Nations Forum

Excuses Why CAE is Falling Apart 35 replies

DaisukeNiwa said on: 2008-07-18 07:41 am
6079 Days, 7 Hrs, 38 Min, 41 Sec ago
What do you think the excuse Sal is going to come up with about why CAE isn't working?

"Internet Malfunction"?
Archer said on: 2008-07-18 07:44 am
6079 Days, 7 Hrs, 36 Min, 39 Sec ago
I guess Sal was expecting CAE to be Nirvana's replacement.

Don't we all remember the SM v Nirvana war.

40 v 10.

Crushed by sheer numbers.

[Added at 07/18/2008 07:44:18 by Archer]
Whoops. Wrog account.
TheWhiteDemon said on: 2008-07-18 07:44 am
6079 Days, 7 Hrs, 36 Min, 0 Sec ago
Nah he will have something better then that.
GuildaMage said on: 2008-07-18 07:57 am
6079 Days, 7 Hrs, 23 Min, 31 Sec ago
He pulled a pec and couldnt get on the pc because of it. ;/
DaisukeNiwa said on: 2008-07-18 07:58 am
6079 Days, 7 Hrs, 22 Min, 16 Sec ago
You know he'll have some excuse for the reason why his war clan isn't working. Either something happened, and he couldn't lead, so that is why it fell apart, or he'll blame it on his clannies.
Nataku said on: 2008-07-18 11:00 am
6079 Days, 4 Hrs, 20 Min, 32 Sec ago
i think sal might of pulled a hammie!

but he could have pulled a manboob and yeah.... you get the picture
Tooks said on: 2008-07-18 01:07 pm
6079 Days, 2 Hrs, 12 Min, 57 Sec ago
You are all pathetic.

Sal has stuff going on in real life right now.

I don't blame him one bit for putting real life before some game.

Pic was inactive from the start and informed us at the beginning that he wouldn't be very active. He would help how he could.

Tawn, please do try to get a life

Guilda, please get off your knees and stop following everyone else

I liked you better before you turned into a prick.

GuildaMage said on: 2008-07-18 01:12 pm
6079 Days, 2 Hrs, 8 Min, 13 Sec ago
Ive always been a prick, i guess you never noticed.
ChaoticLaw said on: 2008-07-18 01:56 pm
6079 Days, 1 Hr, 24 Min, 8 Sec ago
Here I thought Nations was going into another big-clan era with IC, AC, and CAE all being double digits. Maybe Vikings or some other clan will bulk up.
Cap4 said on: 2008-07-18 02:06 pm
6079 Days, 1 Hr, 13 Min, 45 Sec ago
Congrats CAE you have failed us.
SilverSurfer said on: 2008-07-18 05:03 pm
6078 Days, 22 Hrs, 16 Min, 55 Sec ago
Tooks - If your opposition went inactive when they guaranteed success, you would probably say the same thing.

Guild is right, he's always been a prick... :P Right from the start. Guild hasn't changed, and you wouldn't be the one to say that he's the one following "Everyone else"...
Jing said on: 2008-07-18 05:34 pm
6078 Days, 21 Hrs, 45 Min, 44 Sec ago
Stop calling us pathetic, Tooks.

When a clan, especially a huge war clan like CAE loses this quick in a war, we make a thread to brag about it.

You're getting too personal in this game, tooks.

Flaming us because we make a thread, boasting of our win and the unexpected departure of Sal makes you looks pretty pathetic yourself.

We have a reason to be proud of ourselves. CAE has Sal, Loki, Pic, Storm, AK...Hell! Most of the top players.

All they had to do in this war was do what we did and we would probably still be fighting right now.

And the clan has Sal and Pic, known for making successful war clans such as Nirvana or UA while Loki and StormBringer has made successful Teching clans such as GK and Chattan. Let's not forget Jeb and Sandy. They're from 7th. I can personally tell you from experience how hard their massings were.

Sure, in the beginning, we had AC, IC, DOOM, SR, and Dope planned out. But out of no where, IC went and got a peace alliance with CAE so they're out of the picture. Dope's BB did a few attacks that I know of so they weren't much help(Correct me if I'm wrong). Half of SR didn't even went to war. Only until recently did another SR member(Other than myself) mass someone.

So basically, it was AC, DOOM, and a few handfuls against a 20 member clan filled with hardcore player who know this game as well as the back of their hand.

Obviously, the odds were stacked against us.

But, unexpectedly, a little more than a week later, the war is as good as won for our side. And with 20 days still running too.

So who can blame Tawn making threads like these since he has a very good reason. He's happy (Not the only one) that he actually manage to win the war against the other top players of Nations. A VERY big thing.

Although, he could tone it down a little, but you don't have a good enough reason to get angry over his threads.

