WaR2: New Horizons Forum

Banking 13 replies

TheQuickness said on: 2008-05-01 03:55 am
6157 Days, 3 Hrs, 15 Min, 25 Sec ago
It would be nice if we could transfer money between our characters.

I mean, I did all the work to get it, why shouldnt I be able to spend it on one of my other characters?

You could put level restrictions on the shops if you didnt want merciless power leveling.
Crlaozwyn said on: 2008-05-01 07:02 am
6157 Days, 8 Minutes, 8 Seconds ago
From what I know, banking will be implemented, but I HOPE it's not implemented between characters! While you DID do the work to get the money, it was for that character, not your account. For example, I can easily kill the risen pharaoh, giving me 350 gold. A new character would have more trouble killing the pickpocket for 1/20th that much money. With the future implementation of the auction system, moving money between characters would be amazingly unbalancing especially in light of the future hope of pvp. TBH I can't think of a decent reason TO transfer between characters other than laziness.

Quick list of why I don't think money should be transferable:
1) It would mess up the rankings (a lot) unless the rankings measured entire accounts, instead of characters
2) It defeats the purpose of any kind of low-lvl pvp
3) It would allow characters to transfer items to themselves through the auction system (who cares how much it costs when it's your own money?)
Crystalann said on: 2008-05-01 08:32 am
6156 Days, 22 Hrs, 38 Min, 11 Sec ago
I have to agree with Crla, Yes we did earn the money ourselves, but we earnt that money using that charachter, hence it should be for the charactoer that it was obtained on.

In the end if this was put into play , why would any low level player without a "main" PVP , they would know they wouldnt stand any chance.

Personally i think this would just demean the PVP part of the game.
TheQuickness said on: 2008-05-01 02:31 pm
6156 Days, 16 Hrs, 39 Min, 13 Sec ago
IF PvP is ever implemented, being able to transfer money to your other characters wouldnt make that big of a difference for equipment if the shops had level restrictions.

This is on the assumtion that PvP would be restricted, to level 10 and over, and that everyone knows about the gold mobs, which they undoubtably will. Getting all the best armor in new oran is easy to do by around level 12.
TheQuickness said on: 2008-05-01 02:41 pm
6156 Days, 16 Hrs, 29 Min, 4 Sec ago
and regarding the rankings, it would slow down the top players (like myself) from powering even further ahead of the other ranked characters by increasing the chances that they will spend time on second (or third, or so on) characters, which breaks up the massive amount of experience they can gain with the one.

If you look at whats happened with the rankings recently, you see crystal and me jumped way past everyone else. I decided to stop and try a new character, which Im growing frustrated with because of lack of gold, and crystal flew way past me and if nearly uncatchable exspecially by the characters under me in the rankings.

So in my logic being able to transfer gold would help persuade people who play alot (too much maybe) to create multiple characters instead of being riddiculously out of reach on the rankings. This would create a more competetive gap between the top list and bottom list ranks and help possibly lead to a much more active player base. If the rankings end up dominated by a few players multiple characters, you could rank only the top character of the player. The characters name could then link to a war2 player profile which would show all his/her characters.

Im sorry if I rambled a little much, but this is an idea that I dont think is selfishly made for my advancement. I genuinley think it would help ease the boredom and boost the activity of the game.
Crystalann said on: 2008-05-01 03:45 pm
6156 Days, 15 Hrs, 25 Min, 26 Sec ago
I utterly understand you now, and kinda agree, i wouldnt mind if thats how it was set up. but i would still only use one char.
Skw45610 said on: 2008-05-01 09:57 pm
6156 Days, 9 Hrs, 12 Min, 54 Sec ago
I personally think transfers of gold between account should be acceptable, but transfers of equipment.... big NO NO.

But that could probably mean that low levels can buy too powerful equipments and own in PvP. Something undesirable. How about equipment stores NOT selling powerful equipments.. and for the more powerful ones... players have to hunt them by killing monsters themselves. That will make players owning a certain powerful weapon/armour/shield have a sense of achievement for finding it.
Crlaozwyn said on: 2008-05-02 09:40 am
6155 Days, 21 Hrs, 30 Min, 5 Sec ago
This is going to get long, so don't read unless you care :)

"and regarding the rankings, it would slow down the top players (like myself) from powering even further ahead of the other ranked characters by increasing the chances that they will spend time on second (or third, or so on) characters, which breaks up the massive amount of experience they can gain with the one."
-only if every player plays exactly like you. What'll actually happen is that 1st place will ALWAYS be someone who plays only one character. When I said rankings, I was referring to "highest gold" rankings as well, which is obviously FUBAR if you can transfer gold. But back to EXP: currently, a lvl 1 can use eq for lvl 1 because they can't kill anything stronger and don't have the money, right? Give the lvl1 a weapon for a lvl 10 and they're killing lvl 10 stuff (which gives 4x the exp, give or take). When they're lvl 5 (which has taken 1/4 the time it normally would) they start using lvl 15 eq and the cycle continues.

"If you look at whats happened with the rankings recently, you see crystal and me jumped way past everyone else. I decided to stop and try a new character, which Im growing frustrated with because of lack of gold, and crystal flew way past me and if nearly uncatchable exspecially by the characters under me in the rankings."
-in any game where the only requirement for success is time, this will happen. Even if you can transfer gold, there'll always be at least one player who does nothing besides play this game. And they will win.

"So in my logic being able to transfer gold would help persuade people who play alot (too much maybe) to create multiple characters instead of being riddiculously out of reach on the rankings."
-Again, only if those players are just like you in that they want to experiment with different character types instead of just becoming as powerful as possible.

