Nations Forum

Congratulations XSquad! 12 replies

Stoutn said on: 2010-06-03 10:43 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 44 Min, 52 Sec ago
Congrats on the user win!

[Added at 06/03/2010 23:44:26 by Stoutn]
Really hope you get points for the win and highest user!

[Added at 06/03/2010 23:51:49 by Stoutn]
1. XSquad of Planet X 263.37
2. DoAlCa of DoAlCa's nation 243.78
3. _ElessaR_ of ~ GoD's C|0wN ~ 230.11
4. Kazoany of Antliersky 220.42
5. WeaponX of - X-raTed - 213.36
6. Tankasaurus1 of tankasaurus 212.92
7. Roughrider of Roughrider 211.68
8. Murdock86 of KiLl AlL y'AlL 211.01
9. Fnmetal of Neverland 210.31
10. Stoutn of Dragon Reborn 210.06
11. Hehe of hihi 205.94
12. Sniper1 of Dead lands 203.72
13. Arch-Devil of Planet Hollywood 203.43
14. TheWhiteDemon of White Pride 202.33
16. Selkirk of The lost heaven 201.35
17. Stormbringer of Outback 199.69
18. Breakyourself of Team RamRod 198.14
19. JEBStuart of Bandido Charlie 196.25
20. Sin of Celestial Requiem 193.17
21. FootSpa of Smell my feet 193.15
22. Moonshine of night stars 192.18
23. Goku9ssj9 of sigma nu 190.89
24. Regenta of Misanthropes 186.74
25. DynoThor of ZeroDimension 185.99
26. Alfredoealfaro of Rhode Illinois 182.91
27. BloodyPoint of BloodyPoint 181.97
28. Battlecruiser of Silver Wing 181.46
29. PFC-Hepburn of Nations Highest Loyalists 180.57
30. SM-sHiNrYo of YehMan!!! 177.81
31. SweetYlang of Kum4ort Kingdom 177.42
32. Crowther of BladeFist 176.66
33. Boltz91 of MassiveStormz 174.89
34. _Highroller_ of (sM) Sado Masochists 171.10
35. Mini695 of Hobbes 170.98
36. AK47 of TEH GUN 170.74
37. TheMcNutt of Ghana Ria 170.01
38. Bubble_dees of Perfect Circle 166.83
39. Walt_Disney of Grand Duchy of Mississauga 165.21
40. Trunks316 of Trunks316 165.08
41. Awoir of Hellington 164.64
42. Beserk of carlzeiss 161.68
43. RolfPleiss of Rolftoria 159.50
44. Theperfect_one of legendary_ones 147.27
45. Kemp131 of PoPo Shut Us Down 143.21
46. Joe_Frazier of Tel Aviv 142.04
47. SaNdYx of OwNeD 127.87
48. ShadyKnight of TaliBAN 126.43
49. Soulless_ONE of Rhati 124.29
50. Kolongi of Bobo Hill 121.99
_ElessaR_ said on: 2010-06-03 10:44 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 43 Min, 54 Sec ago
Yea congrats!. Pls give the 2nd user 750 points too! =P
Hehe said on: 2010-06-03 10:45 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 42 Min, 50 Sec ago
1st - it is not a user win. It is a team win. If he didn't have 2 guys disbanding (that's why he left his clan) and some others attacking players ftw he would not win this one.

2nd - with 2 days left in the round (250 turns + 125 used in rise) he was with 220 tech and dropping 6 lands. Before round ends he was with 232 tech points (12 more) and only dropping 5. Suspicious but no one really cares isnt it?

3rd - Congrats!
_ElessaR_ said on: 2010-06-03 10:49 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 39 Min, 32 Sec ago
How can he drop 6 land with 220 tech, but drop 5 land with 232 tech? That doesn't make sense at all.
Moonshine said on: 2010-06-03 10:49 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 39 Min, 2 Sec ago
he hacked the main frame...OOOOoooooooooooo :)
XSquad said on: 2010-06-03 10:49 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 38 Min, 47 Sec ago

I would like to thanks Dynasty for this!

Most particularly my techies who went from :


I would like To thank AK47 more then anyone else

for being there for me! As well as a pre-rise an a rise!!!

I would like to thank _elessar_, Tankasaurus1, Thewhitedemon who covered my back like brother's do!

I love you all DC'ers!!


And also.. WHY DID A USER WIN???

I had 403-103-221-222-298-87-170-49-0-114
in researched.. I think I was higher then everyone..

Nations is dying !!!

[Added at 06/03/2010 23:51:32 by XSquad]
When hehe attacked me I had only a bit over 250.

And also.. you attacked me whit 3-4 days or so to go
in the round.

12 tech is an easy getting whit 3 days..
AK47 said on: 2010-06-03 10:50 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 37 Min, 44 Sec ago

hehe im sorry bro but he was in a clan determined to get him his 1st win. its a support system that 99% of clans have used since the existance of Nations and i see nothing wrong with that. also, i was his only farm (and not suppose to be, just ended up with alot of land and wanted to see a friend/clannie of mine win his 1st so last minute i decided to disband).

as for the 2nd lost me. =P
Moonshine said on: 2010-06-03 10:50 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 37 Min, 38 Sec ago
Thought i was reading a grammy speech for a minute there.
_ElessaR_ said on: 2010-06-03 10:58 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 29 Min, 36 Sec ago
Give him the winner points. Give me the top user points(even though I'm 3rd)! lol
Tankasaurus1 said on: 2010-06-03 11:04 pm
5393 Days, 5 Hrs, 24 Min, 24 Sec ago
congrats xsuad on your first did excellent.glad to be part of your win.
Hehe said on: 2010-06-04 02:37 am
5393 Days, 1 Hr, 51 Min, 10 Sec ago
As i said before, and i dont like to be called a lyer, i ATTACKED XSQUAD WITH 2 DAYS and 5 hours left in the round and he was dropping 6 LANDS with 220 tech points.

I Can prove it with the screenchot and Xsquad messages to me. He also said he stayed at 261 lands after the attack and sent me his research table.

Comparing it to the one he posted in this thread, unless he a LYER, his researchs in the 2 last days (where he rised 12 tech points without final rise - 16 hours turns) equals 476 turns and to 9,81 tech points (not 12) only! Fantastic and Fenomenal techies!

But the most amazing is that with 5 minutes left in the game he was only dropping 5 LANDS (when he was 6 with less 12 tech points).

This said i state, once again, CONGRATS XSQUAD. NICE WIN.

This said
XSquad said on: 2010-06-04 06:26 am
5392 Days, 22 Hrs, 2 Min, 16 Sec ago
well the it seams we drop 5 at 260...

And as for techies they we,re only giving me milit-off-def.

Maybe something went wrong but still 5-6 lands a pop no big difference I would of won :P

Unless someone pops AK haha

[Added at 06/07/2010 13:03:41 by XSquad]
And I never lied once lol.
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2010-06-04 08:16 am
5392 Days, 20 Hrs, 11 Min, 43 Sec ago
Hehe = Dominated ;)