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Jing got pwned. 55 replies

GuildaMage said on: 2007-07-31 12:31 pm
6431 Days, 12 Hrs, 23 Min, 54 Sec ago
GuildaMage said on: 2007-07-31 12:35 pm
6431 Days, 12 Hrs, 20 Min, 11 Sec ago
Also, Jing wants to know if he set a precedent.
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-07-31 12:35 pm
6431 Days, 12 Hrs, 19 Min, 35 Sec ago
AK47 said on: 2007-07-31 01:25 pm
6431 Days, 11 Hrs, 30 Min, 5 Sec ago

Stormbringer said on: 2007-07-31 01:26 pm
6431 Days, 11 Hrs, 29 Min, 18 Sec ago
MethodMan said on: 2007-07-31 01:54 pm
6431 Days, 11 Hrs, 59 Sec ago
I've had 4 warnings before, no big deal. He'll come back eventually.
Alex said on: 2007-07-31 07:47 pm
6431 Days, 5 Hrs, 7 Min, 52 Sec ago
First time ban, no big deal

He even gots good reason to be ban.

Seto got banned how many times? 7-8 times?
Dondon said on: 2007-07-31 09:41 pm
6431 Days, 3 Hrs, 14 Min, 21 Sec ago

I think I've had 4 warnings max.:(

Tarsonis21 (Admin) 2006-10-03 E-Mail Blatant breaking Terms of Use in reference to trying to expose a potential profile exploit. g. upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;

Tarsonis21 (Admin) 2006-10-03 E-Mail Again, you abuse the good will that I have shown towards you in the expects that you would act like a semi-civil human being. This chance has been rescinded.

I got the best warnings ever.

Here's some more:

Elminster (Member) so?


Elminster (Member) hey, spam alot?

Jeany (Member) Harrassing users because of their spelling

VoDkA (Mod)
I have about 2 dozen of those blank warnings.

Elminster (Member) oh, since this is dondon, and you did it again, Im going to ban this and just consider yourself lucky that i dont ban both of these.


Elminster (Member)


Elminster (Member) Whatever you put in your post to change icons, dont do it again.

Gemz said on: 2007-07-31 10:24 pm
6431 Days, 2 Hrs, 31 Min, 23 Sec ago
iv had 12 warnings once.
LagunaCid said on: 2007-07-31 11:23 pm
6431 Days, 1 Hr, 31 Min, 37 Sec ago
Darn, my record was 3
Oracle said on: 2007-08-01 02:19 am
6430 Days, 22 Hrs, 36 Min, 19 Sec ago
isn't discussing/posting this stuff also a big nono?
GuildaMage said on: 2007-08-01 06:05 am
6430 Days, 18 Hrs, 50 Min, 13 Sec ago
I think its only when mods/admins do it...i think its ok if we do it and *joke* about it..instead of whining/complaining.

If im wrong bad, feel free to send this thread into oblivion.
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2007-08-13 06:52 am
6418 Days, 18 Hrs, 2 Min, 49 Sec ago
I got 12 on my multi from Ben.
IronSinew (Admin) said on: 2007-08-13 10:15 am
6418 Days, 14 Hrs, 40 Min, 5 Sec ago
Yeah, Dondon. I don't know who unbanned you, but if I weren't "not here" I would fix that. Seems as though you're behaving.. mostly.

"Sex" has 7 warnings from me, and at one point I had over 50 on another single account just because I said I would warn him 50 times if he did it.

ChaoticLaw said on: 2007-08-13 03:00 pm
6418 Days, 9 Hrs, 55 Min, 29 Sec ago
It's only a no-no if it recently happened. Like if Jing had just been banned today FS would be in here spitting fire and brimstone about how it's not a topic open for discussion by the community and whatnot.

My best warning ever was when I called Hite a little whiny girl, and 2 years later he becomes an Admin, I voice my disagreement with something in a civil manner and he warns me for the girl comment (since I already had 2 others at this point).
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-13 06:05 pm
6418 Days, 6 Hrs, 50 Min, 22 Sec ago
LoL Typical senseless warnings from the old days... I remember Elm giving me a few of those as well.