Do you flame the peeps who said "I(Or their clan) rock! I beat all of yall!" when they win first or the alt? No, you don't. They deserve to say it.

So what's your reason for flaming us? Because we mass you down before you can even fight back? (Like what you guys did to Guildamage and Tawn in the beginning because they were threats...Or attempted to do.) Or maybe because you're angry that you picked the wrong side? Or at least not in the winning side here.

Admit it, if you guys were on the winning side, you would have no problem if Sal makes threads like these.

Don't take what i say personally, but maybe you need to get a life more than Tawn.

And about the prick thing.

You've been in the chat more times than an average user and you spoke to all of us before.

You know how we act. Stop acting surprised and angry when we pull stunts like this.

/end rant.


DOOM and AC members deserves the most credit. They took the most of CAE's massing without complaints and mass CAE members left and right. They did a lot in this war.

Couldn't win this one without DOOM and AC!
GuildaMage said on: 2008-07-18 06:10 pm
6078 Days, 21 Hrs, 10 Min, 22 Sec ago


When it got right down to it, sal was the only thing keeping CAE going, once i heard he wasnt around, and that he started missing time, myself and thruster turned the heat up with the massing, i dropped a few messages here and there to hurt the CAE moral.

As far as massing go.

AC and DOOM had this won already, half of CAE was not participating, or at least not enough to get things done, and the organization (Since sal was gone) was horrible. They did pretty decent jobs against myself and dn, (but we are vips who know what they are doing and can bounce back quickly), after that things started to drop for CAE big time.

Great attempt at a war clan, it had me pretty worried. Perhaps next round sal will try again, and succeed at handing us our asses.
KiLLaStYLeS said on: 2008-07-18 07:03 pm
6078 Days, 20 Hrs, 17 Min, 26 Sec ago

CAE booted me! =O

*joins vikings*
Moonshine said on: 2008-07-18 07:12 pm
6078 Days, 20 Hrs, 8 Min, 6 Sec ago
The reason why these clans fail is one of these two reasons. or even both.

First of all with the community being small you have a lot of players who become pretty good friends with eachother, game wise. Well you take in all these players and give them targets in which they might not want to attack because they feel they have some sort of relationship with. Or people will join up with a war clan and they are being told to attack their old clanmates, no one wants to do that either.


You have D bags who just join the clans so they dont get attacked, and all they do is tech.

That is just my opinion through my experience with experimentation with UA, and now CAE failed. Its like selecting a bunch of superstars in which they make a bad team. When i first started to play, the vikings were a great war clan and showed no mercy, no matter who it was. We will see if they can do that again. play on!
THRUSTER said on: 2008-07-18 08:37 pm
6078 Days, 18 Hrs, 43 Min, 8 Sec ago
I think your pretty much on target Moonshine.

What you guys should try to do is make two war clans and you can slam it out between people who are really game to get it on.

You don't get into the hard feelings and such then.

Sal said on: 2008-07-18 09:55 pm
6078 Days, 17 Hrs, 24 Min, 45 Sec ago
Well I have stopped thinking about it and finally made it a real thing.

I was out in Quebec to fill the papers and start my own company now named Santer SFM (Strenght Fitness & Muscle).

I quit my old job and have been appointed as main trainer at my gym. I'll be doing gym trainings and "At Home" trainings.

I decided to step up and start my own company because I felt it was time to quit sticking around computers too much.

I was going to make a thread about it, but when I came back this morning and saw all these posts, I realized it would've been the stupidest thing, AKA: asking to be bashed at.

It's too bad CAE failed, but I guess without all of the members participating, there isnt much you can do.

Anyways, for those of you who want to bash, go ahead. For what I care, you're just kids living at your parents' with no real future.

And for those of you who care, IVE GOT MY OWN COMPANY, OMFGZ!!!11onONEONE
Wolfblack said on: 2008-07-18 09:56 pm
6078 Days, 17 Hrs, 24 Min, 21 Sec ago
thats a great idea, 2 clans that war eachother, only thing is most war clans want to have that feeling of "controlling" and usally dont stick with attacks with that one other clan
Pic said on: 2008-07-18 10:38 pm
6078 Days, 16 Hrs, 42 Min, 12 Sec ago
Sorry folks – I’ve been away on holidays – I didn’t think that it would effect anything as I have an air card on my laptop so if my cell works, my internet will work on my laptop.

Yes this cabin is out in the middle of nowhere, but from a map in my office (I do some work for Telus), it looked like there was a cell tower near by. Well the tower is just for local phone service, not cell. So – it’s a 3h drive to the nearest internet connection. (god I love this cabin; there’s no radio either – I don’t think you could drive to a more remote location. (it’s on a good sized lake (7km by 1.5km – with less then 10 cabins on it))

Anyway, I’m now in Bella coola (5h drive from the cabin – but we wanted to make a 2 day trip out here for a music festival) and I finally have an internet connection.

