Nations Forum
free vip 31 replies
I have some extra nn points i am willing to give away, but i want to findout a way that would be best to do it. I am thinking of a little event in nations to spice up some things, but i need ideas. Please everyone that reads this leave a comment or an idea im being serious about this and hoping that it will spike some peoples interests.
He's trolling.
im not trolling this is a very serious matter.
Okay, time to be serious..
Why so serious?
I say player with highest tech and the least land should take it.
Biggest win/loss ratio of attacking in one round.
Hm. No. Something someone cant cheat at.
How about you will give the Vip to whomever can get the most users to play a game of Nations. Like people that havent played before.
How about you will give the Vip to whomever can get the most users to play a game of Nations. Like people that havent played before.
sounds good so far we need more maybe we can compile it into something big and fun
we need more ideas
we need more ideas
How much are you willing to give?
50pt? 100pt?
Just curious.
50pt? 100pt?
Just curious.
Give them to me nub . we are teching next round!
Give it to me.
I say:/...give it to the one whom SPICES nations up the BEST!...:O)
That'd be too hard to determine, since there are so many different aspects in terms of "spicing up" Nations.
Define or be more specific about what you mean by "spicing up."
Define or be more specific about what you mean by "spicing up."
he will bring even MORE tribute with VIP
he will bring even MORE tribute with VIP
For any idea, you are going to need admin's help and some kind of live tracker...
Honestly, I'll be helping DJ host this, but here's my idea, We make an account and you have to guess the password, it would be something very simple, and then you'd have to post in the thread with the user we made for the contest.
lol thats funny busty and its my own nn points i will be giving away and it will be 750 points 1 free round and if it goes well i might decide to try and make it permanent at my own costs.
Dj, let the master handle this.. I am the pro at giving away free Vip/Binds.. Now what you gotta do is, get everyone pumped up.. Task 1, complete. Secondly, you've gotta show you can deliever, task 2 complete (you've got Vip).. Last, but certainly not least, you've got to not do anything and just forget you posted this thread.
Walk away.
Walk away.
Give it to Beast!!! Can you imagine him on the market!? XD
Warby's been VIP before.
look i need ideas here if i get none then i cant help nn out
Post a rank. Say.... 19th. Who ever finishes 19th, gets the MVP.
I get my own award? Sweet as a nut, it literally has my name written all over it.
thats a good one but why 19th
Not saying it HAS to be 19th... Roll a number in the chat room. First number from 1-50 that is rolled, then that is the number place that wins VIP that round. Change it up every round. Say it before the round starts, so people can aim for it. Train in according to everyone else.
I like DN's idea.
Good idea I think, granted its an opinion of a person who just started this round :) Seems like it would be fun, almost like a wild card. It would add a random element that could lead to some fun situations.
lol who just started this round?
The multi that posted before you.
wait i think multi is a bad thing...
Who is trying?