Nations Forum

The QuesTion 43 replies

Toyo said on: 2008-03-27 07:01 pm
6113 Days, 14 Hrs, 15 Min, 43 Sec ago
Who's Gonna Win this round ???? Sandyx gonna win the round( lol tu me doit une biere pour ca :P )

¸maybe bc, THRUSTER , viper , neo or pic
Nataku said on: 2008-03-27 07:09 pm
6113 Days, 14 Hrs, 8 Min, 18 Sec ago
i'm really really hoping jing wins this one,

plus i'll mass anyone that gets in his way.
Space-Monkey said on: 2008-03-27 08:04 pm
6113 Days, 13 Hrs, 13 Min, 21 Sec ago
Rick.T said on: 2008-03-27 08:12 pm
6113 Days, 13 Hrs, 4 Min, 33 Sec ago
The next person to post will win this round.
Pic said on: 2008-03-27 08:22 pm
6113 Days, 12 Hrs, 54 Min, 30 Sec ago
Viper10488 said on: 2008-03-27 09:05 pm
6113 Days, 12 Hrs, 12 Min, 14 Sec ago
Rick.T said on: 2008-03-27 09:16 pm
6113 Days, 12 Hrs, 29 Sec ago
PIC will win.
AK47 said on: 2008-03-27 09:40 pm
6113 Days, 11 Hrs, 36 Min, 39 Sec ago

LOL...darn it...pic you beat me to it! =P
Nataku said on: 2008-03-27 09:47 pm
6113 Days, 11 Hrs, 29 Min, 34 Sec ago
i'll also mass anyone who try's to mess up AK47's round, wolfblacks round, Silversurfer(sideo)'s round, and THRUSTER's round.

That is all.

[Added at 03/27/2008 21:48:49 by Nataku]
Everyone iv;e mentioned in this thread are peeps that i want to have a god shot at winnig,

im gunning for you guys.

oh and yeah if ure not mentioned,bah im too lazy too.
i'm rootin for yah too.
DannyFo (Mod) said on: 2008-03-27 10:00 pm
6113 Days, 11 Hrs, 16 Min, 42 Sec ago
AK47, Loki, Viper, and Jing are my 4. Mostly I hope Viper gets it.
NOOKIE said on: 2008-03-27 11:24 pm
6113 Days, 9 Hrs, 52 Min, 50 Sec ago
loki and bc for me

[Added at 03/27/2008 23:27:08 by NOOKIE]
pic and ak also,
hope one of them will win the round
Viper10488 said on: 2008-03-28 12:03 am
6113 Days, 9 Hrs, 13 Min, 29 Sec ago
*GASP*, the end of the world i coming!!! THE END OF THE WORLD!!!... Someone said my name in hopes that i
win... wows... What has this world come to?

nataku, indirectly ur supporting me too, ur my techie AND you cant attack techies xD
Arch-Devil said on: 2008-03-28 12:53 am
6113 Days, 8 Hrs, 23 Min, 39 Sec ago
Why is the T in QuesTion capitalized?
Silent_Killer said on: 2008-03-28 04:49 am
6113 Days, 4 Hrs, 28 Min, 17 Sec ago

I hope that Jing will win this round...
Nataku said on: 2008-03-28 05:13 am
6113 Days, 4 Hrs, 4 Min, 9 Sec ago
hmm, yeah eh, i never thought bout it that way.
dun worry, im going to have the same researches for a couple/few days.

Korgrath (Mod) said on: 2008-03-28 08:13 am
6113 Days, 1 Hr, 3 Min, 59 Sec ago
DrUnKeNmOnKeY said on: 2008-03-28 08:58 am
6113 Days, 18 Minutes, 28 Seconds ago
AK will win. If he gets hit then either Loki, Jing, or me.

[Added at 03/28/2008 08:59:37 by DrUnKeNmOnKeY]
Add Danny and Tony to the list of potential winners too lol...
Nataku said on: 2008-03-28 09:28 am
6112 Days, 23 Hrs, 48 Min, 53 Sec ago
Now who for top Non VIP, i'm hoping NOOKIE get's it, either him or bmXbrigade, that'd be uber cool.
BmXbrigade said on: 2008-03-28 12:07 pm
6112 Days, 21 Hrs, 9 Min, 55 Sec ago
now your talking nataku! i think ill do ok.... famous last words
AK47 said on: 2008-03-28 09:39 pm
6112 Days, 11 Hrs, 37 Min, 42 Sec ago


...joo kno i lub joo old man!haha!
NOOKIE said on: 2008-03-28 10:43 pm
6112 Days, 10 Hrs, 34 Min, 3 Sec ago
for non vip
i vote for Oracle and Viper10488
they have the greater chance than me nat
DannyFo (Mod) said on: 2008-03-28 11:15 pm
6112 Days, 10 Hrs, 1 Min, 38 Sec ago
Thanks Korgy for the mention, but I'm not destined to win at this game. I can have a fantastic round all round long but I can never get a rise off like everyone else.
_ElessaR_ said on: 2008-03-29 03:03 am
6112 Days, 6 Hrs, 13 Min, 57 Sec ago
Why even bother asking who will win the round. It is always the same group ppl winning the round. Example; bc, sal, weap, ak, pic, danny, loki, neo.

