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A need a career... 23 replies

AK47 said on: 2009-08-24 05:38 pm
5676 Days, 11 Hrs, 56 Min, 14 Sec ago

Ok so I recently finished my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration currently work in retail banking (a job I got to help with my school payments, pocket cash, and future resume reference).

...It sucks!! I want out!!

I want to exit the "job" aspect of my life, and enter the "career" aspect of it.

The issue is, I don't know what I want to do. When I sit down and think about it, I have no idea what the ideal job(s) would be for me. I like business as an overall to an extreme but my liking is too broad. I have an immense amount of trouble sizing a specific position, basically narrowing it down.

Im posting this because I am running into a wall, so to speak and cant seem to avoid it. Any constructive advice, feedback, etc would be appreciated.


AK47 said on: 2009-08-24 05:44 pm
5676 Days, 11 Hrs, 50 Min, 13 Sec ago

My resume...

Ignore this for now...


The College of Westchester-White Plains, NY

Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration [August 2009]
Major: Business Administration
Honors: Cum Laude 3.73 GPA, President’s List, Dean's List, Sigma Beta Delta, Student Success Coach

The College of Westchester-White Plains, NY

Degree: Associate in Applied Science [March 2007]
Major: Marketing/Management
Honors: Cum Laude graduate, 3.5 GPA, Dean’s List, Sports Club Co-President, Founded Basketball team


Bilingual in Spanish
Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
Multi-tasking collaborative worker and individual achiever
Proficient in computer applications
Internet, MS Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Lotus Notes, Novell Client
Experience with: Excel, Access, Project, Publisher


11/07-Present TD Bank N.A.-Port Chester, NY

Bank Teller/Customer Service [part-time]

Forefront of day-to-day transactions with business and personal customers
Oversee currency drawer and large vault transactions
Assist in cross-selling bank products via customer contact at the teller line
Volunteer in local community events such as: Easter in the Park and Columbus Day Parade
Employee of the month [April 2008]

05/09-08/09 Junkluggers LLC-Port Chester, NY


Researched business opportunities in Connecticut, Westchester County and New York boroughs
Assisted in office duties such as phone inquiries, appointment setups, follow-up calls and payments
Developed employee documents (timesheets, contact lists, drop points and phone scripts)

10/05-10/07 Target Corporation-White Plains, NY

Team Leader [full-time]

Supervised the electronics department and its team members
Administered the sales floor during store openings and closings
Assured store goals were met in daily sales, credit card applications and electronic warranties
Responsible for inventory management, design and layout
Assisted guests with inquiries and checkout
THRUSTER said on: 2009-08-24 06:51 pm
5676 Days, 10 Hrs, 43 Min, 54 Sec ago
What do you want to do?

I mean not just today but say 5 years from now? When you decide that you can take a step in that direction your career will have begun.
Stoutn said on: 2009-08-24 07:56 pm
5676 Days, 9 Hrs, 39 Min, 1 Sec ago
Sit down an think hard on what you enjoy doing.
If your not happy, whats the point?
CRACKER_JACK said on: 2009-08-25 08:29 am
5675 Days, 21 Hrs, 5 Min, 12 Sec ago
Every job sucks, not matter how cool it starts out as, but you have to grind it out till you can climb the ranks. the key is getting with a company that you can grown with & make it your career. Once you are not the new guy, & you find you place it gets better. There is that saying find a job you like & you will never work a day. That is BS. Take me, i have a good high paying job, as a Land Surveyor, but there is days i want to quit & go work at for min. wage at home depot, but then i remember my bank doesn't take my hopes & dreams as payment.

Sorry i don't give any simple anwsers but machine is designed to keep the normal person down.

The Word of CRACKER
SM-sHiNrYo said on: 2009-08-25 09:25 am
5675 Days, 20 Hrs, 9 Min, 56 Sec ago
Well with the current job climate most people would recommend you to go back and study at master level however, getting an MBA is useless right now. MBA are for managers going up in the corporate ladder.

I have to agree with THRUSTER. You have to want to achieve something in order to get somewhere.

On a side note this program maybe useful
AK47 said on: 2009-08-25 12:43 pm
5675 Days, 16 Hrs, 51 Min, 57 Sec ago

Well the obvious answer is to make money. Ive acknowledged that I live pretty comfortable right now so I would want to maintain that.

I dont know what Id like cause truth be told, I havent been exposed to much other then school-related projects and so forth. (Im 21 btw).

And to those whom have gone through school know school isnt exactly the "real world".

I really dont know what interests me in specifics. Thats my issue.

I work in retail banking and I have the potential and opportunity to grow but I dont see myself there long-term.

I want to start a career...just dont know what that career could be.

(i know, im probably not saying much...hence me saying im running into a brick wall)

CRACKER_JACK said on: 2009-08-25 02:28 pm
5675 Days, 15 Hrs, 6 Min, 58 Sec ago
You are ahead of the curve, at 21 i was still in University. When i finished i went a 1 1/2 year vaction. I suggest Panama. It got me so see the world differently.

