Nations Forum

Your favorite Nations message... 41 replies

AK47 said on: 2009-09-03 11:22 am
5666 Days, 14 Hrs, 1 Min, 22 Sec ago

Roughrider said on: 2009-09-02 20:07:22
Sent: 16 Hours, 14 Minutes, 12 Seconds ago


zero his ass. lol - [Reply]

DrakenRahl said on: 2009-09-03 11:33 am
5666 Days, 13 Hrs, 50 Min, 40 Sec ago
Tazzz said on: 2009-05-15 11:19:08
Sent: 111 Days, 1 Hours, 10 Minutes, 51 Seconds ago


Well the talk of NN IS that you are a farm and have been for some time:P it's all over the bulletin board - [Reply]
Deadly_ONE said on: 2009-09-03 11:40 am
5666 Days, 13 Hrs, 43 Min, 42 Sec ago
PFC-Hepburn said on: 2009-09-03 11:27:26
Sent: 1 Hours, 11 Minutes, 3 Seconds ago


I'm not with DOM. That's the best part. I just needed to lose my land and the best way was to attack you guys but yet you guys didn't attack till two days till finish. - [Reply]
Korgrath (Mod) said on: 2009-09-03 11:49 am
5666 Days, 13 Hrs, 34 Min, 5 Sec ago
SilverSurfer said on: 2006-03-28 22:27:31
Sent: 1254 Days, 13 Hours, 16 Minutes, 37 Seconds ago
Hey, can I have your autograph? - [Reply]
Stoutn said on: 2009-09-03 01:14 pm
5666 Days, 12 Hrs, 9 Min, 23 Sec ago
Ironic ^

Korgrath said on: 2007-04-29 05:02:04
Sent: 858 Days, 9 Hours, 11 Minutes, 15 Seconds ago


hah I'm your hero? wait... do you need me to do something for you? :p - [Reply]
BmXbrigade said on: 2009-09-03 01:42 pm
5666 Days, 11 Hrs, 40 Min, 52 Sec ago
Pic said on: 2006-08-24 17:22:25
Sent: 1105 Days, 21 Hours, 17 Minutes, 41 Seconds ago


You have done 10 attacks on me costing 44 turns � taking 11 land total � costing me 11 turns to explore the land back. But this way you didn�t have to explore land so in a way you saved 11 turns.

So, 44-11 = 33 extra turns you spend to attack, and I had to use 11 turns to get back to where I was � so you wasted 22 turns attacking me or close to 1 tec pt in research that I got that you won�t get.

At this point in the game, cash isn�t a problem, so that has no impact.

That�s why it isn�t advisable to attack this early in the round � that�s why X got brought down so much in the last two rounds, they attacked back , wasting their turns, when they could have been doing tec.

I know your mad, but if you want to have an impact where it will hurt me more then you as a single player you have to wait until the end of the round, when I have more then 100 land. Until then it brings you down more then it does for me. - [Reply]

VoDkA said on: 2009-09-03 03:19 pm
5666 Days, 10 Hrs, 4 Min, 14 Sec ago
One of the first messages sent right after Hite deleted the whole database. Very useful! The message I mean...

The_praterness said on: 2006-03-29 00:55:58
Sent: 1254 Days, 14 Hours, 15 Minutes, 4 Seconds ago
Ahso said on: 2009-09-03 03:25 pm
5666 Days, 9 Hrs, 57 Min, 48 Sec ago
this is my fav... only because it kinda celebrates life (and possibly a new future NNer)...

Cunning_Killer said on: 2006-10-05 09:13:48
Sent: 1064 Days, 7 Hours, 9 Minutes, 28 Seconds ago


*smokes cigar*
We have a hungry 6 pound 14 oz, 19 3/4" bouncing baby "pooping machine" girl!
Took out pictures of the 2 yr old and WOW they could be twins
DeathLess_One said on: 2009-09-03 10:17 pm
5666 Days, 3 Hrs, 6 Min, 19 Sec ago
(RE: SM vs ONES)

DaisukeNiwa said on: 2009-06-25 22:19:10
Sent: 70 Days, 55 Minutes, 45 Seconds ago


Get off the top 50, princess . - [Reply]

[Added at 09/03/2009 23:18:32 by DeathLess_One]
Your post was edited by the language filter)
Your message was posted!

