Nations Forum

izembo 34 replies

WARBEAST said on: 2007-11-19 03:53 am
6320 Days, 21 Hrs, 57 Min, 16 Sec ago
is there a reason for this?
11-18-07 09:01:55 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 18 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 510 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 60 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 200 Guerrilla
You lost 0 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 50 Minutes, 34 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:01:47 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 17 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 610 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 178 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 200 Guerrilla
You lost 0 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 50 Minutes, 42 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:01:42 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 16 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 740 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 138 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 200 Guerrilla
You lost 48 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 50 Minutes, 47 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:01:13 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 15 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 310 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 34 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 51 Minutes, 16 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:01:11 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 14 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 260 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 30 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 51 Minutes, 18 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:01:06 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 13 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 365 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 28 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 51 Minutes, 23 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:01:04 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 12 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 305 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 35 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 51 Minutes, 25 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:01:03 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 11 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 270 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 33 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 51 Minutes, 26 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:01:01 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 10 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 270 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 26 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 51 Minutes, 28 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:00:59 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 9 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 295 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 34 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(7 Hours, 51 Minutes, 30 Seconds ago)

11-18-07 09:00:56 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 8 and lost 9 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 255 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 38 Tanks

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

AK47 said on: 2007-11-19 04:16 am
6320 Days, 21 Hrs, 34 Min, 50 Sec ago

*predicts the future*

you gonna whine and cry?
Archer said on: 2007-11-19 04:18 am
6320 Days, 21 Hrs, 32 Min, 45 Sec ago
or Brag and gloat?
Peygan999 said on: 2007-11-19 05:03 am
6320 Days, 20 Hrs, 47 Min, 31 Sec ago
He massed me as well....what is the reason? I just don't understand your motive behind it. Your not a war kind of guy.... O.o
Izembo said on: 2007-11-19 05:21 am
6320 Days, 20 Hrs, 30 Min, 0 Sec ago
nothing more than to destroy your rounds, the attacks shall continue on both of you for the entire round.
Alex said on: 2007-11-19 05:26 am
6320 Days, 20 Hrs, 24 Min, 56 Sec ago
Izembo for the win!
The_Revealer said on: 2007-11-19 06:23 am
6320 Days, 19 Hrs, 27 Min, 50 Sec ago
Screw with Iz with one round, and he'll screw you over with the next. Dont you all know that?
ChaoticLaw said on: 2007-11-19 08:32 am
6320 Days, 17 Hrs, 18 Min, 50 Sec ago
Warby doesn't like it when people use his tactics against him. He is trying to accomplish something this round and now someone is massing him and making it more difficult. How gloriously funny...

[Added at 11/19/2007 11:31:59 by ChaoticLaw]
Note: See following post.
WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2007-11-19 09:25 am
6320 Days, 16 Hrs, 25 Min, 51 Sec ago
CL, you've forgotten to mention how I whooped him that one round.
Peygan999 said on: 2007-11-19 09:00 pm
6320 Days, 4 Hrs, 50 Min, 49 Sec ago
I still think you would've done well in Requiem, Izembo....Oh well! Good luck, I don't intend to lose to someone like you!
AK47 said on: 2007-11-19 10:30 pm
6320 Days, 3 Hrs, 20 Min, 16 Sec ago

weap...dont credit yourself too much! kicking warbeast's arse is no difficult task.
WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2007-11-19 11:14 pm
6320 Days, 2 Hrs, 36 Min, 58 Sec ago
'Grats on the Vip Peygan :)
Peygan999 said on: 2007-11-19 11:22 pm
6320 Days, 2 Hrs, 28 Min, 38 Sec ago
Thanks! I've always wondered what it would be like....and its frickin awesome!! I can put stuff on the market, my name is bold in all my posts, and I don't have to look at the one banner thats always at the top of the screen. This is the life.... xP
Arch-Devil said on: 2007-11-19 11:57 pm
6320 Days, 1 Hr, 53 Min, 18 Sec ago
-_- please stop spamming beastiepoo, it's just annoying.
I don't know why i read these anymore.
Peygan999 said on: 2007-11-20 03:52 am
6319 Days, 21 Hrs, 58 Min, 8 Sec ago
Reading WARBEAST's posts is like a drug. You don't want to do it, and you know that its rotting your IQ, but you keep coming back for more! xP
WARBEAST said on: 2007-11-20 08:15 am
6319 Days, 17 Hrs, 36 Min, 1 Sec ago
ever WONDER why x clan and ic clan members take it so serious that they have to have MANY of their clan members attack me?

is it because they are AFRAID of what I will do?
or is it they are just SCARED?

