Nations Forum

Alt Rankings 11 replies

Samsharp99 said on: 2008-11-08 04:41 pm
5965 Days, 11 Hrs, 29 Min, 53 Sec ago
Sado Masochists
Jing 50
Battlecruiser 49
BmXbrigade 48
Moonshine 47
XSquad 43
Hannebauer 40
Djstayer5211 38
Roughrider 37
Thewarrior1 31
SM-sHiNrYo 21
_Highroller_ 12
Total: 416

DoAlCa 45
Breakyourself 41
Gi_joe 32
VoDkA 27
BloodyPoint 22
CtDooku 19
ArXael 18
SaNdYx 16
Regenta 4
Total: 224

Murdock86 36
Smorkin 34
Rick.T 29
Toyo 28
Viper10488 23
Cronus 14
Micki_Finn 13
Accounting 11
Total: 223

Nehek 44
JEBStuart 24
Stormbringer 17
Killer_MJ 6
Kazoany 42
Isaurian 25
Total: 158

Superman 46
Entity-Neo 26
Arch-Devil 39
_ElessaR_ 33
Total: 144

Inner Circle
Roman 20
SweetYlang 15
Sniper1 10
Korgrath 8
Bubble_dees 7
Total: 60

Hehe 30
Tankasaurus1 9
Total: 41

Alchemy 5
Total: 5

No Clan
Don32 3
ShadowLord69 1

Congrats to SM for rocking the rankings! :)

[Added at 11/08/2008 16:55:39 by Samsharp99]
Sado Masochists
Jing 50
Battlecruiser 49
BmXbrigade 48
Moonshine 47
XSquad 43
Hannebauer 40
Djstayer5211 38
Roughrider 37
Thewarrior1 31
SM-sHiNrYo 21
_Highroller_ 12
Total: 416

DoAlCa 45
Breakyourself 41
Gi_joe 32
VoDkA 27
BloodyPoint 22
CtDooku 19
ArXael 18
SaNdYx 16
Regenta 4
Total: 224

Murdock86 36
Smorkin 34
Rick.T 29
Toyo 28
Viper10488 23
Cronus 14
Micki_Finn 13
Accounting 11
Total: 223

Nehek 44
JEBStuart 24
Stormbringer 17
Killer_MJ 6
Kazoany 42
Isaurian 25
Total: 158

Superman 46
Entity-Neo 26
Arch-Devil 39
_ElessaR_ 33
Total: 144

Inner Circle
Roman 20
SweetYlang 15
Sniper1 10
Korgrath 8
Bubble_dees 7
Total: 60

Hehe 30
Total: 30

Tankasaurus1 9
Don32 3
ShadowLord69 1
Total: 15

Alchemy 5
Total: 5
Loki said on: 2008-11-08 04:48 pm
5965 Days, 11 Hrs, 23 Min, 27 Sec ago
Well done SM

First in a while for you guys!

Congrats Moon and BMX
Jing said on: 2008-11-08 04:50 pm
5965 Days, 11 Hrs, 21 Min, 14 Sec ago
Hehe was in Hoieri.

And SM got a clean sweep. :)
Thanks for doing the alt, Sammy.
Gi_joe (Vip) said on: 2008-11-08 06:09 pm
5965 Days, 10 Hrs, 2 Min, 1 Sec ago
congratulations sm, way to go.
Korgrath (Mod) said on: 2008-11-08 08:45 pm
5965 Days, 7 Hrs, 26 Min, 41 Sec ago
Thanks Sam! Grats to the winners
BmXbrigade said on: 2008-11-08 09:46 pm
5965 Days, 6 Hrs, 25 Min, 21 Sec ago
wow! Awesome job all you Masochists! And congrats to jing on teh win.
Creativename said on: 2008-11-08 10:16 pm
5965 Days, 5 Hrs, 55 Min, 27 Sec ago
ALTERNATE rankings:

Sado Masochists
Battlecruiser 49
BmXbrigade 48
Moonshine 47
XSquad 43
Hannebauer 40
Djstayer5211 38
Roughrider 37
Thewarrior1 31
SM-sHiNrYo 21
_Highroller_ 12
Total: 366

DoAlCa 45
Breakyourself 41
Gi_joe 32
VoDkA 27
BloodyPoint 22
CtDooku 19
ArXael 18
SaNdYx 16
Regenta 4
Total: 224

Murdock86 36
Smorkin 34
Rick.T 29
Toyo 28
Viper10488 23
Cronus 14
Micki_Finn 13
Accounting 11
Total: 223

Nehek 44
JEBStuart 24
Stormbringer 17
Killer_MJ 6
Kazoany 42
Isaurian 25
Total: 158

Superman 46
Entity-Neo 26
Arch-Devil 39
_ElessaR_ 33
Total: 144

Inner Circle
Roman 20
SweetYlang 15
Sniper1 10
Korgrath 8
Bubble_dees 7
Total: 60

Creativename 50
Total: 50

Hehe 30
Total: 30

Tankasaurus1 9
Don32 3
ShadowLord69 1
Total: 15

Alchemy 5
Total: 5
Moonshine said on: 2008-11-09 01:21 am
5965 Days, 2 Hrs, 50 Min, 43 Sec ago
Indeed it was a great round for sm. it was long due. Everyone whos making these noob clans or is apart of one is wasting there time. there are great clans in this game. gk, chattan, ac, doom, ic, hoieri, nirvana, dynasty, dk-when there around, and ourselves in sm, And the list goes on. i recommend joining one of these clans, they are great prestigious clans with history, ran by great leaders and they will make you feel apart of something, and one day if you pay your time/dues, you can lead a clan of that sort, and it really is special. Not saying i dont recommend trying ure own project, just generally they dont work out. I want to give a congrats on chattan's, ac, and dooms round. It was nothing less than what is expected from them. Good luck everyone on the upcomming round, and thanks again for the members who joined us in sM. the atmosphere in the clan was great.
Tommy_V said on: 2008-11-09 12:41 pm
5964 Days, 15 Hrs, 30 Min, 52 Sec ago
Woo! Go sM!

Too bad I couldn't put up any numbers for sM. If I wasn't in the event I might've ranked lol :/

Great job to everyone else as well! :D
AK47 said on: 2008-11-09 10:47 pm
5964 Days, 5 Hrs, 24 Min, 10 Sec ago

very well said Moon!

i agree with you completely! with that said, you should join...GK! =P
Gi_joe (Vip) said on: 2008-11-10 08:24 am
5963 Days, 19 Hrs, 47 Min, 33 Sec ago
worded perfectly moon, you are truly top notch yourself.
Space-Monkey said on: 2008-11-10 11:26 pm
5963 Days, 4 Hrs, 45 Min, 40 Sec ago