Nations Forum
Very serious thread 18 replies
It has come to my attention that certain members of DoL have been putting their social lives before Nations and more importantly there clan and clanmates. The main culprits are TheWhiteDemon and _ElessaR_
Only a few minutes ago I was in chat trying to buy El's oil to help him but there was none posted as he was busy talking with his girlfriend. This is unacceptable behaviour.
Please feel free to flame and point out the error of their ways.
Only a few minutes ago I was in chat trying to buy El's oil to help him but there was none posted as he was busy talking with his girlfriend. This is unacceptable behaviour.
Please feel free to flame and point out the error of their ways.
[Added at 05/03/2009 11:18:31 by MVP]
Ok maybe I should point out that this was a joke.
Wow, that is totally unacceptable! Clans should get rid of players who put their personal lives before their success in Nations!
I'm a wife beater, come flame me!
How irresponsible... Shame shame.
/slaps Ele's hand
/slaps Ele's hand
Piss. I am so sorry guys..
Pissing is my favourite hobby.
I like when you have been holding in your pee like all day long and then you get to the toilet and let it go, and right after you get done you get that great feeling..
But I don't like when you dream about going to the toilet and then you wake up and realise you aren't sitting on the toilet but in your bed...
lol, I hate those dreams!
hey isn't it strange that everyone had that exact same dream, that should be some $h1t for the X-Files.
I hate this dream in which I'm brushing my teeth, but I'm actually on the bed... Wake up on a bed of saliva..
I hate dreams where I experience death.
Or what I believe death would be like.
Or what I believe death would be like.
I hate dreams when MVP is doing something explicit to Murdock.
I agree,definitely something wrong with that MVP...
I hate the dreams where you trip over a curb or something and your legs actually kick and you feel like you're going to fall off the bed
I hate when I dream about Shady
You dream about me? Pwn!
I hate the dream when I see my body lying on the bed and I'm floating somewhere in the room.
I stand guilty... i guess