lord) 13 649 1
jimbo 1986 14 637 1
wyleem 15 613 1
Battlemech (Dark leigonaire) 16 609 1
cboy08837 (warlord) 17 560 1
CommanderRain (baron) 18 558 1
Cyrn 19 538 1
SeniorUnloco 20 528 1
T-Dot (head recruiter) 21 524 1
hyeroshi (sly panda) 22 518 1
kid bomber 23 484 1
WhiteKnight88 24 465 1
Fate.s.n 25 433 1
poigol5043 26 414 1
shadow3r 27 363 1
billyjigsaw 28 351 1
memphis55 (head recruiter of k 53) 29 351 1
raptors1970 30 341 1
eigerpart 31 339 1
sefaoskay 32 331 1
wolfpacks07 33 327 1
hm2brown 34 327 1
hockeyboy55 35 318 1
MatthewDeon (the komodo dragon) 36 317 1
Mullzee 37 308 1
venomman65 38 303 1
Mogdar 39 299 1
djmat21 40 293 1
beanpapesh 41 293 1
coloneljohnlocke 42 293 1
Epidemic787 43 282 1
kenshin123 44 238 1
valderan (The Demon Knight) 45 195 1
sman23 46 190 1
judd37 47 186 1
Ellen147 48 179 1
jtespel 49 169 1
whisperffs (Recruiter) 50 159 1
robo2371 51 149 1
Bu113tProf (the bullet professor k47) 52 139 1
djordan 53 137 1
dragon brother 54 135 1
khelzul 55 103 1
DDDAZZ 56 100 1
Squ1dge (above devil) 57 97 1
killerfrog16 58 94 1
0den 59 80 1
Kyleria (cookie baker k35) 60 75 1
strangler27 61 67 1
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-08-17 01:55 am
6049 Days, 11 Hrs, 19 Min, 29 Sec ago
yep thats what i thought, run along now child.
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-17 02:03 am
6049 Days, 11 Hrs, 11 Min, 18 Sec ago
so putting it all on the not an option?

figures all you are is MOUTH, heres your chance for everyone "here and at tribalwars" to see how tough you are NOT!!!

well I always knew you were more of a wannabe, kinda like know how birds of a feather stick together right?

MUHAHAHAHA....your tribe is a waste of time, but ok for farming!
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-08-17 02:12 am
6049 Days, 11 Hrs, 2 Min, 44 Sec ago
mhmmm, very interesting.
I wonder what he shall spout next, if it will be non-sensical braggarty or child-like insults.
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-17 02:50 am
6049 Days, 10 Hrs, 24 Min, 57 Sec ago
no just informing others who want to this recent post to yours at tw............

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Join Date: 2008,August 15th
#11 Today, 09:35 Top
OMFG, you merged into D~B !!! D~B are n00bs!

why click this?

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Join Date: 2008,April 21st
#12 Today, 09:36 Top
really we didnt know that!! quit leave !!!