If Elms internet Persona was alive, it would be in the form of a big bad black dude who would shoot you if you looked at him wrong.

Yet Tar kept the warnings on track with the rules... Tar, the Admin Tar that we know today, that is.
Shadowsguy said on: 2007-08-13 06:52 pm
6418 Days, 6 Hrs, 2 Min, 31 Sec ago
My one and only warning is from Tar. "Harrassing Moderators" when I said "If you do this I'll come through the computer screen and kick you in the nuts"
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-13 07:38 pm
6418 Days, 5 Hrs, 17 Min, 25 Sec ago
Ghosts don't count.
Elmy said on: 2007-08-13 08:57 pm
6418 Days, 3 Hrs, 58 Min, 22 Sec ago
I don't even remember you from the days of when I was mod nor do I remember ever giving you a warning, SilverSurfer, either you weren't worth remembering, which was probably the case, or you just weren't around and just making it up because you're pretty much a retard and I tell you so in chat in this day and age.

But anyways, the real reason I'm posting, if I ever warned someone and it wasn't an obvious joke, then it had a good reason, whether or not I was too lazy to type it down in the warning box. As I'm sure even Tarsonis will agree, DonDon deserved most if not all of the warnings he ever got. AT one point I think I was just repeatedly banning all of DonDon's accounts as soon as I found out who he was as well.
Elmy said on: 2007-08-13 09:02 pm
6418 Days, 3 Hrs, 52 Min, 32 Sec ago
Lol, those warnings remind me of how if you tried to give a warning and it had a ' anywhere in it that it wouldn't work :[
FireStarter said on: 2007-08-13 09:57 pm
6418 Days, 2 Hrs, 58 Min, 17 Sec ago
Its only a no no if Mods/Admins discuss it with the public or if Users try to get information out of a Mod/Admin about it.

If said banned User wishes to discuss it with the public that is his/her choice or if the public decide they want to "speculate" in a mature manner then its fine. However keep in mind that if it steps out of line it will be shut down without notice and if necessary punishment will be given out where it may be required.

I only spit "fire and brimstone" as it were when I absolutely need to. Besides... Who do you think moved this thread from Nations to General? :P
17_Seconds said on: 2007-08-13 10:13 pm
6418 Days, 2 Hrs, 42 Min, 24 Sec ago
or if SS had a different name.
Dondon said on: 2007-08-13 10:26 pm
6418 Days, 2 Hrs, 29 Min, 22 Sec ago
I think it was Shadyknight who unbanned me, but I could be mistaken.
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-08-14 02:17 am
6417 Days, 22 Hrs, 38 Min, 10 Sec ago
Yes, t'was me. I unbanned his Dondon account because he has 2 warnings now anyways, and he was on here with another name anyways. This way I know who I'm keeping track of lol
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-14 05:46 pm
6417 Days, 7 Hrs, 8 Min, 53 Sec ago
Again. Typical Elminster. Internet Hard guy.

You're right, you probably would call me a retard in chat nowadays. But so would half the internet. Also, half the internet consists of idiots.



I stand by what I say. And your arrogance shows here, almost proving my point by itself.

Why am I a retard? Because Elmy said so. Make sense?

Of course, it isn't like I just came to this conclusion, but I am going to post anyway. It's always been like this with most mods/ex-mods. They can say what they want, do what they want, say the stupidest things and still have about ten+ other users there to back them up. I expect that.

Thankfully, and fortunately for the newbies of NN, the current mod team is much better suited for there jobs then some of the old ones, and at the same time, ya'll had your moments too.
Elmy said on: 2007-08-14 08:00 pm
6417 Days, 4 Hrs, 55 Min, 27 Sec ago
Lol, just because you can't take a hit it doesn't mean I'm an internet hard guy. And you're a retard because you come into chat with a pity story and expect everyone to jump on the pity wagon when really no one wants to hear your problems, we all got our own, I don't need to hear yours nor do I wanna pity you for yours and you have a hissy fit and leave because you didn't get the attention you wanted. I know you're still bitter over that little conversation. Anyone who knows me just a little bit knows how I can't stand people who feel sorry for themselves and I'm not afraid to say it. The same goes for alot of different things. I'll even put down people I consider FRIENDS and people I know/like if they start acting like that.

