Nations Forum
Grats Joe 22 replies
Well done
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gratz man
WOOOOOOO! Congrats my son.
good job mate
Good job mate.
Contragulations :)
Wolfy gets a win! Good job man!
WTH how did someone other than BC and AK win?
Well done Joe
Well done Joe
Gratz joe! At last we see a new face winning! YeahhhH!!!!!!!!!!
Woooooo!!! :)
lol, thanks everyone who supported me(Niwa, Loki, GK)couldnt have done it without you guys! :D.
a little over a year and finally won.
friggin sweet >.<
lol, thanks everyone who supported me(Niwa, Loki, GK)couldnt have done it without you guys! :D.
a little over a year and finally won.
friggin sweet >.<
[Added at 06/10/2008 23:08:33 by Wolfblack]
ZOMG winner tag!!!!
Whew, grats wolfy. It's refreshing to finally see a new user wearing that tag.
Congratulations are in order.


[Added at 06/10/2008 23:46:37 by IronSinew]
Oh, and also congratulations to DoAlCa on top user spot! :)
Wolf it's been a while in the making, but you finally did it. W00t w00t!
new blood at the top..Finally!
Way to go Joe! ;)
Take a bow Joe! Well done. :)
Grats Wolf!
Ya did it :P
Ya did it :P
congratulations wolf, awesome round.
Gratz Joe :D
Oh ym god Blake! That picture was so funny! lolololol lmao roflmao lolerskates and all that!
woot woot nice work wolfy