"This would create a more competetive gap between the top list and bottom list ranks and help possibly lead to a much more active player base."
-I believe the opposite will happen, actually. If the most powerful players need to work LESS to gain exp faster, won't there just be even MORE characters who are unreachable by the masses who need to grind up the ladder? In 3 hours, a character with basically unlimited funds can do more than a player without unlimited funds can do in 10. That means that instead of having a few players who can't be caught up to, there'll be a whole mass of unreachable characters.

"If the rankings end up dominated by a few players multiple characters, you could rank only the top character of the player. The characters name could then link to a war2 player profile which would show all his/her characters."
-Then what's the point of multiple characters? What if I want to have spots 1-3 and I've worked hard for it? Some people play for the satisfaction of reaching a goal (ie: first person to have 3 of the top 5 spots, or only player with 8 characters over lvl 50 in the rankings)

if thequickness plays 4 characters and you only one, you're going to destroy him (and all other multiple character accounts) by a landslide. Good call.

-Transferring gold means transferring equipment. TheSource has already said he plans to implement an auction system. As I previously mentioned, that will mean you can buy your own equipment at exorbitant prices (which doesn't cost you anything since it's your own money and you can just send it back).
-If stores don't sell powerful equipment, what's the point in gold? While there is a sense of accomplishment in getting a rare drop, there is also a sense of accomplishment in saving 3 million gold to buy an insane weapon.
Skw45610 said on: 2008-05-02 06:39 pm
6155 Days, 12 Hrs, 30 Min, 35 Sec ago
Please don't ignore the main idea of my thread... "Balance of the PvP fights from the impact of banking". What you said is valid, but doesn't address my concern of low level players with powerful equipments and owning the new players. Somewhat, there needs to be something that can retain the new players as well as to excite the more experienced ones with more challanging tasks.

You mentioned that there can be a sense of achievement if someone manages to get 3 million gold and be able to afford an insane powerful weapon. I agree. But it wouldn't do well to get this weapon to be equiped on a low level player for exploitation. Well unless (as i'm typing this, i thought of an idea), there is a level restriction on the yielding of equipment.

[Added at 05/02/2008 18:40:20 by Skw45610]
(Oh, that idea being said by someone earlier) ^^

[Added at 05/02/2008 18:52:02 by Skw45610]
Gold - Only can be used for equipment? Well, gold can be used for almost anything: stats upgrade, potions, repairing armour, quests, spells that uses gold... blah blah. The list can go on unlimited, and it's up to your imagination. (I'm not saying that it's a must to use gold in such a manner. My point is only to say that gold can be used elsewhere besides spending on equipment).
Crlaozwyn said on: 2008-05-02 08:00 pm
6155 Days, 11 Hrs, 10 Min, 18 Sec ago
From my discussion with TheSource today, level limits WILL be imposed on all equipment, restricting the possible abuse of low level pvp. This lessens the unbalancing effect of allowing players to powerlevel their own characters, but doesn't remove it altogether. Since quests are to be implemented, I believe that will help "retain" old players, while attracting new ones at the same time. Since all will be on equal footing (other than level and eq, hah) it should be a balancing factor.

As far as gold, currently it can ONLY be used for equipment or healing. Since you get enough money from one mob kill to heal after ~100 fights or more (that is, if you even take damage), healing is a moot point. Eventually, I'm sure some of those other things will be implemented. And really, it's not up to my imagination, but to how much time and work TheSource wants to invest in this game - very little about this game is restricted by what I can create in my mind.

Still, the point of this thread is to discuss whether players should be able to give themselves gold. I still say "no" unless a universal trade system were implemented, and that would require a lot of balancing. IE: gold, items (no quest items, of course), equipment become transferable between accounts, not just characters. The main issue with transferring eq is eliminated with level restrictions, and as guilds begin to form it would allow for guilds to have armories for their members.
Skw45610 said on: 2008-05-03 01:26 am
6155 Days, 5 Hrs, 43 Min, 48 Sec ago
Very nice to hear that. :)

I still remember in the old days, "nice" players will give away equipment that are too powerful for the new players, which will affect balancing. (Though I will still say thank you to him XD) There's almost no limitation to how the game will end up as.
TheQuickness said on: 2008-05-03 01:45 am
6155 Days, 5 Hrs, 24 Min, 58 Sec ago
Well if there is going to be level restrictions, then there is no reason whatsoever to not allow transfering gold between characters of the same account.

It wouldnt screw up the gold rankings because your earning all that gold, and you would earn gold faster by powering high level gold mobs with an individual high level char. the gold earned by making new characters would be nearly insignificant compared to what would be spent.

and as far as my assumtion that other people will be making multiple characters, look at ANY other game. the vast majority of people have more than one character so that they can try new things and maybe correct mistakes they feel they made with some.

For example: Its rare to see a TL player with only one character whos active in the community.
Crlaozwyn said on: 2008-05-03 07:17 am
6154 Days, 23 Hrs, 53 Min, 4 Sec ago
I think this discussion is dead. It's going in circles. In fact, the only "new" thing I can think of that has been said in the last 5 posts or so was my idea of a universal transfer system. I'm going to start a new thread with that as the topic. As far as transferring money between characters, I think we've all made our positions and cases clear. It's up to TheSource to decide.
Sal said on: 2008-05-03 11:54 am
6154 Days, 19 Hrs, 16 Min, 26 Sec ago
Why not have a common bank between characters of the same account?

Say I deposit 5000 gold on char 1, char 2 goes to the bank and can take it.