Nations Forum

Hey Boss! 2 replies

String said on: 2014-03-07 05:52 pm
4019 Days, 21 Hrs, 51 Min, 55 Sec ago
Miss the glory days when we had the real wars, lmfao!

Hey oldbies, Who owns the site now, Looking to buy it if for sale.


TheWhiteDemon said on: 2014-03-07 06:28 pm
4019 Days, 21 Hrs, 15 Min, 50 Sec ago
Still tom
DannyFo (Mod) said on: 2014-03-08 12:17 am
4019 Days, 15 Hrs, 26 Min, 47 Sec ago
Tom is and always will be the owner of this site. No interest in selling it. Thanks for popping your head in though, nice to see old names pop up from time to time.