If that was a 'clever' way of trying to call me an idiot, wow that was alot of trouble for something not even that clever. That probably just adds on to me calling you a retard. I'm sorry that you don't have friends that believe what you say and will support you but don't hate on the people that do. That's called jealousy. And being jealous over something on the internet is just a little sad. Ever consider that they might be right and you wrong? When the whole world is against you, it's the whole world that is wrong, right? Rhetorical question, of course.

What, arrogant? Sure, why not. Arrogance, confidence, speaking your mind, it's not like you can tell the difference between any of those anymore anyways. Everyone would feel just a little freer if they spoke their minds a bit more, honestly.
ShadyKnight (Mod) said on: 2007-08-14 08:23 pm
6417 Days, 4 Hrs, 31 Min, 58 Sec ago
Elmy, no offence, but your reply makes no sense to me. He made a rather accurate and straight forward post and yet it makes him more of a retard? I think he basically just pwnt almost every mod we've ever had.
Space-Monkey said on: 2007-08-14 08:32 pm
6417 Days, 4 Hrs, 22 Min, 59 Sec ago
Well, I must say, SS you are a retard, j/k of course. As far as you calling elm arrogent, I think that that same reason is why so many people respect him. I know it is why I respect him, half the time its also the same reason why I hate him. Noone can say his well thought insults and comments arent funny, even when they are making fun one's self, other than the basic "your a retard" becuase that doesnt exactly require much thought.

[Added at 08/14/2007 22:48:04 by Space-Monkey]
"I don't even remember you from the days of when I was mod nor do I remember ever giving you a warning, SilverSurfer, either you weren't worth remembering, which was probably the case, or you just weren't around and just making it up because you're pretty much a retard and I tell you so in chat in this day and age."
if you read there elm never actualy called SS a retard, infact he said taht SS probably wasn't a retard.

"Again. Typical Elminster. Internet Hard guy.

You're right, you probably would call me a retard in chat nowadays. But so would half the internet. Also, half the internet consists of idiots."-ss

As you can see there, SS started the insulting,, assuming that elm was attempting to insult him(something a retard would do, no?)



I stand by what I say. And your arrogance shows here, almost proving my point by itself."-ss

He hasnt really made a point yet...

"Why am I a retard? Because Elmy said so. Make sense?"-ss

...Elmy didn't say so...

"Of course, it isn't like I just came to this conclusion, but I am going to post anyway. It's always been like this with most mods/ex-mods. They can say what they want, do what they want, say the stupidest things and still have about ten+ other users there to back them up. I expect that."-ss

If you expect it, then why go through all this trouble?

"Thankfully, and fortunately for the newbies of NN, the current mod team is much better suited for there jobs then some of the old ones, and at the same time, ya'll had your moments too."-ss

"there jobs", or "their jobs"?

"If that was a 'clever' way of trying to call me an idiot, wow that was alot of trouble for something not even that clever. That probably just adds on to me calling you a retard. I'm sorry that you don't have friends that believe what you say and will support you but don't hate on the people that do. That's called jealousy. And being jealous over something on the internet is just a little sad. Ever consider that they might be right and you wrong? When the whole world is against you, it's the whole world that is wrong, right? Rhetorical question, of course.

What, arrogant? Sure, why not. Arrogance, confidence, speaking your mind, it's not like you can tell the difference between any of those anymore anyways. Everyone would feel just a little freer if they spoke their minds a bit more, honestly."-elm

I agree, it wasnt that clever, and he is trying to make himself look intelligent by saying that everyone that calls him a retard is an idiot, well that could be the case, but I doubt it.

"Elmy, no offence, but your reply makes no sense to me. He made a rather accurate and straight forward post and yet it makes him more of a retard? I think he basically just pwnt almost every mod we've ever had."-shadyknight

well I'm not going to say anything bad because you're a mod.
GuildaMage said on: 2007-08-14 08:39 pm
6417 Days, 4 Hrs, 16 Min, 17 Sec ago
The only thing retarded about SS i can find in his statement is the missing comma. between things and "and". Otherwise his grammer is pretty dead on.