Peygan999 said on: 2007-11-20 09:21 am
6319 Days, 16 Hrs, 29 Min, 39 Sec ago
That's always bugged me.....why IS it that, even though everyone says WARBEAST sucks at war and makes fun of how ridiculous his efforts are, you all take it so seriously when he attacks? I hardly believe that you would attack any one person with the full force of two clans, let alone one you APPEARENTLY think isn't worth your time. O.o

But maybe I'm reading too much into this.
Viper10488 said on: 2007-11-20 10:41 am
6319 Days, 15 Hrs, 9 Min, 54 Sec ago
say what?
ChaoticLaw said on: 2007-11-20 02:31 pm
6319 Days, 11 Hrs, 19 Min, 25 Sec ago
Warby is a pest. You don't get rid of a pest by simply shooing it away. You use your overwhelming force and step on it. If you don't, then eventually you will have a ton of pests, which becomes more of a headache.
WARBEAST said on: 2007-11-20 02:36 pm
6319 Days, 11 Hrs, 14 Min, 13 Sec ago
and yet U havent been ABLE to TAKE ME OUT in years...:) WHAT is the EXCUSE nOw?


they KNOW I am DANGEROUS if I have IT in 4 u...:)
Tommy_V said on: 2007-11-20 04:36 pm
6319 Days, 9 Hrs, 14 Min, 18 Sec ago
The excuse is they've already stepped on you...
AK47 said on: 2007-11-20 06:16 pm
6319 Days, 7 Hrs, 34 Min, 39 Sec ago


"Your nation is too powerful to attack that nation, pick on someone your own size!"


[Added at 11/20/2007 19:17:44 by AK47]

sorry for all that coughing...its just that theres so much dust on my "attack" key(lol) that one cant help but to...*cough*

[Added at 11/20/2007 19:18:35 by AK47]

*breakdown for n00bs*

...dust from not being able to attack the n00b above! so...uh..yeah!

[Added at 11/20/2007 19:18:56 by AK47]

*me wins*

WARBEAST said on: 2007-11-26 06:00 am
6313 Days, 19 Hrs, 50 Min, 51 Sec ago
he is doing real bad....MUHAHAHAHA
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 102 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 360 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 34 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(23 Minutes, 49 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:52 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 101 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 350 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 27 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(23 Minutes, 50 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:51 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 100 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 300 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 33 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(23 Minutes, 51 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:49 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 99 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 310 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 37 Tanks
Izembo lost 7 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(23 Minutes, 53 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:48 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 98 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 270 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 31 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(23 Minutes, 54 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:47 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 97 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 295 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 37 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(23 Minutes, 55 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:46 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 96 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 370 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 33 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(23 Minutes, 56 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:43 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 95 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 290 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 28 Tanks
Izembo lost 8 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(23 Minutes, 59 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:41 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 94 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 255 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 25 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(24 Minutes, 1 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:40 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 93 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 295 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 33 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(24 Minutes, 2 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:39 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 92 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 280 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 35 Tanks
Izembo lost 8 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(24 Minutes, 3 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:37 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 91 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 325 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 27 Tanks
Izembo lost 5 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(24 Minutes, 5 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:36 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 90 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 265 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 32 Tanks
Izembo lost 8 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(24 Minutes, 6 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:35 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 89 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 250 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 38 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(24 Minutes, 7 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:33 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 88 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 365 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 31 Tanks
Izembo lost 8 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

(24 Minutes, 9 Seconds ago)

11-26-07 06:34:31 -
Battle Report (You were attacked!)
Attacked By: Izembo of Xelbrix
Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy

Attack Outcome: You won the battle!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 87 and lost 16 battle(s)

Izembo Casualties:
Izembo lost 335 Guerrilla
Izembo lost 26 Tanks
Izembo lost 6 Ships

Your Casualties:
You lost 100 Guerrilla
You lost 10 Tanks
You lost 2 Ships

Your army mopped up Izembo, with no further battle information to report.