IronSinew (Admin) said on: 2009-08-25 04:19 pm
5675 Days, 13 Hrs, 15 Min, 39 Sec ago
I do agree with Thruster, that setting goals of what you want to do in life will influence your career, or honestly it should. If you have ambitions, you need to match your work ethic and career field to those ambitions. If you're obsessed with having a million-dollar house and tons of cars, whatever, you're going to need a high-paying job and you need to work towards being an actor or something of that sort :P

I have always had interest in the human body, so I am studying in the medical field. There is pretty good potential in the banking industry, especially for a career there. My friend works for a bank as a loan officer and she does well for herself with lots of room to grow up the corporate ladder.

Identify what you love to learn about, what you can be passionate in doing and go there. I think it is incredibly fascinating to understand the human body on a different level. That is my passion, I love to learn about it. We can't really tell you what to do.

TheWhiteDemon said on: 2009-08-25 07:24 pm
5675 Days, 10 Hrs, 10 Min, 39 Sec ago
To those who say you cant like your job - I like my job. Even if i work for 8.25$ a hour.( I live at home so isnt that big of a problem)

But i like it, i dont do to much but i dont do not enough to bore me to death
SM-sHiNrYo said on: 2009-08-26 01:31 am
5675 Days, 4 Hrs, 3 Min, 58 Sec ago
I think it has to be said that degrees alone will not provide you a career.

On a side, note employers want to be able to see that you can move your skills you have learnt in an academic environment and apply them into real life.

I have friends with CWA (Course Weight Average) of 95% yet they can't even apply what they have learn in real life. Its ironic and there at Australia National Unveristy (ANU) which is the highest ranking unveristy in Australia on the world stage.
PFC-Hepburn said on: 2009-08-26 06:43 am
5674 Days, 22 Hrs, 52 Min, 2 Sec ago
Don't go joining the military unless it's a last resort, to much political bull****. No lie.
SM-sHiNrYo said on: 2009-08-27 10:35 am
5673 Days, 18 Hrs, 59 Min, 13 Sec ago
which army?
SPAZZA said on: 2009-08-28 10:53 am
5672 Days, 18 Hrs, 41 Min, 55 Sec ago
Be a rapper.

DeltaFlyer13 said on: 2009-08-28 09:45 pm
5672 Days, 7 Hrs, 49 Min, 22 Sec ago
I agree, "business" is way too broad. You need to narrow that down.

Instead of trying to find what you like in 'business', try to eliminate what you definetly don't like in 'business' first. Then take the leftovers and try to narrow it further from there.

I noticed your resume says you're bilingual, you should try the south then (If you're willing to move, that is)? Bilingual in spanish is very useful in southern California - San Diego for instance.
Ahso said on: 2009-08-29 09:54 am
5671 Days, 19 Hrs, 40 Min, 9 Sec ago
what you have goin on kinda goes hand in hand with the stock market...

have you though about a job at the stock exchange, on the floor maybe for starters?

or maybe a buyers position with a corp. somewhere?
that would give you good pay with travel to exotic locations...

I could go on, but I won't... just a couple of suggestions as I noticed no one would give you any real concrete career paths to look into... these two are a starter position into a business career that don't seem so mundane to me...

maybe one more... try a pharmacutical rep.. long hours traveling to doctors offices, but good pay and business atmosphere... definately an in to a later front office exec. position...

or simply go into politics..ha ha ha...

Later bro.. hope this was helpful and not so abstract...

SM-sHiNrYo said on: 2009-10-05 09:27 am
5634 Days, 20 Hrs, 7 Min, 46 Sec ago
I think what needs to be pointed out is that you picked a very broad degree which is a BBA. Generally, what most people do is specialise in a certain area. Eg become an accountant, or become a marketer. Then what they do after that is take a MBA to broad their skills. A lot of people argue the point of specialising even more however, this is a complete waste of time. A person who completed a bachelor in accounting will be paid the same as someone who completed masters in accounting. Over specialisation is bad because you lack the general skills to be promoted. The money really is in management positions. Pretty much, you have very broad skills. At first, it may be hard to get career but you could argue to firms that you already have the skills so in the future they will not have to pay you to complete additional study.

Do not be too narrow-minded when looking for a career. All you have to do is be able to argue that the skills you have learnt in the BBA will benefit a firm.
Viper10488 said on: 2009-10-07 07:56 pm
5632 Days, 9 Hrs, 38 Min, 29 Sec ago
LOL I just turned 21 as well, im still in St. John's so i doubt my advice will be very helpful.

One thing about your resume is, you don't want to say "part time" in ur resume. You want to show them that even tho you seek to move on to more broader and higher things. You are dedicated and willing to give it ur 100% at whatever you do.

Only thing i can say is, a little about my 5-10 year plan. It may give u a general idea of what im aiming for. Maybe it will help u.