"They can say what they want, do what they want, say the stupidest things and still have about ten+ other users there to back them up. I expect that."
Elmy said on: 2007-08-14 09:10 pm
6417 Days, 3 Hrs, 44 Min, 40 Sec ago
Retard is just my generic insult :[ It's not bad enough to deserve a warning / start a war but not soft enough to start singing I love you You love me. I try to avoid thinking too hard and vulgar words anyways.

SK, don't make me wonder about you, too. Did you read any of my post before replying that? It seems that you replied by ignoring all my responses to his post. I already addressed the Mod thing, I don't need to defend myself further on it. I have nothing to defend. I did a hell of alot more then most Mods have ever accomplished on this site(I didn't even PLAY the games at this point!) and I really don't care if probably 9/10th's of you don't remember it but I'll be damned if I'll let anyone insult my time as Mod. Whether I am or was a Mod or not does not change my personality, or who I am. There is nothing /straight forward/ or /accurate/ about his post except his own bias view of things because of this little flame he has against me. Who was it that started this argument, even? It sure wasn't me. SS had no right to comment on my warnings to someone else, much less to Dondon as you yourself should well understand that situation. He didn't even respond to me saying I don't remember warning him which means 1 of 2 things. My warnings against him were 100% valid so he can't say anything against them or 2; I never did. I really doubt he would pass up being able to counter that argument.

Now please SK, don't make me wonder that me discrediting your God and religion is making you have your own little hate towards me as well. I know how sensitive you religious people can be with your God and all. Chuckle.

Space, that's a little confusing to read. I did mean to call him a retard, in any case, because of what I've seen and heard of him in chat. But mostly because he thought he could just pass me off as a terrible Mod. I only had one real incident with him that I can remember and it had to do with that whole morning pity party he had. It seems he has some beef with me from back when I was mod, though, which I have no clue about since I don't remember him or why he would have that problem.
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-14 10:00 pm
6417 Days, 2 Hrs, 54 Min, 54 Sec ago
Holy whack.

See how this gets all blown out of proportion.

You stressing or what?

How many more stories do we get to hear today?

Aren't you supposed to be writing a book? Well, it isn't about me, is it?

Dondon said on: 2007-08-14 10:36 pm
6417 Days, 2 Hrs, 18 Min, 44 Sec ago
I know this new thread of discussion (lolol I made a funny) doesn't directly involve me, but I think I should say Elminster's one of the better mods, if not the best (or was). Pretty much everything he's ever warned me for I've deserved, compared to some other mods (won't name names because I don't remember, honestly) who have warned me for the littlest thing (or something I didn't even do) when they could have just as easily banned me for a real reason. Not like it mattered, but at least Elminster tried when he warned!

[Added at 08/15/2007 00:37:03 by Dondon]
And where's your book?
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-14 10:38 pm
6417 Days, 2 Hrs, 16 Min, 43 Sec ago
Where's yours?
Dondon said on: 2007-08-14 10:56 pm
6417 Days, 1 Hr, 58 Min, 47 Sec ago
I got to page 3 and stopped. My brain goes too fast for my 60 wpm at best typing. I would seriously like to write one, but I think it's pointless when I'm still in HS because each year my writing skill vastly improves, so half the book would not be up to my standards. Plus everything I write is horribly dull to read.:)
Elmy said on: 2007-08-14 11:25 pm
6417 Days, 1 Hr, 30 Min, 9 Sec ago
Writing's always a work in progress :o Writing these posts is so short and quick that it's refreshing after writing my story.
T3rran said on: 2007-08-16 12:08 pm
6415 Days, 12 Hrs, 47 Min, 6 Sec ago
I've never been banned in my life.
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-16 10:19 pm
6415 Days, 2 Hrs, 36 Min, 18 Sec ago
Me either.
FireStarter said on: 2007-08-17 01:54 am
6414 Days, 23 Hrs, 1 Min, 14 Sec ago
T3rran I've banned a few of your multi accounts so stop trying to act all innocent.

