General Forum

Mobile Friendly? 13 replies

IronSinew (Admin) said on: 2015-02-17 08:05 pm
3594 Days, 14 Hrs, 50 Min, 43 Sec ago
What game on NN would you like to most see made mobile friendly? If said game was made mobile friendly, would you actually play it?

XSquad said on: 2015-02-17 08:53 pm
3594 Days, 14 Hrs, 2 Min, 23 Sec ago
nations of course
Rhunyc said on: 2015-02-17 09:38 pm
3594 Days, 13 Hrs, 17 Min, 25 Sec ago

[Added at 02/17/2015 21:40:47 by Rhunyc]
And I would consider playing it. It'd be neat if it was updated with more content and things to do and such.
Chelly said on: 2015-02-17 10:59 pm
3594 Days, 11 Hrs, 56 Min, 13 Sec ago
Lemonade Stand :P

But srsly I'd play Nations or TL if they went mobile
TheSource (Admin) said on: 2015-02-17 11:07 pm
3594 Days, 11 Hrs, 48 Min, 29 Sec ago
In the voice of Arnold

Do it, do it now. What are you waiting for, go!

Seriously, I'll make a mobile friendly TL if you do nations.
InuYasha said on: 2015-02-18 07:43 am
3594 Days, 3 Hrs, 12 Min, 39 Sec ago
TL is the dead ringer here. I think it would translate well to touch screen technology.
Stoutn said on: 2015-02-18 09:31 am
3594 Days, 1 Hr, 24 Min, 13 Sec ago
Seems to me that Blake will be making Nations mobile friendly, while Jon makes TL mobile friendly.
Korgrath (Mod) said on: 2015-02-18 10:39 am
3594 Days, 16 Minutes, 49 Seconds ago
Tooks said on: 2015-02-23 02:17 pm
3588 Days, 20 Hrs, 38 Min, 7 Sec ago
TL would be perfect for an time killing mobile game. Nations would be good to have a mobile client too and would even help gain popularity to pc players. TL with some updates and polishing could be a thriving mobile game imo. I've played alot of them.
FireStarter said on: 2015-02-23 10:25 pm
3588 Days, 12 Hrs, 29 Min, 54 Sec ago
Nations and TL are both viable options.

[Added at 02/23/2015 22:31:52 by FireStarter]
Pixie says and I quote...

Nataku said on: 2015-02-24 05:05 pm
3587 Days, 17 Hrs, 50 Min, 47 Sec ago
I am enjoying nations again, well actually speed nations. I would use a mobile friendly version.
Stormbringer said on: 2015-02-25 04:57 pm
3586 Days, 17 Hrs, 58 Min, 28 Sec ago
Definitely Nations and TL!
Nataku said on: 2015-03-01 05:06 pm
3582 Days, 17 Hrs, 49 Min, 8 Sec ago
Ok , it turns out I am basically using mobile (tablet). I have not had any problems so far.
ShadowLord69 said on: 2015-06-19 02:09 pm
3472 Days, 20 Hrs, 46 Min, 10 Sec ago
Nations app

that is all