I plan on finishing my BS in Chemistry at St Johns University. Hopefully enter into Columbia University Dental School of Medicine.
After my 4-5 years there and residency. I am unsure if I would like to specialize as an Oral Surgeon or become an Orthodontist. Either way. I plan on becoming one of those two. After working for 5-10 years. I plan on opening a Dental Hospital. Joining the ADA on the national lvl, joining more Dental organizations on the state and city level. With my own Dental Hospital I hope to have a staff of 10+ dentists including general dentists and specialists. Hopefully also establish an internship program for undergraduate students and move on to forming a residency program as well, this way. Any student who is interested in Dentistry can come, learn, observe, intern, work, and eventually even do their residency at my Dental Hospital.

Once this Dental Hospital is successful, assuming i open it in Manhattan or Queens or Long Island.
I will expand and build a second one in New Jersey or whatnot.

Those are my plans for the next few years. Oh yes, and after all of that. Possibly return to NetNexus xD.
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2009-10-08 07:09 am
5631 Days, 22 Hrs, 25 Min, 55 Sec ago
I plan on running for president in 2032, which i will win for sure. Once i take power i will then invade Mexico and the upper part of South America(For our vacations spots ya know). Then i will send all of my carrier fleets to Australia to take them over, which shouldnt be to hard, what are they going to fight with, kangaroos? Then im sure Canada will be running their mouths saying how much better they are then the US, so we will take over every providence instead of Quebec. We will just let those French-lovers to go right back to France. France = Homo anyway.

Then i will A-bomb Japan again just for fun, then since we will be so tired from fighting all that time, we will go to Africa and start the slave trade back, cause i mean, who wants to pick cotton these days? NOT ME.

Solid 10 year plan.
GuildaMage said on: 2009-10-08 11:10 am
5631 Days, 18 Hrs, 24 Min, 30 Sec ago
AK- What shin said is pretty accurate, as wonderfull as a BBA is, you have to realize how many people have one of those. Figure out what you want to get specialize in, get your MBA, then youll find your path much easier to tread upon. Also you might want to look into some of the goverment certifications required by the banks and simply move up from where youre at to maybe a loan officer. One of my friends makes something like 45k a year (her first year doing it) gets great pay raises and has learned that the senior loan officers clear 100k.
AK47 said on: 2009-10-09 10:00 am
5630 Days, 19 Hrs, 34 Min, 25 Sec ago

ty for your responses guys (except twd whom i assume needs ALOT of mental help)!! =D

guilda...its funny that you mentioned the loan officer position. the position isnt available at my bank and generally speaking, other banks wont hire you as one, without experience (which i do not have). i know they wont cause ive already applied at chase, citibank, and wachovia (wells fargo).

as for the BBA degree, i know its a pretty general degree and the next step would be to seek to specialize in a specific field. the problem i am having is determining what that field exactly is. i am still puzzled as to what peeks my interest. because of it...ive spent alot of time reading up on and researching positions and what they entail. (occupational outlook handbook for example).

viper...regarding your resume advice, i was recommended the same thing by a professor. because of it, i revamped my whole resume.

btw...glad to hear you have a grasp on what you want to do career-wise. i hope you have ALOT of money to invest in opening your own firm (especially in manhattan)...cause i sure dont. LOL!

currently im paying out $400/month between school/loan pymts. come feb 2010, that will go up to $700/month. im in a bind when it comes to money and cant just say "hey im going for my MBA tomorrow...ill just take another $60k out for it".

SM-sHiNrYo said on: 2009-10-10 01:54 pm
5629 Days, 15 Hrs, 40 Min, 10 Sec ago
Actually most colleges will not let people complete an MBA without work experience. Generally, speaking the requirement is 3 to 5 years work experience with a bachelor degree. Although some colleges do allow people to complete, an MBA without work experience you have to really question is that really beneficial.

On a side note, most people who complete MBA are generally in positions of either middle to senior management. So really speaking 60k to them is not much to them especially if the firm pays for it.
AK47 said on: 2009-10-12 10:49 am
5627 Days, 18 Hrs, 45 Min, 14 Sec ago

now how much work experience? ive been working summer jobs from age 14-16...then part-time to full-time from that point on. havent stopped working and im about to be 22 in a few weeks.

i would hate to apply for an MBA and get denied cause of this...especially since all the prestigious employers are looking for candidates with MBA's and PHD's.
SweetYlang said on: 2009-10-14 07:09 pm
5625 Days, 10 Hrs, 25 Min, 32 Sec ago
Thats quite an objective plan Viper. Im heading toward becoming an Hygientist. I got a degree for dental assistant, then worked for a office of 2 Orthodontist for over 3 years while taking evening classes for Hygiene. Now I am in the clinical part and I really like it. 21 month program, then over $2,000.worth of testing for the state exam. All to clean But then I knew this was what I wanted and after working in the field.

Hey AK why not try being a car salesman? But also, maybe just having your job, and keeping it for sometime will give you a better foot into another career. Until the economy picks up you may have to keep a job you arent completely happy with BUT you have it, and thats all good.

[Added at 10/14/2009 20:13:35 by SweetYlang]
Plus I heard the best resume is the person that has worked for a Bank. Trust is one of the most important character traits an employer wants. You should have no problem moving into another business career.