Also surprisingly no one has taken a shot at me in this thread yet... I'm shocked.

Really I am.
PinWizard said on: 2007-08-17 02:56 am
6414 Days, 21 Hrs, 58 Min, 58 Sec ago
HEY FS how many times have u been baned?
Cllander said on: 2007-08-17 03:03 am
6414 Days, 21 Hrs, 52 Min, 26 Sec ago
FS was baned?

bane: to kill especially with poison
Oracle said on: 2007-08-17 06:22 am
6414 Days, 18 Hrs, 32 Min, 50 Sec ago
FS is a poomuncher for giving me a warning :@

FireStarter said on: 2007-08-17 06:07 pm
6414 Days, 6 Hrs, 48 Min, 4 Sec ago
I've only been banned once and that was back in the day by Sean.
Alex said on: 2007-08-17 07:34 pm
6414 Days, 5 Hrs, 21 Min, 24 Sec ago
I thought you were banned when using multis...

Also thought a ban was for at LEAST 3-4 rounds... seems like it lasted 20 days for Jing.

Meh... strange things happen I suppose.
FireStarter said on: 2007-08-18 05:44 pm
6413 Days, 7 Hrs, 11 Min, 27 Sec ago
I never used multis o.O
LagunaCid said on: 2007-08-18 08:03 pm
6413 Days, 4 Hrs, 51 Min, 46 Sec ago
My only warning is from the meanie up here ^^^^^^^
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-18 11:57 pm
6413 Days, 58 Minutes, 21 Seconds ago
Same, but with my NorrinRadd account... I think I was the first to push FS's buttons when he became mod... Made a thread mocking his first "Rules" thread... You know, the ones that begin and end with his post.
Fbg said on: 2007-08-19 07:09 am
6412 Days, 17 Hrs, 46 Min, 21 Sec ago
I let him off a little so I unbanned Jing. Got a problem, then message the person who unbanned him...aka ME.
GuildaMage said on: 2007-08-19 07:12 am
6412 Days, 17 Hrs, 42 Min, 47 Sec ago
Your banned when you get 3 or more warnings. Your unbanned when you have under 3 warning. Didnt realize there was a time limit. ;)
Awoir said on: 2007-08-19 08:59 am
6412 Days, 15 Hrs, 55 Min, 58 Sec ago
I've never had a warning, I am the model NN member.
TheSource (Admin) said on: 2007-08-22 10:17 am
6409 Days, 14 Hrs, 38 Min, 4 Sec ago
FireStarter (Mod) said on: 08/18/07 7:44 pm
(3 Days, 16 Hrs, 26 Min, 12 Sec ago)
I never used multis o.O

Pssh, Whatever JT-Baptist...
T3rran said on: 2007-08-22 01:45 pm
6409 Days, 11 Hrs, 9 Min, 58 Sec ago
That was sarcastic because I HAVE been banned like 20 times.
Stoutn said on: 2007-08-23 10:30 am
6408 Days, 14 Hrs, 24 Min, 51 Sec ago
Never been a warning once for singing 99 bottles of VoDkA on LS forums with victor lol

FS you no we all love ya
FireStarter said on: 2007-08-26 04:02 pm
6405 Days, 8 Hrs, 53 Min, 17 Sec ago
JT-Baptist wasn't a mutlti... He was an alter ego. :P
Dondon said on: 2007-08-26 10:55 pm
6405 Days, 1 Hr, 59 Min, 33 Sec ago
Then, by your definition, WB had one of the worst cases of DID known to man.
SilverSurfer said on: 2007-08-27 12:20 pm
6404 Days, 12 Hrs, 34 Min, 35 Sec ago
For shame.

Maybe we should have an alter ego tell-all right now.
Tooks said on: 2007-08-28 07:12 am
6403 Days, 17 Hrs, 43 Min, 20 Sec ago

I have to say...

After reading this thread from top to bottom, I've laughed about 100 times.

Alter ego
