Nations Forum

Oh the failure 35 replies

LagunaCid said on: 2007-07-21 10:19 pm
6441 Days, 8 Hrs, 48 Min, 23 Sec ago
What do you call a 'clan' with 45 members that can't destroy a single person?
I see gi_joe in the top 10 after being massed by a whole clan. This is absolutely fantastic.
AK47 said on: 2007-07-21 10:46 pm
6441 Days, 8 Hrs, 21 Min, 16 Sec ago

9MM said on: 2007-07-21 10:48 pm
6441 Days, 8 Hrs, 19 Min, 21 Sec ago
snap/way 2 go joe/u showd all 45 of em/or at least who ever came up with the lame plan of attk PIC oh snap again
Tooks said on: 2007-07-22 02:20 am
6441 Days, 4 Hrs, 47 Min, 44 Sec ago
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-07-22 02:37 am
6441 Days, 4 Hrs, 30 Min, 1 Sec ago
Well as much as I love to rub it in, Gi_Joe didn't hold them off alone. The Anti-UA movement has been extremely coordinated. Congrats to the whole team on a good first defence. Keep in mind we're going to have to do this all round.
WARBEAST said on: 2007-07-22 04:06 am
6441 Days, 3 Hrs, 1 Min, 18 Sec ago
MORE THEN U KNOW....MUHAHAHAHA...U PERSIAN wimps are going to FEEL the SPARTANS point!
GuildaMage said on: 2007-07-22 04:24 am
6441 Days, 2 Hrs, 43 Min, 18 Sec ago
Shush beastie, ive already hit you several times and so far all youve done is bark. Show me some of that bite.
WARBEAST said on: 2007-07-22 04:30 am
6441 Days, 2 Hrs, 37 Min, 45 Sec ago
well at moment I defend against many of you persian wimps, 1 SPARTAN against many is somewhat challenging, but I WONT let U down...maybe I get REINFORCEMENTS...and POPULATION explosion like BC and shadyknight!
GuildaMage said on: 2007-07-22 04:37 am
6441 Days, 2 Hrs, 30 Min, 11 Sec ago
Youve probably recieved less then 20 attacks.

A true spartan would have been at the forefront of the battle, youve sat in the shadows while others have fought. Youve attacked, and recieved far less then the majority of UA.

If a spartan you be, then youd be the hunchbacked, deformed craven from 300.
WARBEAST said on: 2007-07-22 05:00 am
6441 Days, 2 Hrs, 7 Min, 12 Sec ago
I am OUTFRONT..guildy...the 300 fought their BATTLE now PLATAEA WE are AT...U face 10,000 NOW!

u have IC and avengers, and the rest of your persian horde



the BATTLE is NOT OVER..persian scum!
Hi-Liter said on: 2007-07-22 05:19 am
6441 Days, 1 Hr, 48 Min, 39 Sec ago
gijoe is one nations nicest members and also one of it's best leaders. i must admit, i was surprised and disappointed by some of the people i saw attacking her.

i was glad to see her climb right back up the leader board! fantastic job gijoe!
_LoKi_ said on: 2007-07-22 06:39 am
6441 Days, 28 Minutes, 20 Seconds ago
Well done Joe,

It is proof that you cant hold a good woman down, even with underhanded tactics. Dont blame Pic tho, everyone that has paid any attention knows that it is done by vote, and the person with most votes gets the hits.

I think it is proof how loved Joe is, that she recieved attacks from such a low number of members from UA. Though the number of attacks are enough to have whiped one of them out she stood back up like a true champ.

Again well done
SM-sHiNrYo said on: 2007-07-22 07:41 am
6440 Days, 23 Hrs, 26 Min, 39 Sec ago
I think only ShadyKnight and _LoKi_ said anything of importance here. The rest seem to be WB V GM
Gi_joe (Vip) said on: 2007-07-22 08:52 am
6440 Days, 22 Hrs, 15 Min, 17 Sec ago
thank you to everyone that posted

[Added at 07/22/2007 11:08:38 by Gi_joe]
i would also like to thank the anti-ua group that helped out tremendously. i would also like to thank all the vips out there that sent me reinforcements. it is because of you all that i was able to rebuild.
LagunaCid said on: 2007-07-22 09:54 am
6440 Days, 21 Hrs, 12 Min, 52 Sec ago
Hey UA, who is #1 ranked player now?
Oh yea.
GuildaMage said on: 2007-07-22 11:40 am
6440 Days, 19 Hrs, 27 Min, 3 Sec ago
Ahh the warbeast vs me posts are all in good humor i assure you. I think we are both like/respect another to make jokes when we find ourselves on opposite sides of a field.
Viper10488 said on: 2007-07-22 11:44 am
6440 Days, 19 Hrs, 23 Min, 9 Sec ago

Warbeast, to address ur whole barking about Spartan, as u can see

Spartans had gathered all of Greece to stand up to the Persians

the way i see it is.

You being the larger clan at the moment aka the PERSIANS

and the rest of nations, gathered together to fight the largest clan. shows that

All your barking for the Spartans was pointless because you seem to think you guys are the underdog right now.

And through history, it was the Persians that made the first initial attack onto Greece.Thus, ask yourself, what exactly is UA doing?