[Added at 08/17/2008 03:02:20 by Hotty4u2b]
and a CLUE...we are at TribalWars together and here is the list...whom am I?
-=tribalhugs=-, -antu-, -Losing-Sanity-, -OwNeD-, -Senna, .dan.101, .iPwn., 0u1ncy, 10killer129, 11-11, 4ndr1u5, acebren, Achilleusi, adamh6262, AeliusPix, agullabell, Airsofter78, AKAAFFiLiATED, Aloysius94, Amazer71, an irish lad, andrexu2000, AngryDuck, ankh, argyle1978,, Avaarez, barkingmad101, battleboy246, Bay Life, Bema, bexs, bickomad, BigBucket, biskotek, bksok, Black Rose Dying, Blacksign17, bladestorm123, blandy, blobbyreturns, bloodylady, blue...heart, BMi.Budster, bnaujok, Boothie07, Bowsi2, boy owned, brann15, brave hart30, brehmer33, bubaslubas, butzy13, buzsaw, ch4nce, Christopher Silver, Chuckiie, chucky1017, clone123, colonelabbas, Commander Adama, cornelious vonsplat, crazychamps, cyhboy, d daddy, dalesmckay, dami1414, Dannnnnn, dasuffer, DeadMedic, Deathrage101, desteney, Dodong Praning, donydons, dreaddead, Dream2972, drifterminesh, DrSneider, edgey10, eelmac, Ekuto, Elpeenor, evilkiller, fade away, ferari222, frankie2, Friskybird, Galatium, Garrock, georgiapx, Ghosty1, Gicusan, gimmegimme5, Grudon X, Gruff1, guessswho, GunZKnight, hasoona, hayley132, Hazza96, Heavy1, HellsDragon, henbobbleb, herbaltea, Herregud, Horagod, Huzaifa Lee, Internally Bleeding, Introspection, j-zero, Jaanustam, jakelo, Jeor, JLK417, John Ray, johnjohn1996, Julli, karafili, kasponaut, kawy, Kiigo, kilga, King Bowser Koopa, kizzycocoa, klore25, Klouwe, Krisaint, KristianMD, KyleO1986, lajoo, laodicea, legendry, leviant2910, lewish999, lippa, LivingEnd207, lixalot, lokotribe, luke155, m4rd, madinno, Makepeace, Malenthor, matagert, matti25801, Mekolp, mi7riz, Mitsuomi, monkeyman5867, Moonsoon, Mulloway69, mymadskills, natjampaty, neckbones, nickers, Nightdreams1, Nocternal Flame, Odoakar, ohjirosan, Omychron, Ondu, outbreaker123, OwlEyes1O9, Pas de maggie, Paul XXXII, paybacktimeisnow, pchilli, perdition666, Petnquaranlor, Philotic, phithia, pinguin 1123, Plug-socket, polis best, Post-grunger, Psihic, pure form, rahoko, Raza0234, Rebbelroar, Red Dwarf XIII, rheem, Rivka, rowanbaen, rudyc, russki, Sandy360, Sari, seecretlare, sepehusen,, ShadowLord69, shohirul, sinner90, sir maleagant, SlasherZ., slytown, Snorlax-, sogu, Soldevian Empire, Soragado, Spushkin, storm2k8, suko sevato, supagabber, SusieQT2, sutty101, swngrrl, Tacolord, tancs, Taumata, the con man, the preacher8, the vangaurd master, The-Dwarf, TheGeneralBD, themudge, thenaughtyman, theodore10, theredbull3, tjon22, TribalFury, triplm, tudor2009, TYphOoN41, ubijalec124, Uldor, Urbandale, vanceIII, verences, vinaro, volk kk, wackeebill, walleye, wardyuc, wind waker, Wolverinee, Woodlandapple, xfirestorm, xo sparky ox, xup str, xxxblackwolfxxx, YinsShadow, zenron the great, Zurtle, zytech, _Grimlock_
Murdock86 said on: 2008-08-17 03:31 am
6049 Days, 9 Hrs, 44 Min, 6 Sec ago
u saying sl is all the mouth your the one who keeps making threads about the same thing over and over so go play the kiddies game in which u hide
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-17 04:00 am
6049 Days, 9 Hrs, 14 Min, 22 Sec ago
actually, I am just toying with shadowlords tribe before WE start taking villages...just need a noble!...:O)

"FYI" we have been around for quite sometime and, we are no noobs at the game of tw!!!

its just that with seniorunloco there and other nations players it is a perfect way to actually make them feel a (good ole fashioned butt kickin) by someone you consider a loser..."like you have any clue"...:O)

funny how some youngsters THINK they know better!

well, this is a fair test of skills between {(you nations players)}, and we older players {(TW)} since this is a test of skills we wish to make it as real as possible, so here are the stated rules before our engagement takes place. : THERE ARE NONE except what tw does not allow!

let the contest begin, and too be social...good luck to you youngsters...its youth versus experience...who will win the competition?

only the BEST!!! we all know in tw its a long round, and our proxy's are of course fair!

and the "experience" wins round 1...(blind the enemy) as long as they dont know you, you have the advantage of Stealth!

round 2...know what the enemy is up to! plan accordingly!

round 3...infiltrate if possible..."won't tell you that"...:O)...makes fighting easier when you have a spy!
who is winning that one?...HaHa.