-IceFox2k- said on: 2009-09-03 10:36 pm
5666 Days, 2 Hrs, 46 Min, 49 Sec ago
Gemz said on: 2006-04-04 21:59:37
Sent: 1248 Days, 1 Hours, 36 Minutes, 23 Seconds ago
Thats so fracking evil lol - [Reply]
PFC-Hepburn said on: 2009-09-03 10:44 pm
5666 Days, 2 Hrs, 39 Min, 44 Sec ago
Deadly_ONE said on: 2009-09-03 11:25:23
Sent: 12 Hours, 16 Minutes, 45 Seconds ago
Why don't you join the Gay ONES? - [Reply]

(Not a real message but I was feeling special for Deadly posting my message up there.)

Oh and Deadly, it's a true message. No need to hide it. Thanks. :)
Meroy said on: 2009-09-03 10:54 pm
5666 Days, 2 Hrs, 29 Min, 11 Sec ago
AK47 said on: 2009-09-02 19:38:33
Sent: 1 Days, 4 Hours, 12 Minutes, 44 Seconds ago
you need help again? - [Reply]

XSquad said on: 2009-09-04 06:49 am
5665 Days, 18 Hrs, 34 Min, 30 Sec ago
AK47 said on: 2009-07-08 12:51:49
Sent: 57 Days, 18 Hours, 56 Minutes, 53 Seconds ago
i bought you vip! check your acct for the nn points.

now take care of me this round. im despret.LOL! - [Reply]

[Added at 09/04/2009 07:49:31 by XSquad]
can do it again if you feel like it :P
Fastest_ONE said on: 2009-09-04 07:50 am
5665 Days, 17 Hrs, 33 Min, 23 Sec ago
Nataku said on: 2009-08-29 11:59:27
Sent: 5 Days, 20 Hours, 50 Minutes, 29 Seconds ago


dildo face - [Reply]
XSquad said on: 2009-09-04 10:59 am
5665 Days, 14 Hrs, 24 Min, 30 Sec ago
Deadly_ONE said on: 2009-09-04 02:58 pm
5665 Days, 10 Hrs, 25 Min, 4 Sec ago
Soulless_ONE said on: 2009-08-21 12:37:15
Sent: 14 Days, 3 Hours, 17 Minutes, 37 Seconds ago


give me a refill
- [Reply]

Do I look like a gas station -LoL
Faceless_one said on: 2009-09-05 05:17 pm
5664 Days, 8 Hrs, 6 Min, 3 Sec ago
We're in a war son you cant be sleeping in the trenches.

AK47 said on: 2009-09-05 18:07:33
Sent: 7 Minutes, 26 Seconds ago


i think i might have to call yah to yell at you. joo killed ma troops while i took a nap. not cool.

TheWhiteDemon said on: 2009-09-05 06:44 pm
5664 Days, 6 Hrs, 39 Min, 39 Sec ago
Crazytaliban07 said on: 2006-03-31 08:11:34
Sent: 1254 Days, 10 Hours, 28 Minutes, 8 Seconds ago
i hate queers and my clan is going to kill you and your clan! - [Reply]
XSquad said on: 2009-09-05 07:02 pm
5664 Days, 6 Hrs, 20 Min, 49 Sec ago
So.. This means Casey's a queer?? :O
ChaoticLaw said on: 2009-09-06 10:51 am
5663 Days, 14 Hrs, 32 Min, 42 Sec ago
Sorry buddy...

AK47 said on: 2006-12-17 21:38:32
Sent: 993 Days, 13 Hours, 1 Minutes, 57 Seconds ago


Cashless_ONE said on: 2009-09-06 12:15 pm
5663 Days, 13 Hrs, 8 Min, 24 Sec ago
In the final hr i needed army and went into the market just in time... who would pass up $1 army in the last few minutes?

BloodyPoint said on: 2009-09-05 20:35:47
Sent: 16 Hours, 34 Minutes, 27 Seconds ago

you bought a lot of military that was intended for someone who bought my food and oil all round. thats not a good thing to do - [Reply]

Thanks for the army BP
AK47 said on: 2009-09-06 02:25 pm
5663 Days, 10 Hrs, 58 Min, 3 Sec ago