Izembo said on: 2007-11-26 04:45 pm
6313 Days, 9 Hrs, 5 Min, 19 Sec ago
who said anything about trying to win? i'm merely trying to kill your troops, i'm barely sending any troops at all.
Viper10488 said on: 2007-11-26 04:54 pm
6313 Days, 8 Hrs, 56 Min, 58 Sec ago
wow with an 18/9 ratio now its 100/18 ish...

so many turns being thrown at attacking or so many turns at being attacked there warbeast...

i think izembo's really keeping u down from attempting to harm ne one~
Cronus said on: 2007-11-26 04:55 pm
6313 Days, 8 Hrs, 55 Min, 6 Sec ago
Weather Conditions:
Partly Cloudy
Attack Outcome: Victory!
Attack Summary
As stands you've won 2 and lost 0 battle(s)

Your Casualties:
You lost 2952 Guerrilla
You lost 754 Tanks
You lost 67 Ships
You lost 201 Planes
You lost 42 Submarines

WARBEAST Casualties:
WARBEAST lost 4228 Guerrilla
WARBEAST lost 1163 Tanks
WARBEAST lost 104 Ships
WARBEAST lost 260 Planes
WARBEAST lost 61 Submarines

Battle Information:
You took 2 unit(s) of land from WARBEAST
You looted $32 in cash
Your tanks destroyed 5 barracks killing 289 guerrilla
Your planes destroyed 508 tanks.
Collateral damage resulted in 4340 civilians deaths

I think I'll enjoy your low readiness.
WARBEAST said on: 2007-11-27 03:31 am
6312 Days, 22 Hrs, 19 Min, 42 Sec ago
cronus u shouldnt of done that....CHAOTICLAW will PAY TRIBUTE for that...6 times
GuildaMage said on: 2007-11-27 07:30 am
6312 Days, 18 Hrs, 20 Min, 21 Sec ago
Cronus is not a member of IC, he is a member of doom....
WARBEAST said on: 2007-11-27 08:26 am
6312 Days, 17 Hrs, 24 Min, 25 Sec ago
which are war allies, if one attacks me all are OPEN for attacks when ever I CHOOSE....
Archer said on: 2007-11-27 08:40 am
6312 Days, 17 Hrs, 10 Min, 18 Sec ago
Okay, if you say it like that...

IC has a wartime/neutral with almost EVERY SINGLE CLAN in Nations.

So who are you going to hit?

Just admit you didn't even know who is in which clan. Some Spartan you are :P
WARBEAST said on: 2007-11-27 09:26 am
6312 Days, 16 Hrs, 24 Min, 52 Sec ago
u should keep your members in line, if u dont u assume the responsibility for a LACK of with it...:)
Don32 said on: 2007-11-27 02:40 pm
6312 Days, 11 Hrs, 10 Min, 6 Sec ago
Um i dont think u have ne room to talk about leadership. Jing and Guild do just fine leading our clan. Dont worry bout that. Act as u will but remember what happens when u get trigger happy.....
Cronus said on: 2007-11-27 03:07 pm
6312 Days, 10 Hrs, 43 Min, 24 Sec ago
Just for that threat of attacking my friends, I am going to mass you until the end of the round...again... I've already got all your Food/Oil/Planes/Subs off the market and most of my money back and I will knock off the other 45K guerrilla you have. Enjoy
The_Revealer said on: 2007-11-27 03:22 pm
6312 Days, 10 Hrs, 29 Min, 2 Sec ago
And to REALLY make things interesting, every time you attack CL, I'm going to hit you. Again and again and again, and I'll focus solely on you Warbeast.
ChaoticLaw said on: 2007-11-27 06:53 pm
6312 Days, 6 Hrs, 57 Min, 52 Sec ago

/me feels so loved