I was away for all of 2-3 days & the clan is dead.

Sorry if my sudden absence helped to cause the downfall – frankly I thought the internet world work throughout the trip – and, well, once I found out it wasn’t going to work – I wasn’t about to do a 6h round trip drive to let anyone in nations know about it. Sorry for my lack of dedication.
Superman said on: 2008-07-18 11:04 pm
6078 Days, 16 Hrs, 16 Min, 40 Sec ago
I think some people took this game alittle to far in their heads...

Sounds like you had fun, Pic. =P
Korgrath (Mod) said on: 2008-07-18 11:05 pm
6078 Days, 16 Hrs, 15 Min, 7 Sec ago
congrats Sal that's pretty sweet!
Wolfblack said on: 2008-07-18 11:11 pm
6078 Days, 16 Hrs, 9 Min, 14 Sec ago
Yeah, now lets see how quick you fail at this Sal

[Added at 07/18/2008 23:13:10 by Wolfblack]
First bash!!!
Coolpower19 said on: 2008-07-18 11:23 pm
6078 Days, 15 Hrs, 56 Min, 56 Sec ago
Well Sal good for you on the fitness front. However, I am dissapointed that CAE did not last at all and the only thing it achieved was to give a head start to the clans allied to CAE...

Good job to AC and DOOM for withstanding the attacks and attacking back just as hard.
DaisukeNiwa said on: 2008-07-18 11:50 pm
6078 Days, 15 Hrs, 29 Min, 42 Sec ago
WOO!!1 Go DOOM AND AC! :)!
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-07-19 12:58 am
6078 Days, 14 Hrs, 21 Min, 47 Sec ago
Congratulations Sal, glad to see you making something of your life mate. maybe we should all go to sals gym, get off our lazy asses and get in shape cause i know their should be alot of fat arses here :p

meh, CAE failed who cares? quick win to the opposition, so congrats guys. wish i could have helped more "both sides" :p
Viper10488 said on: 2008-07-19 06:56 am
6078 Days, 8 Hrs, 24 Min, 15 Sec ago

PIC! hope your enjoying your vacation...
I'm off to paintball now, infact... im late >_<
DaisukeNiwa said on: 2008-07-19 08:47 am
6078 Days, 6 Hrs, 33 Min, 7 Sec ago
/me yawns.
NN is boring again.
VoDkA said on: 2008-07-19 12:01 pm
6078 Days, 3 Hrs, 19 Min, 15 Sec ago
Sal, si t'as besoin d'un site web, fais-moi signe!
Sal said on: 2008-07-19 01:39 pm
6078 Days, 1 Hr, 41 Min, 6 Sec ago
Ca va devoir attendre que jme pogne un char pis que j'aie une assez bonne flexibilité pour me rendre ailleurs que Pont-Viau! lol

Mais si jamais j'ai besoin, j't'en parle!
XSquad said on: 2008-07-19 01:53 pm
6078 Days, 1 Hr, 26 Min, 44 Sec ago
Felicitation Mik je savais que toi pi le fitness fesais qu'un heureux de voir que t'ais trouver ton chemin dans ste bordel de monde la :P

Vraimnet je te souhaite d'avoir du succes Gros :D
ShadowLord69 said on: 2008-07-19 02:43 pm
6078 Days, 36 Minutes, 56 Seconds ago
/me hates french.
Viper10488 said on: 2008-07-19 07:03 pm
6077 Days, 20 Hrs, 17 Min, 39 Sec ago
use a translator
Jing said on: 2008-07-19 07:13 pm
6077 Days, 20 Hrs, 7 Min, 18 Sec ago
I am a world class translator and I know exactly what they are saying...

Vodka asked Sal how much for a trip around the world *wink* *wink* and how long he has done this.

Sal replied 20 dollars and 3 days, but he said it in the form of French poetry.

Xsquad was outraged because he paid 50 dollars for his session and proceed to flame the hell out of Sal.
WeaponX (Mod) said on: 2008-07-19 11:24 pm
6077 Days, 15 Hrs, 56 Min, 33 Sec ago
From up near the top:

First of all with the community being small you have a lot of players who become pretty good friends with eachother, game wise. Well you take in all these players and give them targets in which they might not want to attack because they feel they have some sort of relationship with.

I've been attacking friends all round, no offense made, but I think they will live ;-).

[Added at 07/19/2008 23:25:53 by WeaponX]
And congrats Sal :)
Nataku said on: 2008-07-20 01:49 am
6077 Days, 13 Hrs, 31 Min, 40 Sec ago
*masses tony*
TinaMiaz said on: 2008-07-20 05:16 pm
6076 Days, 22 Hrs, 3 Min, 46 Sec ago
/reflects massing

/slaps nat

Go away pest.