i hate joo CL!! that was a tough time for meh! =P
Stoutn said on: 2009-09-06 05:17 pm
5663 Days, 8 Hrs, 6 Min, 11 Sec ago
Cyber Nut Kicking?
Jing said on: 2009-09-06 07:19 pm
5663 Days, 6 Hrs, 4 Min, 27 Sec ago
SilverNoob said on: 2008-01-14 06:38:04
Sent: 45 Days, 10 Hours, 26 Minutes, 28 Seconds ago
Yes, and I can't escape no matter what... every corner there's an FBI agent, their m16's compleete with a special dildo attachment on the side of the gun, it can be launched up to 1000 feet with deadly acuracy. - [Reply]
Tommy_V said on: 2009-09-06 08:41 pm
5663 Days, 4 Hrs, 42 Min, 34 Sec ago
Sal said on: 2008-06-22 13:47:13
Sent: 441 Days, 7 Hours, 32 Minutes, 35 Seconds ago
need more requests? :P - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:36:03
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 45 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:36:02
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 46 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:36:01
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 47 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:36:00
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 48 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:35:59
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 49 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:35:58
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 50 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:35:57
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 51 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:35:56
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 52 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:35:55
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 53 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:35:54
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 54 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]

Sal said on: 2008-06-21 17:35:51
Sent: 442 Days, 3 Hours, 43 Minutes, 57 Seconds ago
can you make a flag for Ctrl + Alt + Elite?

I trust your originality, make it awesome! - [Reply]
Elmy said on: 2009-09-08 04:22 am
5661 Days, 21 Hrs, 1 Min, 8 Sec ago
Morphaleus said on: 2006-06-22 17:50:22
Sent: 1173 Days, 11 Hours, 28 Minutes, 45 Seconds ago
Hi. I just want to let you know that I admire you. - [Reply]
Faceless_one said on: 2009-09-14 11:01 am
5655 Days, 14 Hrs, 22 Min, 38 Sec ago
Deadly seems to always send me attack instructions in the form of a memo, always amuses me.

Deadly_ONE said on: 2009-07-29 15:49:30
Sent: 46 Days, 20 Hours, 8 Minutes, 16 Seconds ago


Attn: Black & Faceless

It has come to my attention that xsquad is farming with over 300 plots of land please attack and help him dispose of this land because as a clan we do not believe in farming. When his army is low please feel free to bomb the empty plots.

Thank You & Kind Regards,

AK47 said on: 2009-09-14 09:51 pm
5655 Days, 3 Hrs, 32 Min, 30 Sec ago

LOL...thats a pretty solid memo!!
Viper10488 said on: 2009-09-15 12:43 am
5655 Days, 39 Minutes, 49 Seconds ago
well hello all. I no longer have a favorite Nations message i can refer to because i cannot recall any. But yeah... just dropping in to say hi.
XSquad said on: 2009-09-15 08:56 am
5654 Days, 16 Hrs, 27 Min, 39 Sec ago
yeah.. well I aint farming this time. joo support wasters...!!!

Heya Viper!(Jay) :P
Deadly_ONE said on: 2009-09-15 09:01 am
5654 Days, 16 Hrs, 21 Min, 52 Sec ago
This message has not been sent yet but I intend to send it soon:


ATTN: Cashless, Deathless, Tireless

A very loyal clan member has recently disregarded our privacy policy by posting sensitive data (considered intellectual capital of the clan) in a public forum. This digraceful act can only be punished in the way we know best, therefore at approximately 2100hrs on the 15th day of September 2009 the culprit who I wish not to name at the moment will be kicked from the clan and massed for disciplinary purposes.

Kind Regards,
Jing said on: 2009-09-15 11:36 am
5654 Days, 13 Hrs, 47 Min, 20 Sec ago
I bet it's Mini695.
He's the only one without a... Er... ONE in his name, lol.
AK47 said on: 2009-09-15 02:07 pm
5654 Days, 11 Hrs, 16 Min, 13 Sec ago

LOL...good stuff.
Deadly_ONE said on: 2009-09-16 06:32 am
5653 Days, 18 Hrs, 51 Min, 3 Sec ago

Faceless_one said on: 2009-09-15 16:50:27
Sent: 14 Hours, 41 Minutes, 22 Seconds ago


I accept my punishment, infinitely wise and petrifying leader. In defense I believed that due to the age of the data posted in the forums it would be copacetic to post witout creating any obejectionable predicament. My imbecility and abundant doltishness should not go unpunished. Dispense unto me your redeeming and elutriating wrath. - [Reply]
Jing said on: 2009-09-16 07:44 am
5653 Days, 17 Hrs, 39 Min, 26 Sec ago
And until now, I thought Warbeast was the most eccentric player in Netnexus...
AK47 said on: 2009-09-16 10:44 am
5653 Days, 14 Hrs, 39 Min, 41 Sec ago ive seen everything! =O
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2009-09-16 11:18 am
5653 Days, 14 Hrs, 5 Min, 27 Sec ago
_ElessaR_ said on: 2009-09-10 20:21:33
Sent: 5 Days, 15 Hours, 56 Minutes, 12 Seconds ago
I'm up for anything. - [Reply]

