Terran Legacy Forum

For those just started~ THE FORBIDDEN ARMORY 7 replies

Hadez84 said on: 2007-08-02 03:47 am
6430 Days, 40 Minutes, 8 Seconds ago
Level 2 Energy Shield
Cost: $6200.00 Armor: 12
Absorbs 1/2 damage from all attacks

Level 3 Energy Shield
Cost: $10000.00 Armor: 20
Absorbs 1/2 damage from all attacks

Seige Tank Armor
Cost: $12500.00 Armor: 45
It rocks!

Goliath Mech Suite V2
Cost: $8732500.00 Armor: 75
Love it? Of course you do.

** Anyone can tell me does Adamite Vest and Goliath Mech Suite V2 really Absorbs 1/2 damage from all attacks ???? thanks i also just started~
Scooter55 said on: 2007-08-02 08:36 am
6429 Days, 19 Hrs, 50 Min, 58 Sec ago
I have been told they do... The Goliath Mech Suite V2 is the best armour in the game as far as i know though... diffently try to get up to that i would have to say...
Ppshop said on: 2007-08-02 11:47 am
6429 Days, 16 Hrs, 39 Min, 29 Sec ago
Try to flirt also... You'll get better guns...
Dondon said on: 2007-08-02 10:37 pm
6429 Days, 5 Hrs, 49 Min, 50 Sec ago
Say hello to PPShop, the resident know it all about TL...

[Added at 08/03/2007 00:39:10 by Dondon]
Also, I don't know what kind of keyboard you have, but the period is typically left of the / key and to the right of the , key. Usually the tilde (~) key is very far away, in the upper left corner, next to the 1 key. You might want to get your keyboard checked out, because it might be diseased.
Ppshop said on: 2007-08-02 10:55 pm
6429 Days, 5 Hrs, 32 Min, 8 Sec ago
I got a french keyboard!!!



WAY more functions...
Tooks said on: 2007-08-03 12:30 am
6429 Days, 3 Hrs, 56 Min, 50 Sec ago
You would be French you noob...
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-08-03 02:27 am
6429 Days, 1 Hr, 59 Min, 17 Sec ago
I'm French-Canadian as well, n00b.
Tooks said on: 2007-08-03 06:05 am
6428 Days, 22 Hrs, 22 Min, 11 Sec ago
Well that little blue tag next to your name clears you of any noob status