I rest my case.~
Moonshine said on: 2007-07-22 11:57 am
6440 Days, 19 Hrs, 10 Min, 40 Sec ago
Wow ants in your pants? This must be the best moment of your career. i tip my hat to you.
SaNdYx said on: 2007-07-22 12:50 pm
6440 Days, 18 Hrs, 17 Min, 16 Sec ago
LagunaCid (Mod) said on: 07/22/07 12:19 am
(14 Hrs, 19 Min, 36 Sec ago)
What do you call a 'clan' with 45 members that can't destroy a single person?
I see gi_joe in the top 10 after being massed by a whole clan. This is absolutely fantastic.

There was like 10 12 people who attacked her not ''a whole clan''
LagunaCid said on: 2007-07-22 01:55 pm
6440 Days, 17 Hrs, 12 Min, 48 Sec ago
Yea, nevermind the whole clan was ordered to attack that single person. Not my fault if you can't coordinate attacks.
Moonshine said on: 2007-07-22 02:35 pm
6440 Days, 16 Hrs, 31 Min, 57 Sec ago
Note that more than half the clan could not attack because their tech was too low. if everyone could have, everyone would have.
LagunaCid said on: 2007-07-22 04:10 pm
6440 Days, 14 Hrs, 57 Min, 36 Sec ago
So your excuse is that half the clan suck?
Gi_joe (Vip) said on: 2007-07-22 08:47 pm
6440 Days, 10 Hrs, 20 Min, 4 Sec ago
whether the whole clan hit me or not i took well over 40 attacks.

moonshine i would like to think that i had friends in there and the whole clan wouldn't have hit me but thanks for weighing in on it.
GuildaMage said on: 2007-07-22 09:06 pm
6440 Days, 10 Hrs, 1 Min, 23 Sec ago
Lols, so..i guess the whole idea of dropping someone down ranks didnt take...
_LoKi_ said on: 2007-07-23 02:31 am
6440 Days, 4 Hrs, 36 Min, 33 Sec ago
Oh it took, I believe against the order of Pic, they decided to have a go at me too, once again it was a bit of a flop considering I am again in the top 20, after over 25 attacks in and only using 140 turns since (I couldnt build as fast as Joe)....

Maybe just maybe these guys will get the idea that idiots just cant win, that includes you sandyx, who after yelling and crying about other people not making it to help out the clan, left said clan half way through the round.


Pic I am sure most of us dont actually see this as a reflection on your ability in the game, you have shown time and again how good you are individually.
_LoKi_ said on: 2007-07-23 02:31 am
6440 Days, 4 Hrs, 36 Min, 32 Sec ago
Oh it took, I believe against the order of Pic, they decided to have a go at me too, once again it was a bit of a flop considering I am again in the top 20, after over 25 attacks in and only using 140 turns since (I couldnt build as fast as Joe)....

Maybe just maybe these guys will get the idea that idiots just cant win, that includes you sandyx, who after yelling and crying about other people not making it to help out the clan, left said clan half way through the round.


Pic I am sure most of us dont actually see this as a reflection on your ability in the game, you have shown time and again how good you are individually.
Moonshine said on: 2007-07-23 11:31 am
6439 Days, 19 Hrs, 36 Min, 28 Sec ago
Joe baby i wasnt too weak to hit you and i could have but i wouldnt make the same mistake twice. lol.
Fbg said on: 2007-07-23 12:09 pm
6439 Days, 18 Hrs, 58 Min, 37 Sec ago
IC is only doing good this round b/c I'm in it :)
lol jk. IC is doing great though :)
Viper10488 said on: 2007-07-23 12:22 pm
6439 Days, 18 Hrs, 45 Min, 22 Sec ago
SaNdYx said on: 2007-07-23 03:15 pm
6439 Days, 15 Hrs, 52 Min, 24 Sec ago
rofl loki when we attacked you, the order in the clan page was to rebuilt our nation.. so ppls who attacked you were not attacking from an order...
WARBEAST said on: 2007-07-23 03:21 pm
6439 Days, 15 Hrs, 46 Min, 25 Sec ago
and U guys KNOW TREACHERY is REPAID with TREACHERY right?...when U LEAST expect IT, I will ATTACK, paybacks R MORE or a FEMALE DOG then U KNOW!....MUHAHAHAHA
_LoKi_ said on: 2007-07-23 05:48 pm
6439 Days, 13 Hrs, 19 Min, 20 Sec ago
Sandy learn to read mate, I quite clearly state that you were going against Pics orders...

Dont spose we can all be more inteligent then a dog. You bark alot...Do you lick yourself too?
Gi_joe (Vip) said on: 2007-07-23 07:30 pm
6439 Days, 11 Hrs, 37 Min, 32 Sec ago
thank you moonshine :)

[Added at 07/24/2007 10:42:25 by Gi_joe]
yes that was a pretty funny comeback loki. it probably is the best one i have seen in a while.
AK47 said on: 2007-07-23 11:56 pm
6439 Days, 7 Hrs, 11 Min, 45 Sec ago

*in reference to loki's last post*

Cruzader said on: 2007-07-24 11:20 pm
6438 Days, 7 Hrs, 47 Min, 33 Sec ago
Jesus Christ, chill down guys. UA's for the lulz.