Anything he says ;)
Theperfect_one said on: 2009-09-16 04:09 pm
5653 Days, 9 Hrs, 14 Min, 10 Sec ago
ROFL @ Faceless!!!
Too much time on ur hands
LagunaCid said on: 2009-09-19 12:03 pm
5650 Days, 13 Hrs, 20 Min, 0 Sec ago
WARBEAST said on: 2007-08-04 19:35:06
Sent: 776 Days, 17 Hours, 25 Minutes, 48 Seconds ago
CRYING are we?...locking posts because u dont like MY PR!....what a LOSER!...:)

all in FUn of COURSE!...:) - [Reply]

WARBEAST said on: 2007-08-04 19:30:33
Sent: 776 Days, 17 Hours, 30 Minutes, 21 Seconds ago
REVENGE is being SERVED....MUHAHAHAHA...I am sure YOU ALL have ALOT to Chat about...:) - [Reply]

DeltaFlyer13 said on: 2009-09-21 05:27 pm
5648 Days, 7 Hrs, 56 Min, 42 Sec ago
Quite a few....

SilverSurfer said on: 2006-03-27 17:00:41
Sent: 1274 Days, 6 Minutes, 24 Seconds ago


Heh I wonder if deleting our messages was hite's way of taking out his anger... - [Reply]

SetoKa1ba said on: 2006-04-22 13:34:27
Sent: 1248 Days, 4 Hours, 32 Minutes, 38 Seconds ago


DF, care to tech ally? ^_^ Either that or unblock me from your msn would be very nice considering its been about 2 years since. - [Reply]

Thebest said on: 2006-05-02 01:28:07
Sent: 1238 Days, 16 Hours, 38 Minutes, 58 Seconds ago


i dont know. ive seen some ppl in the forums put fish suits on and do some ridiculous stuff - [Reply]

-IceFox2k- said on: 2006-05-18 01:59:21
Sent: 1222 Days, 16 Hours, 7 Minutes, 44 Seconds ago


Wow, I've gone a whole month without NetNexus. =D - [Reply]

I_r_goto said on: 2006-07-08 13:34:32
Sent: 1171 Days, 4 Hours, 32 Minutes, 33 Seconds ago


Hey DF, yeah i got introuble and they sent me to military jail, which is 100X worse then civilian jail. All they feed u is bread and water in a cup, and treat u like licoln log , u wourk constintly, you have kit inspections etc..I got all this bull licoln log just because i didnt mark my kit. =/ - [Reply]

I_r_goto said on: 2006-07-08 22:53:13
Sent: 1170 Days, 19 Hours, 13 Minutes, 52 Seconds ago


im already done DF, i spent 12 days and by kit i mean all my cloths and stuff i use. I was supposed to mark it with my name and i didnt. - [Reply]

I_r_goto said on: 2006-07-09 17:25:44
Sent: 1170 Days, 41 Minutes, 21 Seconds ago


because its the canadian army - [Reply]

MethodMan1 said on: 2006-07-11 21:07:48
Sent: 1167 Days, 20 Hours, 59 Minutes, 17 Seconds ago



Jing said on: 2006-07-30 14:50:41
Sent: 1149 Days, 3 Hours, 16 Minutes, 24 Seconds ago


why do you need porn for? you're damaging your computer! - [Reply]

Jing said on: 2006-07-30 17:20:10
Sent: 1149 Days, 46 Minutes, 55 Seconds ago


get a gf, asian always get the chick ^^ - [Reply]

AK47 said on: 2006-08-08 13:57:19
Sent: 1140 Days, 4 Hours, 9 Minutes, 46 Seconds ago


Dear Connie,
I know the counselor said we shouldn't contact each other during our
"cooling off" period, but I couldn't wait anymore. The day you left, I
swore I'd never talk to you again. But that was just the wounded little
in me talking. Still, I never wanted to be the first one to make contact.

In my fantasies, it was always you who would come crawling back to me. I
guess my pride needed that. But now I see that my pride's cost me a lot
things. I'm tired of pretending I don't miss you. I don't care about looking bad anymore. I don't care who makes the first move as long as one of us does.

Maybe it's time we let our hearts speak as loudly as our hurt. And this
is what my heart says: "There's no one like you, Connie." I look for you in
the eyes and breasts of every woman I see, but they're not you. They're not even close.