I really hope to see someone else win, ppl like Jing, or even better, a user winning the round; Dari, Silversurfer, Archdevil, (insert any other user u think deserve a win).
NOOKIE said on: 2008-03-29 09:06 am
6112 Days, 11 Minutes, 12 Seconds ago
DannyFo (Mod) said on: 2008-03-29 09:25 am
6111 Days, 23 Hrs, 51 Min, 51 Sec ago
Just for the record Ellesar I've never won a round =P
Rick.T said on: 2008-03-29 11:10 am
6111 Days, 22 Hrs, 7 Min, 6 Sec ago
nor neo
SilverSurfer said on: 2008-03-29 06:24 pm
6111 Days, 14 Hrs, 53 Min, 16 Sec ago
WTH Elessar, I don't deserve a win, I haven't even seriously tried for one for many rounds now... And the list of players who usually have a shot at winning would be more like just BC, Sal, AK, and maybe loki, though more so the three before loki.
_ElessaR_ said on: 2008-03-29 11:43 pm
6111 Days, 9 Hrs, 34 Min, 12 Sec ago
LOl, ok, take out neo and danny. My bad :D

[Added at 03/29/2008 23:57:01 by _ElessaR_]
SS, if u insist, u can exclude yourself from the list :)
SilverSurfer said on: 2008-03-30 12:48 am
6111 Days, 8 Hrs, 28 Min, 50 Sec ago
Don't forget Weap and pic, and I did exclude myself, obviously.
AK47 said on: 2008-03-30 02:02 pm
6110 Days, 19 Hrs, 15 Min, 15 Sec ago

im not gonna win! SS has yet to proclaim me as the winner! i havent won since the last time he did it. LOL!
Toyo said on: 2008-03-31 02:02 pm
6109 Days, 19 Hrs, 15 Min, 8 Sec ago
hey hey dont forget me .......hahaha
Viper10488 said on: 2008-03-31 03:11 pm
6109 Days, 18 Hrs, 6 Min, 11 Sec ago
LOL when someone states that i will win... the world has come to an end.
Wolfblack said on: 2008-04-04 08:55 am
6106 Days, 21 Minutes, 39 Seconds ago
Toyo said on: 2008-04-11 04:49 am
6099 Days, 4 Hrs, 28 Min, 12 Sec ago
Ha Ha Ha now its time to see who's gonna win
Nataku said on: 2008-04-11 05:26 am
6099 Days, 3 Hrs, 51 Min, 13 Sec ago

Nataku points at you... YES YOU o.o
Tooks said on: 2008-04-11 05:56 am
6099 Days, 3 Hrs, 20 Min, 44 Sec ago
I think Tony has a shot...
Nataku said on: 2008-04-15 03:19 pm
6094 Days, 17 Hrs, 57 Min, 46 Sec ago
i tihnk i will win
AK47 said on: 2008-04-15 10:41 pm
6094 Days, 10 Hrs, 36 Min, 27 Sec ago

i think i won! =P
Nataku said on: 2008-04-16 03:03 am
6094 Days, 6 Hrs, 14 Min, 3 Sec ago
We are going to be re-using this thread for the current round.

That is all.
Nataku said on: 2008-04-22 09:54 am
6087 Days, 23 Hrs, 22 Min, 56 Sec ago
bow chika bow wow.
Viper10488 said on: 2008-04-22 04:13 pm
6087 Days, 17 Hrs, 3 Min, 28 Sec ago
Toyo said on: 2008-04-22 04:48 pm
6087 Days, 16 Hrs, 29 Min, 4 Sec ago
goooooooo habsss gooooooooooo
Archer said on: 2008-05-05 04:02 am
6075 Days, 5 Hrs, 15 Min, 19 Sec ago
It's the last few days of the round.
Bumping it up...(Or should we start a new one?)
The one with the most potential for the win is of course BC. :)
Viper10488 said on: 2008-05-05 04:45 am
6075 Days, 4 Hrs, 32 Min, 2 Sec ago
true that, i know his land count and its near 0 -.-