[Added at 08/17/2008 05:12:42 by Hotty4u2b]
Rank: 59.
Name: The Dark Blades
Members: 66OD rankings
Points: 26,227
Villages: 66export
Average points per village: 462
Tribe Changes: 41
Conquers: 0 (+0-0)
Best Rank: 71. 17th August 2008
Most Points: 23,216 17th August 2008
Most Villages: 62 17th August 2008
OD Rank: 70. (16,147 score)
OD Attack Rank: 65. (9,762 score)
OD Defense Rank: 70. (6,385 score)

TinaMiaz said on: 2008-08-17 08:26 am
6049 Days, 4 Hrs, 49 Min, 7 Sec ago
It's quite funny actually. He failed ridiculously at nations so he's now trying to regain what little bits of dignity he thinks he has by claiming to "own" at another game.

On a more important note, this is the Nations forum. If you want to continue with all the TW posts please take it to the General Forums.

So please, will everyone be a good example and stop posting in this thread, at least until it gets moved to the proper forum.
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-17 02:58 pm
6048 Days, 22 Hrs, 16 Min, 19 Sec ago
excuse me " pushes aside"

shadowlord why you being a coward, dont you want to fight WARBEAST at tw?.....ShadowLord69

Join Date: 2008,August 7th
#24 Today, 21:54 Top
warring this early in the round? it is only going to hurt us guys.

[Added at 08/17/2008 15:02:19 by Hotty4u2b]

Join Date: 2006,June 2nd
#25 Today, 21:59 Top
Greetings Shadow, Our guys are getting bored and need some targets, yes it would slow us down but also put us in a better mood. This game is for both fun and agressiveness; we attend to stay on the top even if it means killing off a few tribes. Besides, I would love to test your new elite tribe "The Dark Blades"

[Added at 08/17/2008 15:15:28 by Hotty4u2b]

Join Date: 2008,August 7th
#26 Today, 22:10 Top
DarkX, one of these tribes are harbouring someone called the "warbeast" from NN. he has been making moves to anhilate me personally, but wont tell me who he is to play fair.

now all i ask is if someone in your clan is persistent in killing me personally is that you tell me who he is, so we can have a fair fight. he is calling me a coward on another site, and slandering my name. if you know who he is, let me at him. after that i care not what happens.

[Added at 08/17/2008 15:19:06 by Hotty4u2b]

Join Date: 2008,August 7th
#27 Today, 22:11 Top
oh and a war doesnt bother me either way, the other dukes may be annoyed but whatever eh? it is fun as you say, this is tribalwars, not tribalhugs as the saying goes :p

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Join Date: 2006,June 2nd
#28 Today, 22:16 Top
Originally Posted by ShadowLord69
DarkX, one of these tribes are harbouring someone called the "warbeast" from NN. he has been making moves to anhilate me personally, but wont tell me who he is to play fair.

now all i ask is if someone in your clan is persistent in killing me personally is that you tell me who he is, so we can have a fair fight. he is calling me a coward on another site, and slandering my name. if you know who he is, let me at him. after that i care not what happens.

Uh, afraid I have no idea what you're talking about

Sufyuf said on: 2008-08-17 03:51 pm
6048 Days, 21 Hrs, 23 Min, 48 Sec ago
Dude.. your post are a scrambled mess.
Please go practise in Notepad before actually posting what you want to post.
And/or highlight where one thing stops and another begins...
Hotty4u2b said on: 2008-08-17 05:26 pm
6048 Days, 19 Hrs, 48 Min, 52 Sec ago
SoRrY, here I am the WARBEAST...quite illiterate, but a BLAST to enemies!


[Added at 08/17/2008 18:31:33 by Hotty4u2b]
practise?...don't you mean practice?

and you are TRYING to correct the Grammar I project!