Two weeks ago, I met this girl at Flamingos and brought her home with me.
I don't say this to hurt you, but just to illustrate the depth of my desperation. She was young, maybe 19, with one of those perfect bodies that only youth and maybe a childhood spent ice skating can give you. I mean, just a perfect body. Tits like you wouldn't believe and an ass that just wouldn't quit. Every man's dream, right? But as I sat on the couch being blown by this stunner, I thought, look at the stuff we've made important in
our lives. It's all so superficial. What does a perfect body mean? Does it
make her better in bed? Well, in this case, yes, but you see what I'm
getting at. Does it make her a better person? Does she have a better heart
than my moderately attractive Connie? I doubt it. And I'd never really
thought of that before. I don't know, maybe I'm just growing up a little. Later, after I'd tossed
her about a half a pint of throat yogurt, I found myself thinking,
"Why do I feel so drained and empty?" It wasn't just her flawless
technique or her slutty, shameless hunger, but something else. Some nagging feeling
of loss. Why did it feel so incomplete? And then it hit me. It didn't feel
the same because you weren't there to watch. Do you know what I mean?
Nothing feels the same without you. Jesus, Connie, I'm just going crazy
without you. And everything I do just reminds me of you.
Do you remember Carol, that single mom we met at the Holiday Inn lounge
last year? Well, she dropped by last week with a pan of lasagna. She said
she figured I wasn't eating right without a woman around. I didn't know
what she meant till later, but that's not the real story. Anyway, we had a
few glasses of wine and the next thing you know, we're banging away in our
old bedroom. And this tart's a total monster in the sack. She's giving me
everything, you know, like a real woman does when she's not hung up about
her weight or her career and whether the kids can hear us. And all of a
sudden, she spots that tilting mirror on your grandmother's old vanity. So
she puts it on the floor and we straddle it, right, so we can watch
ourselves. And it's totally hot, but it makes me sad, too. Cause I can't
help thinking, "Why didn't Connie ever put the mirror on the floor? We've
had this old vanity for what, 14 years, and we never used it as a sex toy."

Saturday, your sister drops by with my copy of the restraining order. I
mean, Vicky's just a kid and all, but she's got a pretty good head on her
shoulders and she's been a real friend to me during this painful time.
She's given me lots of good advice about you and about women in general.
She's pulling for us to get back together, Connie, she really is. So we're
doing Jell-O shots in a hot bubble bath and talking about happier times.
Here's this teenage girl with the same DNA as you and all I can do is think
of how much she looked like you when you were 18. And that just about makes me cry.
And then it turns out Vicky's really into the whole anal thing, that gets me to thinking about how many times I pressured you about trying it and how that probably fueled some of the bitterness between us. But do you see how even then, when I'm thrusting inside your baby sister's cinnamon ring, all
I can do is think of you? It's true, Connie. In your heart you must know
it. Don't you think we could start over? Just wipe out all the grievances
away and start fresh? I think we can.
If you feel the same please, please, please let me know.


Ps. Can you let me know where the vanilla ice ice baby remote is.

(Hi all just thought Id ease up some tention)
- [Reply]

Sideo said on: 2006-08-13 00:34:02
Sent: 1135 Days, 17 Hours, 33 Minutes, 3 Seconds ago


Did you catch the free porn on city tv last night? Ah, never miss the friday specials. - [Reply]

[Added at 09/21/2009 18:30:23 by DeltaFlyer13] last one:

SilverSurfer said on: 2006-04-10 13:07:36
Sent: 1260 Days, 5 Hours, 22 Minutes, 25 Seconds ago


We gotta do something about hite, chelly and goto. I can't believe these people are running the place. I would rather this site die. - [Reply]
Jing said on: 2009-09-21 05:56 pm
5648 Days, 7 Hrs, 27 Min, 35 Sec ago
I remember that epic thread!
It was... EPIC!
Nucking Mods had to go and delete it though.
Stormbringer said on: 2009-09-23 05:02 pm
5646 Days, 8 Hrs, 21 Min, 11 Sec ago
A timely instant classic. Just so funny ( in a way ) just because it's so wrong on many levels! :P

Deadly_ONE said on: 2009-09-22 14:50:55
Sent: 1 Days, 3 Hours, 9 Minutes, 32 Seconds ago


Hey Stormy

Just letting you know that we respect our alliance and all however many clan members have something against weaponx from the previous round and I know they intend to attack him, it is nothing personal against your clan its just a personal vendetta.

I apologise before hand for any inconvenience this may cause.

-Deadly - [Reply]